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BIG A or other VET


New member
Apr 1, 2003
This is from Meso.I thought maybe they needed help from another board,and this is one of the most informative that i know.What would you say the problem is,and what could be done to avoid or fix it? THANKS................................................................................................................................Date: 04/25/03 01:24 AM
Author: primo max
Subject: leg pain

Two weeks from last monday, I injected 2cc's of TF EQ in my quads. I had been doing this for 6 weeks with no pain anywhere and did not feel anything from this one until a week later. It's not that it hurts (like a high BA) shot does, but I can't really bend my leg all the way and I'm sluggish when I walk. My right leg is now the same way, and it's strange because I never had any problems earlier in the cycle, and my injection technique did not change. I feel a lump in both legs, almost like the shot has not dissipated yet, and it's been a pretty long time since I did the shot. I am almost certain that this is not a BA reaction, and I don't see how it could be an infection, but it does hurt a little and is starting to worry me. One thing that I can think of is that these shots were the last ones of that particular vial. Is it possible that maybe there was something in the vial that just sat at the bottom and never found it's way into my needle until the last few shots. What does everyone think, this is just weird, and I've never had any bad reactions to a shot for more than a few days?



Date: 04/25/03 01:32 AM
Author: Baby Faced Assasin
Subject: RE: leg pain

Hmm, i mentioned in a earlier post that for some reason i react badly to sust. Even though i havnt takin any in about a year my thighs are still fucked up from it. Ie, permanent swellin at the site, feels fucked up etc.



Date: 04/25/03 02:46 AM
Author: Takemo (no profile)
Subject: RE: RE: leg pain

i have the same thing from sus. feels like rocks under the skin



Date: 04/25/03 02:51 AM
Author: Hulk
Subject: RE: leg pain




Date: 04/25/03 02:58 AM
Author: primo max
Subject: RE: RE: leg pain

What do you mean by crystalization.



Date: 04/25/03 03:07 AM
Author: Hulk
Subject: RE: RE: leg pain

The gear is crystalizing in your legs instead of being sucked up in the muscle along with the oil. You had better choose another injection site or this shit can become very serious, requiring hospitalization. Keep trying to disperse it. Massage the area, walk/run, heating pad, etc. Don't inject there until this subsides or you are fuc*ed.



Date: 04/25/03 04:16 AM
Author: Take MO
Subject: RE: RE: leg pain

Hulk,mine have been there for quite some time.Never had much problems besides when i touch them they feel like rocks.Are there any ways to disperse these after they've been there and do you have anymore info on this.Mine were formed while running a batch of ttokkyo sus.Thanks.



Date: 04/25/03 11:43 AM
Author: primo max
Subject: RE: RE: leg pain

Bump. This is starting to scare me. Maybe that explains why I have not gotten the expected results from EQ after 8 weeks. Interesting.



Date: 04/25/03 12:02 PM
Subject: RE: RE: leg pain

same thing put sust in thight on monday. friday comes cant walk bend my leg or fuck all just moaning about the pain..



Date: 04/25/03 12:02 PM
Subject: RE: RE: leg pain

same thing put sust in thight on monday. friday comes cant walk bend my leg or fuck all just moaning about the pain..



Date: 04/25/03 12:32 PM
Author: primo max
Subject: RE: RE: leg pain

That's normal, what we're talking about is pain long after the injection, like 3 or 4 weeks.



Date: 04/26/03 12:03 PM
Author: primo max
Subject: RE: RE: leg pain

Would something like this be the result of faulty injection techniques (which I know I don't have because I've done many quad shots and love them) or would it be the gears fault? There must have been something wrong with my EQ for this to happen. This sucks because I'm going to start using tren on monday and it's going to be hard to find enough injection spots now that I can't use my quads until this goes away.



Date: 04/26/03 04:01 PM
Author: Take MO
Subject: RE: RE: leg pain

Primo,i hope yours go away,but mine have stayed for awhile.It feels like scar tissue but i never felt it was that.I think it was gear related and not from faulty shot technique.I wish someone could give us answers on this.I was thinking that maybe letting the massage therapist work the area weekly could break them down and eventually disperse them,but who knows.

If the shot is all fine but then it starts hurting a week later, especially if he injected many times in the same area, it's a sterile abscess, that will have to be drained. Injecting all the time in the same area where no dispersion techniques have been applied (massage, pumping the muscle, heat, etc) will make the oil accumulate in the area, the drug crystalises and the body sees it as a foreign body in the muscle so the infection begins. You don't need bacteria to start an abscess.
He just has to get it drained, take some good anti biotics and stay away from that area for a while. And in the future to just always make sure that he doesn't get any lumps where he injects - get him to follow the protocol for Syntherol. Syntherol gets injected every day but this problem doesn't occur because of the injection/dispersion techniques employed. Same principle applies to gear, especially when gear has more chance to cause a sterile abscess due to crystalisation of the drug as well.

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