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Todd Lee tren video

It’ll never cease to amaze me how quickly people on this board just absolutely shit on others while hiding anonymously behind pseudonyms.

There are guys on this board who give out dangerous advice. They’re praised.

There are guys on this board who’ve ruined their bodies. They’re praised.

I’ve watched most of Todd’s videos. He’s arrogant, but I don’t care. I take the information he provides and use what I think is helpful.

A friend of mine from the gym hired him as a coach. He’s doing a great job. The guy had medical issues and was being mishandled by his doctors. Todd has improved his blood work, appearance, mood, energy, etc.

It would be more useful to argue the points he makes with your own stance… and with a stance beyond using logical fallacies or “it works for me bro” or “he has no muscle”.

He openly admits mistakes. He openly says not to copy what he’s doing. He does blood work.

The more you shit on these guys, the more you have to rely on dorks who’ve never even shown their physique on here… or they show you the 2 photos of themselves at peak cycle in perfect lighting.
I understand what your saying but Todd Lee is saying that something with an acetate ester gets in and out of your body so quick so its ideally injected 2 times a day and doing it eod is stupid(or whatever word he used). Someone making a claim like that is IMO is just wrong. Now if it were base ok I could see it. But acetate no. I could have told you this in my teenage years. I personally think he got close enough with the esters but here are more accurate numbers.

Trenbolone Base: 100mg
Trenbolone Acetate: 83mg
Trenbolone Enanthate: 68mg
Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate: 65mg
Trenbolone Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate: 65mg

Now the half life on Ace is 2 to 3 days so I personally don't see how you could not get away with eod and see no reason to inject it 2 times a day. If it was the base maybe. Could you argue everyday injections with this yea sure. Not 2x daily though. Says that anything over 110 is just more sides and that doing 10mg day is "the safe" dose.

"It would be more useful to argue the points he makes with your own stance… and with a stance beyond using logical fallacies or “it works for me bro” or “he has no muscle”. I am not trying to argue with you as if you like him and use his ideas that's great but he provides"

While I think it would be more useful as well to give your own points beyond "logical fallacies" or basically "bro science". This topic honestly annoys me as this line of thinking is pretty prevalent on the board. People can make up some info arbitrarily about a topic and then think their info is right and fail to identify why they think about this and that. Then for some reason anyone who challenges this info has to prove it to that person why he is wrong. So please provide some "broscience" to state a case and then you need to find studies or some sort of empirical data to support your counterclaim on a baseless claim. Like "Tren doesn't build muscle" You could respond with well not at 10mgs a day or maybe you need a new source. Or maybe a study that it actually does.

Matt Jansen said on a podcast once about Aromasin vs Adex… that on paper, Aromasin is better, but in real life Adex appears to offer a drier outcome… I like how he understood both the science and the reality of experience, acknowledging both

Now you want bro-science and agree that this is better than the studies, totally contradicts the previous statement.

"It’ll never cease to amaze me how quickly people on this board just absolutely shit on others while hiding anonymously behind pseudonyms."
Dude you are doing this right now, You literally posted a faceless pic of yourself. Great pic BTW!! I am going to watch the first video again tonight and see if I change my mind about it. I would agree that some people have agendas not to provide approvals because someone would be right or even perceived wright. I think a lot of those people are not on here. Though yes I would agree that a hive mind sometimes shows itself on here. I think people want to stay anonymous do to a variety reasons but I would bet the majority are just out of shaped

Again I am not trying to argue with you seem like a very smart guy. If you want to discuss this and can do so without getting upset that would be great. If Ive upset you I am sorry
I understand what your saying but Todd Lee is saying that something with an acetate ester gets in and out of your body so quick so its ideally injected 2 times a day and doing it eod is stupid(or whatever word he used). Someone making a claim like that is IMO is just wrong. Now if it were base ok I could see it. But acetate no. I could have told you this in my teenage years. I personally think he got close enough with the esters but here are more accurate numbers.

Trenbolone Base: 100mg
Trenbolone Acetate: 83mg
Trenbolone Enanthate: 68mg
Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate: 65mg
Trenbolone Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate: 65mg

Now the half life on Ace is 2 to 3 days so I personally don't see how you could not get away with eod and see no reason to inject it 2 times a day. If it was the base maybe. Could you argue everyday injections with this yea sure. Not 2x daily though. Says that anything over 110 is just more sides and that doing 10mg day is "the safe" dose.

