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Bodybuilding.com raided by FDA

that sucks, they were cheap and super fast shipping and service,,talking about regular legal supplements here

oh well im sure they had probable cause

THAT, good to see you still around, probably dont remember me but i remember you, take care brotha!
This was for legal supplements, just not approved by the FDA?
Those supplements were prohormones and not Steriods, but the FDA has labeled them as such. I thought they were still legal for sale.:confused:
These guys are everywhere, they would suck your BLOOD dry if they could,and the funny thing is there WORSE THAN THE CRIMINALS they just have a LICENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Those supplements were prohormones and not Steriods, but the FDA has labeled them as such. I thought they were still legal for sale.:confused:

Phera-Plex (a.k.a. P-Plex, Madol, DMT [desoxymethyltestosterone]) and Supderdrol (a.k.a. M-Drol or methylated masteron) are flat-out anabolic steroids, not prohormones. They were both banned under the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004 but companies still produce and market the chemicals under other names. They (BB.com) played with fire and got burned.
Phera-Plex (a.k.a. P-Plex, Madol, DMT [desoxymethyltestosterone]) and Supderdrol (a.k.a. M-Drol or methylated masteron) are flat-out anabolic steroids, not prohormones. They were both banned under the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004 but companies still produce and market the chemicals under other names. They (BB.com) played with fire and got burned.

Thanks! I really don't know much about any of them.
Upon reading the article, it seems to me that it is absolutely ridiculous that they sent multiple warning letters beginning in 2002, but just now decided to raid them... I mean it takes 7 years to figure out that they are doing something illegal and need to be raided?? Something just doesnt jive with the story... The Obama administration was supposed to shift its focus on the war on drugs to the drugs that actually harm society, such as crack, smack, ice etc...
However, this Jeff Novitsky has been on an f'ing rampage since the new admin. has taken office.. Just shows politicians are complete and utter liars... This is total bullshit..
This sucks

BB.com is local to me. I have some good freinds that work in their IT department and warehouse. I will know more about the situation later on today. Many here in Boise are up in arms. There are other retailers in the area that sell the same products. This is really about publicity and money.
I wonder???

Have any of these companies use or claim these busts as a marketing scheme? Like they really dont get busted but announce they do? I cant imagine bodybuilding.com selling real stuff.

I watched this clip on this videogame called Dante's Inferno, based off the book. EA Sports created this game, and hired actors to protest outside EA Sports corporate office, as Christians opposing the game! It worked for a while... even drew local media, until one of the actors were recognized and blew the whole thing. LOL, thought that was brilliant.

I wonder about these websites, more less the supp manufactures; making claims the FDA or DEA mistakingly bust their operations because their products are so similar to actual banned substances.

Maybe its a marketing ploy for BB.com?
These guys are everywhere, they would suck your BLOOD dry if they could,and the funny thing is there WORSE THAN THE CRIMINALS they just have a LICENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They do suck you BLOOD dry. They can because they have endless resources and money. I agree the Feds are bigger criminals than the average US citizen. Seen it first hand how they will stick it to ya. These Fed prosecutors lie and make it so you can't live, eat, sleep and take care of your family. They have first hand access to juries and befriend them, making it hard for any defendant to really get a fair trial. The Fed system is a joke. We have 2 totally differant Court systems in the US. Heres how fucked up it is: In the Fed system there is no parole. So if your sentenced for a relatively minor crime like assault and are sentenced to 10 years, you basically get 10 years. In the State System if your convicted of Murder and received a sentence of 10-20 years, you might have to spend 8 years in prison or less. I don't blame people for looking for the black helicopters.
Doesent it make more sense to go after the people manufacturing this stuff rather that the people distributing it?
I wonder???

Have any of these companies use or claim these busts as a marketing scheme? Like they really dont get busted but announce they do? I cant imagine bodybuilding.com selling real stuff.

I watched this clip on this videogame called Dante's Inferno, based off the book. EA Sports created this game, and hired actors to protest outside EA Sports corporate office, as Christians opposing the game! It worked for a while... even drew local media, until one of the actors were recognized and blew the whole thing. LOL, thought that was brilliant.

I wonder about these websites, more less the supp manufactures; making claims the FDA or DEA mistakingly bust their operations because their products are so similar to actual banned substances.

Maybe its a marketing ploy for BB.com?

I certainly wouldn't put it past some of the smaller companies to do something like this, but I can't see BB.com doing it. They're so successful they don't need to hype their products any. Plus the chemicals that were the basis of the raid weren't ineffective bullshit products that they were trying to hype up, they were actual anabolic steroids.

I think BB.com was selling some banned substances (like many, MANY other retailers [for example Amazon sells P-Plex and M-Drol through participating retailers]) and they got hit because of their size. I think the FDA wanted to make an example of them.

Doesent it make more sense to go after the people manufacturing this stuff rather that the people distributing it?

It's all coming from China; there's nothing the FDA can do to stop it from getting here.
Useless money and time went to yet another raid that sounds very fishy to me. A lot of the products weren't even made till around 2006 2007. That dude at the FDA has a royal hard on for these things he's relentless with it.
PEople have to start voting in mass at some point and put and end to this shit. There are just much larger priorities in the USA right now than worrying about this. I really hope we look back one day and say to our Grandchildren, "I can remember a time in the USA when people could not afford health care but we spent billions in taxes for the FDA to decide what we put in our own bodies".,..
I have a GREAT IDEA! Why doesn't our gov't take the resources and money it is using to get rid of supplements and hormones, AND PUT THAT DAMN MONEY TOWARDS PROSECUTING PEDOPHILES AND RAPISTS AND THE BASTARDS THAT PEDDLE CHILD PORN!! or ANOTHER FREAKING EVIL!!!! ENOUGH WITH THIS S*&%T ALREADY!!!
was our tax money really used for this??

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