This is everywhere now. Men, women, teenagers, all generations. Im with Pesty. I will not help anyone in the gym even if theres a guy doing shoulder flyes with 50 pound dumbells coming up off his heels with every rep. Theres no point.
Everyone has it figured out. Everyone thinks their worldview is the correct one and their anecdotal experiences are all they need.
Even something like stats, which really are incredibly useful, are misused to make incredibly stupid points that fall apart immediately if you look at them closely.
Anyone seen the man vs bear topic? If you havent, dont. You dont want to even try to unwrap it. It will just waste your time and kill what hope you have left for humanity.
Unfortunately, most of the people I know IRL, internet, journalists, talking heads, are indistinguishable from the common activist.
You know what used to be a fresh breath of air? Asking someone a question and hearing them say "I dont know". You dont see that much anymore. Now its more likely the person your talking to has the solutions for all the worlds maladies figured out and believe it or not, the solution is black and white simple.