"It would be more useful to argue the points he makes with your own stance… and with a stance beyond using logical fallacies or “it works for me bro” or “he has no muscle”. I am not trying to argue with you as if you like him and use his ideas that's great but he provides"

While I think it would be more useful as well to give your own points beyond "logical fallacies" or basically "bro science". This topic honestly annoys me as this line of thinking is pretty prevalent on the board. People can make up some info arbitrarily about a topic and then think their info is right and fail to identify why they think about this and that. Then for some reason anyone who challenges this info has to prove it to that person why he is wrong. So please provide some "broscience" to state a case and then you need to find studies or some sort of empirical data to support your counterclaim on a baseless claim. Like "Tren doesn't build muscle" You could respond with well not at 10mgs a day or maybe you need a new source. Or maybe a study that it actually does.

Matt Jansen said on a podcast once about Aromasin vs Adex… that on paper, Aromasin is better, but in real life Adex appears to offer a drier outcome… I like how he understood both the science and the reality of experience, acknowledging both

Now you want bro-science and agree that this is better than the studies, totally contradicts the previous statement.

"It’ll never cease to amaze me how quickly people on this board just absolutely shit on others while hiding anonymously behind pseudonyms."
Dude you are doing this right now, You literally posted a faceless pic of yourself. Great pic BTW!! I am going to watch the first video again tonight and see if I change my mind about it. I would agree that some people have agendas not to provide approvals because someone would be right or even perceived wright. I think a lot of those people are not on here. Though yes I would agree that a hive mind sometimes shows itself on here. I think people want to stay anonymous do to a variety reasons but I would bet the majority are just out of shaped

Again I am not trying to argue with you seem like a very smart guy. If you want to discuss this and can do so without getting upset that would be great. If Ive upset you I am sorry

You are trying to argue. It seems as if you’re focused on trying to out word me with “got ya!” moments. You win, 100%.

I’m off the thread. These conversations are much of the reason I dont frequent this board much.

@musclehed on IG for anyone who’d like to follow. Best of luck everyone!
He did call his previous doctor retarded, but the doctor was misdirecting my friend big time. Todd put out his video on blood letting at the same time my friend was getting therapeutic phlebotomy prescribed and feeling like death. Todd’s recommendations improved his blood work without needing the phlebotomies.

One thing I stole was the ED injects. I won’t do slin pins (don’t like to back load and don’t like to pull so slow)…. But I draw with a 21g and shoot with a 27g 1/2”. Huge difference in (lack of PIP), knots, increased injection site locations, etc.

I’ve also leaned heavily towards primo and Masteron, and haven’t used an AI (with any regularity) in 5-6 years. Found the right combination of both to keep estrogen at a certain level. Primo above a certain dose (in relation to my test dose) crushed my estrogen and my sex drive took a dive. Once I titrated down, played with different test doses, and added Mast as a SERM and anabolic, I looked and felt a lot better. My IGF score also went up. My estrogen was so low from the primo that it negatively impacted my IGF score.

Cool stuff to have figured out.
Yep.. I do the same.. lean on made and primo.. just enough test to not use a AI.. I do think Todd provides some gems.. I also have disagreed with him on certain things.. but I take what I want out of his videos and try and use them..
I don't agree with his training methods and that's fine.. but I still listen to see if I can use anything useful.. same with his gear advice..
I understand what your saying but Todd Lee is saying that something with an acetate ester gets in and out of your body so quick so its ideally injected 2 times a day and doing it eod is stupid(or whatever word he used). Someone making a claim like that is IMO is just wrong. Now if it were base ok I could see it. But acetate no. I could have told you this in my teenage years. I personally think he got close enough with the esters but here are more accurate numbers.

Trenbolone Base: 100mg
Trenbolone Acetate: 83mg
Trenbolone Enanthate: 68mg
Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate: 65mg
Trenbolone Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate: 65mg

Now the half life on Ace is 2 to 3 days so I personally don't see how you could not get away with eod and see no reason to inject it 2 times a day. If it was the base maybe. Could you argue everyday injections with this yea sure. Not 2x daily though. Says that anything over 110 is just more sides and that doing 10mg day is "the safe" dose.

"It would be more useful to argue the points he makes with your own stance… and with a stance beyond using logical fallacies or “it works for me bro” or “he has no muscle”. I am not trying to argue with you as if you like him and use his ideas that's great but he provides"

While I think it would be more useful as well to give your own points beyond "logical fallacies" or basically "bro science". This topic honestly annoys me as this line of thinking is pretty prevalent on the board. People can make up some info arbitrarily about a topic and then think their info is right and fail to identify why they think about this and that. Then for some reason anyone who challenges this info has to prove it to that person why he is wrong. So please provide some "broscience" to state a case and then you need to find studies or some sort of empirical data to support your counterclaim on a baseless claim. Like "Tren doesn't build muscle" You could respond with well not at 10mgs a day or maybe you need a new source. Or maybe a study that it actually does.

