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Big A or any other SEO vet,i need help


New member
Apr 1, 2003
I've been doing calf injects with Syntherol,and my legs below the calfs are swelled up.I almost have no ankle.My girl says it's pitting edema.She says her patients with high blood pressure or kidney failure get it.What is this from? Am i missing the muscle with the fluid? I am almost possitive i am hitting it.I've never had high blood pressure or kidney problems.I've never had this before either,so it's gotta be from the Syntherol.It's nasty,heeeelp! If i push the skin,in that area,and let go,it stays indented for about 20 sec.My girl says that Her patients usually get it for only 3-4sec.So,tell me,did i fuck my self up or what? Thanks for your help
what size a pin are you using?
sounds like its not deep enough injections?
if its only your calves i doubt that its high blood pressure
or kidney failure,lol Im on my third bttl and have put it in Bi`s
Tri`s and shoulders with no problems. On biceps Ive tried the insulin pins but had simmilar problem, started going a bit deeper
and problem resolved. Imo 1/2 inch is to close to the surface
need at the very min a 5/8 or preferably an inch.
Relax man your fine, just quite usage for a few weeks and see if it doesnt go away or if it gets worse instead of better and you havent been using then you may wanna get checked out.
Id say your gonna be just fine.
Also wasnt you using it a wile back before your honeymoon
with no problems?
Thanks for responding

I am going on my honeymoon in 2 weeks,that is why i'm freaking out :) My girl will kill me,if something is wrong,and i can't go.I was using in arms about 1 month ago with no problems(1/2in pins),but i stopped those injects.I have been doing calfs on and off since then.I think it has been there for awhile,but i never really paided much attention to it(swelling).Big A said 1/2in would be fine,but i think your right.He might have thought i had lower BF.I am probably over 15%bf,so 1/2in may not be deep enough.I'm gonna stop it anyway.I was accually stopping already(2 days ago was last shot)i just happened to notice that today.All i want now is strength,so I'm thinking about starting that new creatine(endocre3) :) Thanks again
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well this is making me feel alot better about my up and comming SEO injections. :eek:

I'm sure he's right,i'm probably not going deep enough.Famous last words.
A few things. I didn't think you would be 15% For that, 1/2" is way too short. Do deeper - 1". 99% this is the problem.

Another thing it could be that you injected in between the muscle heads. But that usually onlyhappens with long needles. YOu put it in the muscle head, but the actual tip of the needle can end up in between the heads, so the oil doesn't go in the muscle, even though you think that you are injectin the muscle.

Thirdly, but this is again if bigger needles are used - calves are very tight so you could cause a lot of trauma, so the area inflames.

But most likely, it's the short needles because of your bf.
I've had the same thing happen. Once I did delt injections and wasn't paying attention ( yeah I know not a very good time to space out, when injecting) but, I was using a 1" pin and only had it about half way in (Dumb Ass me). It swelled up and took about a week and a half to run all the way down my arm and eventually dissapate. It was swollen and hard...no feeling on the suface. Make sure you inject all the way in atleast 1" and inject slow, 1ml per minute. Take care.


I'm switching to 1in,as soon as i deside to use it again.
I had that once from calf injects and I was using 1 inch pins with prop/fina It went away in about a week. Make sure you are drinking your water too.
Ive had some swelling that looked abnormal and sorta 'outside' the muscle belly before. It went away in a day or so. This happens somewhat often and I dont sweat it. It just kind of makes the muscle look odd and lopsided a little. Enough that you notice but most others wont.

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