Glad you are doing well bro .........Elk Grove is 15 - 20 min from my club and yes ,it has grown way too fast.....Down town sac is chill , I bet your sister likes it .........I live out in the Folsom area ........if you ever make out here ........let me know [ or if your family needs anything ] and we will grab some dinner .........Of all the places I have lived Sac is my favorite next to San Diego .[ I have lived in NY , SF , LA , and Vegas ] People are cool and more real than in the big cities , but still lots to do ........Have a good prep bro .......and like I said man to look like guy would be insane .......damm .[ he was strong too ......saw sling some heavy weights at Gold's Venice when i was a kid ......600 lbs sqauts , 315 BNP , 400 rows , 250 cheat curls ....very strong for a smaller boned guy ......bad form though.....but still awesome reguardless]