YEP! Unfortunately for some (including myself) EQ does seem to "significantly" raise BP; even in those who can comfortably handle moderate doses of Test! Some speculate the reason may be due to the Increased RBC caused by EQ. Although ALL AAS raise serum RBC somewhat, EQ seems to raise levels to a much larger degree!
Most would just switch to Deca or Primobolan to alleviate this BUT Deca doesn't seem to be as effective (mg / mg) as EQ and Primobolan can get quite expensive as you would need to run a significant amount!
For ME, elevated BP due to EQ seems to present itself at levels above 500mg / week! Anything under 500mg / week seems to be okay! So, YOU may consider lowering your dose of EQ and increasing your Test dose to compensate. I also found that taking 40mg Lasix / day enabled me to keep my BP at bay!
One more thing to remember! You are taking almost 1 gram of Test (total) per week and for most, an AA (N-dex, A-dex) can help ease estrogen conversion which also has the capability of raising BP.
Personally, I would add an AA first (if you're not doing so already), then add Lasix (40 mg /day) and if those measures fail, I'd start decreasing the mgs / week.
Hypertension (high BP) can cause problems IF left untreated. If this is something which has just started to occur, DON'T freak out! Do things slowly and monitor your BP EVERY DAY (yourself)! A LOT of people also suffer from "white coat syndrome" I'm one of them!