Matt Jansen said on a podcast once about Aromasin vs Adex… that on paper, Aromasin is better, but in real life Adex appears to offer a drier outcome… I like how he understood both the science and the reality of experience, acknowledging both

Now you want bro-science and agree that this is better than the studies, totally contradicts the previous statement.

"It’ll never cease to amaze me how quickly people on this board just absolutely shit on others while hiding anonymously behind pseudonyms."
Dude you are doing this right now, You literally posted a faceless pic of yourself. Great pic BTW!! I am going to watch the first video again tonight and see if I change my mind about it. I would agree that some people have agendas not to provide approvals because someone would be right or even perceived wright. I think a lot of those people are not on here. Though yes I would agree that a hive mind sometimes shows itself on here. I think people want to stay anonymous do to a variety reasons but I would bet the majority are just out of shaped

Again I am not trying to argue with you seem like a very smart guy. If you want to discuss this and can do so without getting upset that would be great. If Ive upset you I am sorry
Dave has posted on here for years.. maybe since close to the start..and yes a few are with his face such as his competitive photos. So he's definitely not hiding... and he's a beast..
In regards to Big Dave’s replies, I guess I’m just confused as to what he’s annoyed about. To me, that sounded like a frustrated vent about forum gurus than it is sticking up for Todd.

Is the point that there are dumb ass gear abusers on PM that are praised more than Todd? I would disagree. Over the last 15 years, yes there were times where popular posters were giving shiiit advice. And times where picture-less gurus would spout trash info. But for the most part (right now) guys here are pretty intelligent about their health. And if you come in talking a big game, you better look the part.

I also wouldn’t even put Todd Lee, Vigorous Steve and John Jewett in the same fuckin sentence. I don’t hate Todd, I just think he’s a lil rough around the edges, lacks self awareness and is just weird lol a little asbergers-ish to me.

So again, what is there to be angry about. Hes a weird guy giving out some good info as well as some questionable stuff. We’ve also heard from people who have dealt with him IN PERSON, how much of a schmuck he is.

And again, Dave is a vet and a beast. But he’s also been absent for a minute here.
Maybe I need to go through his post history again, but what is @Type-IIx thoughts on Todd?

I think to state Tren doesn’t build any appreciable amount of muscle is definitely a bold statement, but I also think that some of his other opinions aren’t that far fetched by any means. Interesting guy forsure though, lol.

Also has never competed as a pro, ever (definitely a smart move on his part).

I need to make a correction here - I was wrong (and overly sarcastic / negative) with the above post. Todd did compete as a pro, in the Texas Pro 2021, placing 11th out of 13.
It was not listed where I normally look for contest histories. (note to self: shut up more)
You are trying to argue. It seems as if you’re focused on trying to out word me with “got ya!” moments. You win, 100%.

I’m off the thread. These conversations are much of the reason I dont frequent this board much.

@musclehed on IG for anyone who’d like to follow. Best of luck everyone!
Dude I actually agreed with you on some things. I also disagreed with you on some things. I have absolutely no idea how you can say I am just trying to out word you when you say
It would be more useful to argue the points he makes with your own stance… and with a stance beyond using logical fallacies or “it works for me bro” or “he has no muscle”. I am not trying to argue with you as if you like him and use his ideas that's great but he provides
Which I did and it made you feel I am just trying for "got ya" moments. I even apologized in advance if you didn't want to talk about it. I hold no ill will against you but I feel the only thing I did "wrong" was disagree with you.

Thats on you if you decide to leave which I think is unfortunate, but you claimed how you would like someone to argue with someone, I followed that criteria on three things and you bounce. Come on man! You having a bad day or something? Don't leave I can just leave you alone if you like.
I have seen the guy on Paul B's videos which I have skimmed now and then.
I don't like anyone who comes across as if they know the only "true way" to do things. IMHO he does this a lot, but so do many others, hence I don't watch.
In this case, jumping through the video, he's speculating like mad on trenbolone, that's for certain. Never mind his daily dosing baloney...

Regarding being a doctor and IFBB pro, getting through med school, etc is a lot of work, and I'll acknowledge I might not be able to do that if I had to.
Being a Pro...well I have some issues with that and I'll put my old man hat on now. I prefer the days of 1-2 pro cards a year; IFBB Pro has become a label nearly absent of value.

And yeah, he does not at all look impressive, but to be fair I'm not sure how important that is, though I personally value it.
Did he really say this? If so I don't know how he became a medical doctor. By the way whats up with this slin pin obsession lol
Yea I was surprised he would make such an absolute statement. You could tell Dave was kinda thinking what the fuck is this guy going on about lol
Hes not the first person to suggest this. I have heard Palumbo and several other pros say the same thing.

