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Cholesterol Meds. Anyone on them?


Can you back this up? People with high cholesterol live just as long? Im not being one sided and i truly believe big pharm is all about the $$ but im kinda inbetween.. Ive heard all this before but still have never had a clear answer but as high as my numbers are im more scared offf the statin then being on. I mean whats bad about being on them besides its a "conspiracy" against big pharma?? I experience no sides my liver enzymes are fine and i take my coq10... But statins have no place at ALL?? Id love to hear more opinions not to say yours are invalid but lets hear some more.

Read this book, "The Magic of Cholesterol Numbers"
by Sergey A. Dzugan, MD and Konstantine S. Dzugan. It has all the scienctific studies you are looking for to back this up. And yes, you will live longer with high cholesterol than normal cholesterol and statin use. Also something people don't seem to realize as well is that too low cholesterol is also associated with a higher mortality rate than high cholesterol. So there needs to be balance as well.
just wanted to mention incase others may have the same but due to my extremly high blood levels of cholesterol i have xanthomas, these are small skin colored bumps that form on hands tendons feet. They are a deposit that forms on the skin hard to see em and are from what ive read a underlyning condition of worse possible things "high cholesterol leading to arterial blockage". Also been told by my eye doc he could see that i had high cholesterol by looking in my eyes with a scope. just throwing this out there incase others can relate too.
Read this book, "The Magic of Cholesterol Numbers"
by Sergey A. Dzugan, MD and Konstantine S. Dzugan. It has all the scienctific studies you are looking for to back this up. And yes, you will live longer with high cholesterol than normal cholesterol and statin use. Also something people don't seem to realize as well is that too low cholesterol is also associated with a higher mortality rate than high cholesterol. So there needs to be balance as well.

I will read it thanks bro...we have all been so fucking programed wrong its redik!!!
I gotta say tho people were dying in there fifties not to long ago hardening of the arteries and so on, and people do seem to be living longer...no?
I ordered some.. Thanks

Alias, my brother takes "Chlolest off" and it works for him and he doesn't complain about any sides.Another story is a friend of my mothers, a woman I guess in her late 70's went on statins. She got the same symtoms I got only more severe,(probably cuz of age and the fact that i noticed the sides quickly cuz of the gym and stopped right away). At first the doctors told her she had MD (muscular distrophy), then they told her she had muscular degenerative disease,as I don't know the whole story i can't say for sure it was the statins, but I would bet on it.I know my brother (we are not close) watches his diet big time and eats oatmeal like a horse,(I don't know if he is still taking that supp). A guy in my gym told me he lowered his cholesterol 40 points with just oatmeal, (I should have asked more questions). If your insurance covers statins take them long enuf to knock your levels to normal and change your diet and see if it holds at a decent level,(mine did) if not you might need to be on them. BTW it seems the problems come when your HDL is really low,ofcourse cardio should correct that. This is just my 2 cents as I went through the same thing and felt I had to chime in,do some research and find out what works best for you.Good luck and stay healthy bro.;)again sorry for the poor grammar, it's early.
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Been reading my ass off and all i can say is "wow"! Thanks for the leads guys awsome reads i feel like my eyes are "wide" open for once. Ive learned allot i didnt know and have ALLOT more questions! lolol Thats the headache of all this drives me nuts knowing theres stuff i could be doing or doing better and trying to find my answer.

Some questions i now have from some stuff ive read are;

Still sounds if you have a history or heart issues or hereditary issue you still might benefit from a statin? Or at least a small perceant of us??

Trying to find a doctor who will help watch the real concerns,,lipoprotien,c reactive protien,homocystiene,partical size, and so on...And to tell you how to treat it using stuff like hmb,fish oil,b6,vitamin c and lycine, as well as nac instead of statins.

A final concern is,,sure i decide to quit the statins, my diet is spot on, numbers still seam high and tri's are outta wack do i continue care free with my new great diet and continue life in a mind set that im healthy?? Or is there still a need to worry and the possibly imployment of a statin?

sorry feel like im jacking this thread but im sure we can all learn from this i think this type of talk is great and i apreciate litening to you all ive already learned a ton and thank you
as I posted before, January of 2012 I was tested and My LDL was 188 and HDL was 32. He told me to watch my diet and do more exercise and I have but to no avail. I was tested a 7 months ago and found out my LDL was 197 and HDL stay around 32. Got my tests back from two weeks ago and it's gotten worse, 212 LDL 29 HDL.

For months now I've been taking tons of omega 3, Red Rice Yeast, Garlic supplements, Green Tea extract, Vitamins B, C, E, D,... You name it, I'm probably taking it.
I increased my Cardio to 5 days a week x 45 minutes on the eliptical and I take a spinning class with my Wife on Saturdays now too.

What the hell is going on? Dr.'s want me on Lipitor now, but I keep telling them I will get it down on my own. What else can I do?
I eat Clean, real clean... Not even a cheat day anymore.

I got the blood drawn soon after completing a small cycle
Test 500mg week
Deca 400mg Week
I'm on TRT at 150mg every week.

Any thoughts?

I should probably add that the cycle was small but long. I ran it from december 1st until march 1st.
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Do what the doctor tells you. The naturals methods do not work very often specially as you get older or depending on your genes. If you are putting all kinds of shit in your body then why worry about lipitor? I take Simvistatin and its cheap and works great. Fish oil is great but then add the statin, maybe the min amount you need.
Do what the doctor tells you. The naturals methods do not work very often specially as you get older or depending on your genes. If you are putting all kinds of shit in your body then why worry about lipitor? I take Simvistatin and its cheap and works great. Fish oil is great but then add the statin, maybe the min amount you need.

Nooooooooooooooo! Please read the book I posted about earlier in the thread or there is another book that might actually be better for you as it is much easier to understand; The Great Cholesterol Myth
by Jonny Bowden, PhD and Stephen Sinatra, MD. Please, I beg you to read it. If you do I can gaurantee you 100% you will not put that nasty rat poison in your body. Based on 100% science, there is no reason why anybody other than a middle-aged male with a previous MI should ever even consider taking a statin; and even then it is debateable. There is no scientific association between cholesterol level and heart disease. What the pharmaceutical companies present is biased and manipulated data. Please do some reading before you destroy your body.

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