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cheat meal after every workout?


May 7, 2010
im starting to lean bulk and workout every other day. how do you guys feel about having a cheat meal after every workout? i usually get ice cream or something so theres a ton of simple carbs
In my opinion there are better ways to replenish glycogen after a workout than icecream.

I will have a cheat meal once a week or every other week after a workout, but its usually a few cheeseburgers so at least theres some protein in it.

I would rethink having a cheat meal after every workout, especially icecream.
I think in a recent post, Phil mentioned loading up on starchy carbs after a workout. Reserve most of your carb intake for after your workout. Does anyone else remember that or am I mistaken. (wouldn't be the first time in here, LOL)
Post w/o is one of the most important meals of the day, i would not recommend using ice cream as your carb source.
lol.....i'm doing much of the same right now

except i'm having a cheat FEAST after each

yesterday was 7 whole hard boiled...1 qt of white rice....1 qt wonton soup
whole bag of chips ahoy(softbake):eek:.......and 2 greek yogurts:cool:

slept like a baby
yesterday was 7 whole hard boiled...1 qt of white rice....1 qt wonton soup
whole bag of chips ahoy(softbake):eek:.......and 2 greek yogurts:cool:

damn, I need to try that!

Do you think it will work for me? :p
Post w/o is one of the most important meals of the day, i would not recommend using ice cream as your carb source.

i mean i would have 50g of whey, and a concrete or some sugar cookies. then and hour and a half later have a clean meal of chicken and oats or rice
I stumbled onto these and these are great!....


  • OreoOs1.jpg
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seriously though.. these packs are a big part of my contest prep diet after hitting my cardio and training hard..


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^^^^ I hear that man I gotta have them as well. I also would stongly be against cheating like this after every workout. I love some Ice Cream but we don't get down like that. You should look at Chefs post the other day for his healthy homemade Ice Cream it sounds like a winner.
those maple brown sugar oats are so good when mixed with protein
im starting to lean bulk and workout every other day. how do you guys feel about having a cheat meal after every workout? i usually get ice cream or something so theres a ton of simple carbs

It may address many issues that arise from training but its far from Ideal. You want fast acting protein & high GI carbs asap after hard training. WaxyMaize/MaltoDextrin/Dextrose & Whey protein would be far superior followed with a balanced healthy fat/protein/complex carb meal 45-60 minutes later.
R u prepping for the olympia in 2011?
if the answer is no...
knock yourself out... I tried "clean bulking" before... I still haven't gained half as much muscle as when i was bulking by eating whatever the hell i wanted and gained just as much fat... and eating clean, i never got as lean as i did when i had 2.5 cheat DAYS per week.
eating clean 100% of the time is way over-rated and will probably hurt you more.

enjoy yourself ;)
Cheat meal

IMO I don't think it's really cheating if it's once a day, it's just a routine. Cheat meals or just cheats in general are cheating because it's not daily.
I just get sick of thses bodybuiling shit...You need to eat clean, eat every hour, train low volume....ect

Just train, enjoy your food with reason....add bit Cardio, bit test, bit GH, have fun and will you get to your goal.....
I just get sick of thses bodybuiling shit...You need to eat clean, eat every hour, train low volume....ect

Just train, enjoy your food with reason....add bit Cardio, bit test, bit GH, have fun and will you get to your goal.....

lol.......great post

100% agreed

these people just take it wayyyyyy overboard
there is a time when to take it seriously (show time)
if your not competing.........enjoy man

lol.......great post

100% agreed

these people just take it wayyyyyy overboard
there is a time when to take it seriously (show time)
if your not competing.........enjoy man


OK, for the record, I never disagree with Tenny. :D I don't believe in cheat meals at all. I eat the same way in and out every day. I enjoy the benefits of a lean body all year. However, side note, I am 50 and it is alot harder then when was in my 20's :p
seriously though.. these packs are a big part of my contest prep diet after hitting my cardio and training hard..

really? during contest prep youre eating these as a carb source? would this just be post workout?

could you elaborate a little on why you are choosing these. im just thrown off a bit by the sugar in those. thanks very much im interested to read your response
well iv been doing this for 3 weeks now, and im so surprised on how lean i still am. iv never been stronger on my lifts so im happy. im probably going to do this for another month then gradually go back to my carb cycling ways and get back to 7%
there's a grocery store by my house that sells jarred apple cobbler made with apples, bread, and cane sugar. 77g of carbs, 2g of fat, 2g of protein. It just became my post workout meal with some BCAA. I used to use cereal

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