I wouldnt do it though simply because I refuse to pin any more frequently than 3 times per week, regardless of compound. Maybe if I was running something like Test or Winstrol suspensions.
The problem with his statement is the black and white absolute position he takes. I don’t think anybody would dispute frequent dosing is more effective and can reduce sides but he clearly stated all sides are caused by hormonal fluctuations and if you dose multiple times a day you could take say in the 3 gram range and have no sides as the body would perceive it as homeostasis.
I understand what your saying but Todd Lee is saying that something with an acetate ester gets in and out of your body so quick so its ideally injected 2 times a day and doing it eod is stupid(or whatever word he used). Someone making a claim like that is IMO is just wrong. Now if it were base ok I could see it. But acetate no. I could have told you this in my teenage years. I personally think he got close enough with the esters but here are more accurate numbers.

Trenbolone Base: 100mg
Trenbolone Acetate: 83mg
Trenbolone Enanthate: 68mg
Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate: 65mg
Trenbolone Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate: 65mg

Now the half life on Ace is 2 to 3 days so I personally don't see how you could not get away with eod and see no reason to inject it 2 times a day. If it was the base maybe. Could you argue everyday injections with this yea sure. Not 2x daily though. Says that anything over 110 is just more sides and that doing 10mg day is "the safe" dose.

"It would be more useful to argue the points he makes with your own stance… and with a stance beyond using logical fallacies or “it works for me bro” or “he has no muscle”. I am not trying to argue with you as if you like him and use his ideas that's great but he provides"

While I think it would be more useful as well to give your own points beyond "logical fallacies" or basically "bro science". This topic honestly annoys me as this line of thinking is pretty prevalent on the board. People can make up some info arbitrarily about a topic and then think their info is right and fail to identify why they think about this and that. Then for some reason anyone who challenges this info has to prove it to that person why he is wrong. So please provide some "broscience" to state a case and then you need to find studies or some sort of empirical data to support your counterclaim on a baseless claim. Like "Tren doesn't build muscle" You could respond with well not at 10mgs a day or maybe you need a new source. Or maybe a study that it actually does.

Matt Jansen said on a podcast once about Aromasin vs Adex… that on paper, Aromasin is better, but in real life Adex appears to offer a drier outcome… I like how he understood both the science and the reality of experience, acknowledging both

Now you want bro-science and agree that this is better than the studies, totally contradicts the previous statement.

"It’ll never cease to amaze me how quickly people on this board just absolutely shit on others while hiding anonymously behind pseudonyms."
Dude you are doing this right now, You literally posted a faceless pic of yourself. Great pic BTW!! I am going to watch the first video again tonight and see if I change my mind about it. I would agree that some people have agendas not to provide approvals because someone would be right or even perceived wright. I think a lot of those people are not on here. Though yes I would agree that a hive mind sometimes shows itself on here. I think people want to stay anonymous do to a variety reasons but I would bet the majority are just out of shaped

Again I am not trying to argue with you seem like a very smart guy. If you want to discuss this and can do so without getting upset that would be great. If Ive upset you I am sorry
Re: Acetate
The Doctor apparently has no clue there's a wide difference between half-life and Residence Time of Receptor−Ligand Complexes.
And its relevance in dosing frequency.
I've heard enough of him over the years to know that I probably wouldn't have been friends with him in high school.

The questions I have are:

Why isn't he practicing medicine?

What's with The Punisher tattoo? (it's really dumb)

When will he be revealing the Turkey hair transplant bowl cut hairline?
I've heard enough of him over the years to know that I probably wouldn't have been friends with him in high school.

The questions I have are:

Why isn't he practicing medicine?

What's with The Punisher tattoo? (it's really dumb)

When will he be revealing the Turkey hair transplant bowl cut hairline?
If you really wanna waste your time...
Idk I like him. I don’t agree with everything he says but there’s no one that I agree with everything they say.
I’ve taken a lot of information from him.
The guy is extremely knowledgeable.

Try to give the episodes where he has Kurt on a listen. Kurt really reigns Todd in.

It’s easy to pick out the worst picture of someone. Anybody seen the pic of Nick Walkers first comp?

He doesn’t have great genetics but he’s done pretty well with them.

he is an actual DR. and he’s a hell of a coach.
He’s also never put any clients in the hospital


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I remember the gh15 forum days, zamba pushing cycles like...50mg tren ed 2 weeks, 100mg Ed 2 weeks, 200mg Ed 2 weeks, back down to 50 Ed, repeat

Combined with the diet
2 low days, then 1 all out cheat day (all you can eat)

Low days
1800 2 weeks
1000 2 weeks
500 2 weeks (calories)


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