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Big A, mods and vets...test question


Verified Customer
Jun 27, 2002
Let's say you have been running test(long acting) such as t-cyp or enth. at 1000-1250 mg/week with good gains, but you wanted to try a shorter acting test like t-susp. Do you still need to keep your test levels up at the 1000-1200mg threshhold where you know you see your biggest gains. I know that 1250 mg/week of t-susp would kill you(pain wise) but would you use another test with it; say t-susp eod and t-cyp 2xweek to stay at that mg? or just do the t-susp ed or eod and not worry about the higher mg due to it being short acting and stronger?? Thanks.
If you were using cyp at 1000mg per week you would only be actually getting around 700mg of test the rest would be the ester weight so that means if you shot 100mg of suspension a day it would equal the same amount of test considering there is no ester attached to suspension.
I belive that long acting test vill give more stabel blod level(that is if it is injekted jus as often as you woud vith a short ackting test)
Therfore I see no Idea in shifting to a shorter Ester(as test is test)
it is also more ekspensive to use shortactin esters at the same amound.
But Thats just my opinion, I codt be rong.
Do prop and/or suspension (it wont kill you pain wise of you get a good brand) for wk1-4. Add in cyp/enanth too-which will kick in good wk3-4 or so. Drop the susp/prop. Durning last 3-4wks taper the cyp/enanth and add susp/prop to make your off cycle real time off, plus less sudden water/bloat loss.
Let me make sure I got this right Mike S!

Start with the t-susp and t-cyp or enth. the t-susp will get things kick started and the t-cyp/enth will kicck in at week 3 0r 4. Then taper off the t-cyp and last taper the t-susp. Correct?

If you w-out on a MWF scedule would it be smart to do the t-susp on these days and say 100mg every MWF then add in the extra 1000mg of cyp??
Well, I make TNE from powders in oil and it's pain free (been injecting ED in biceps - and it flows very nicely through a 25g pin and is CHEAP). My 1050mg every week is probably as much or more "real test" (due to the cyp & enanth ester) than you're getting. Cyp and enanth make me bloat too bad - I don't like the pillsbury doughboy look and it wreaks havoc on my BP!


Does the above protocol look ok to you? The t-susp on w-out days and 1000mg of cyp /week??
On a side note, what would the difference be between running 150mg of Test Prop ED for 40 days vs 200mg ED for 30 days? Would your gains be more unstable? Sides worse? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
I take it you're talking about something like this:?

Sun: 150mg cyp or enanth
Mon: 150mg TNE
Tue: 150mg cyp or enanth
Wed: 150mg TNE
Thu: 150mg cyp or enanth
Fri: 150mg TNE
Sat: 150mg cyp or enanth

I take my TNE shots about 1/2 - 1 hour prior to working out.

You want to make sure that you switch over to "just" prop or TNE for the last 2 weeks og your cycle. This will allow you quickly start post-cycle clomid therapy.

Now your talkin!!

Thanks Xcel that's exactly what I was wondering.
Thanks for all the other replies too.

Just remember (even though you probably don't need my reminding) that with suspension an anti estro throughout the cycle is a good idea. Ari would be best but nolva will work in a pinch. :eek:

Tae**:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Just 100mg susp MWF (1st 4wks) is not enough unless your a real beginner. Do double that - 200mg 3-4x wk.
I agree Mike!

Didn't even pay attention, but you're correct Mike. If I was doing 100mg it would be ED.

DIEZEL666 said:
On a side note, what would the difference be between running 150mg of Test Prop ED for 40 days vs 200mg ED for 30 days? Would your gains be more unstable? Sides worse? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
If you've never done 150mg ED, I'd give that a go first.
MikeS said:
Just 100mg susp MWF (1st 4wks) is not enough unless your a real beginner. Do double that - 200mg 3-4x wk.
On the outline I laid out, wasn't sure this was going to be enough "up-front" and was hoping others would chime in. Was thinking that TNE could be increased from 150mg to 200mg or so. If you're going to use an oil-base TNE, it may be more beneficial to do 2 - 100mg shots ED. I've read where many believe that oil TNE is absorbed by the body "much quicker" than water-base (I'd like to hear feedback on this!)

Let me get this straight

Even if I am doing the t-cyp,thus increasing my overall test dose to 1200mg in the same cycle, 100mg of t-susp every MWF still is not enough??
Id go with the 150mg ED first. Or if its prop as you said maybe EOD 300mg. No need to use prop ED.

Coatal- use the 150mg MWF.

Xcel-Id think the test (suspension/TNE) itself would be about equal either way-water or oil. The drug and the solvent absorb at a different frequency. For example the oil may take a little longer to absorb and the oil will hold the test until it absorbs thus causing less pain. The water will absorb fast, leaving the test remaining in the site without the protective solvent-possibly causing pain. In other words the test does not absorb with the water (and therefore faster) - it still absorbs at its own rate. Does this make sense?!?
MikeS said:
Xcel-Id think the test (suspension/TNE) itself would be about equal either way-water or oil. The drug and the solvent absorb at a different frequency. For example the oil may take a little longer to absorb and the oil will hold the test until it absorbs thus causing less pain. The water will absorb fast, leaving the test remaining in the site without the protective solvent-possibly causing pain. In other words the test does not absorb with the water (and therefore faster) - it still absorbs at its own rate. Does this make sense?!?
That makes sense. But based on that theory, water-based would leave the test "in the muscle" (for site enhancement) vs. oil where the test gets distubuted throughout the body via oil???


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