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Chronic tendonitis/joint issues


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Kilo Klub Member
Dec 30, 2009
What compounds have you guys found to be effective at aiding in the repair/pain with these issues.

I have tendonitis terrible in my right elbow area. I still lift heavy and my ortho said that he could put a shot of corticosteroid in the joint but... corticosteroids can actually weaken the joint. He told me that I didn't have to worry about a tear and that it is good to go(he did imaging), he said just to do higher reps/less weight.

I have read Deca is good for joints. Does it help with tendonitis? Is there anything else out there worth a try?

Any suggestions would be great.

There was a thread about this not long ago with some great info. If I recall correctly, Deca, and Eq wher the best as far as AAS's go, but HGH was reccomended as the best overall. I have the same problem, all my joints are in bad shape, it comes with getting old I guess. I have stopped doing overhead, and bench press, it has helped.
Deca makes my joints feel like Buttah(butter). I believe that in addition to its collagen synthesis ability, it has an anti-inflamatory effect. Can effect your wood so be causeous with the doses.
I have been fighting this in both elbows for months. been on corticosteroid pack been on anti inflammatory been doing physical therapy twice week. and i have no relief at all. im thinking to try EQ low dose test and HGH OR IGF1. i would like to here from some one that has solved this as well.
quit doing direct arm work for awhile and see if it improves
well i havent worked arms in 3 months or anything were im pulling only legs and pushing motions. doc first thought i had tore both biceps but not so according to MRI. its very frustrating. i know i wont do full extension preacher curls with heavy weight. lesson learned the hard way. o and ultra sound did nothing eather.
i did order some coral calcium just incase its bone related also.the pain is in joints and tendons.
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You can go with deca if you don't have any worries, I use Animal Flex, takes awhile to build up in your system but it works
IMO nothing will heal joint injuries except rest. HGH will help but not if you keep hammering away at it. Deca and EQ will do nothing to heal a damaged joint. It may help with some minor pain but if its serious its an injury and needs to heal like one.
IM THINKING EQ HGH for tendons not joints.
boldenone didnt do shit for my joints.

It did however push my hematocrit and BP into extremely dangerous levels.

EQ = shit drug imo
Some thoughts...

What compounds have you guys found to be effective at aiding in the repair/pain with these issues.

I have tendonitis terrible in my right elbow area. I still lift heavy and my ortho said that he could put a shot of corticosteroid in the joint but... corticosteroids can actually weaken the joint. He told me that I didn't have to worry about a tear and that it is good to go(he did imaging), he said just to do higher reps/less weight.

I have read Deca is good for joints. Does it help with tendonitis? Is there anything else out there worth a try?

Any suggestions would be great.


Hey Em- I can relate, it can be quite bothersome. While you may not be at risk for a tear it still needs a lot of attention b/c it will interfere with your muscle development, i.e., if you quit dips at 5 reps b/c of the pain but you have 10 reps in you.

: Ibuprofen, 600mg, BID (technically you can take more, but too much can interfere with muscle development... you do want SOME inflammation in the muscle to signal the body to come and repair them).

: Pressure- I wear an elbow sleeve at home sometimes, occasionally when I sleep too.

: Peptides in the immediate area- seems to help

: DMSO, applied BID

: Work-around the injury- this may seem "common-sense" but I would argue for many of us (happened to me too) we keep doing the exercise "hoping" it won't be as bad this time hahaha. While I get what PsyT is saying, I would say you can still do direct arm work, just be smart about it and find the right exercise and angle that won't hurt you.

I LOVE dips- would do them, strain my right elbow, spend the next several days doing all the aforementioned things, slightly recover, then re-injure myself doing them. I eventually switched to close-grip bench. After a couple months I will see what happens and go back to dips.

- I do want to try Cissus though, I heard some great things about it.
after trying everything else the only hope is to find an ART practitioner who can fix all the soft tissue problems you're having in your forearms and triceps. trust me. no drug or supplement can fix the physical damage. somebody needs to break up all the tightness, adhesions, and scar tissue before any progress can be made

this will at the very least drastically improve most all cases of chronic joint problems. ask me how i know ;)
tendonitis needs time to heal, somtimes up to 5 months

Rest the affected area
Work angles and exercises which don't bother it as much
Light weights, higher reps
You can also ask the doc for a script to Voltaren 100mb XR. It helps a lot with the pain and inflamation but may slow the healing slightly.

Bottom line is it needs time to heal. There is no magic potion

Never found deca, EQ, HGH, etc. helped.
after trying everything else the only hope is to find an ART practitioner who can fix all the soft tissue problems you're having in your forearms and triceps. trust me. no drug or supplement can fix the physical damage. somebody needs to break up all the tightness, adhesions, and scar tissue before any progress can be made

this will at the very least drastically improve most all cases of chronic joint problems. ask me how i know ;)

im with your brotha,i tried alot of the otc joint stuff and none of that worked,also gh=fail,peptides=fail,i started getting ART done and even though it hurt like hell the first few visits, i improved quickly, i fought with inner and outer elbow for 4 years until ART, sometimes i still work around it some but i am leaps and bounds ahead of where i was,and from what i understand if you have had a problem with this for more than a couple of weeks it no longer has anything to do with inflammation,it the bodies inability to heal itself,there will be alot of adhesions built up,at 1 point i did not workout for 4 months and i had no improvement.
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- I do want to try Cissus though, I heard some great things about it.

I tried a 2 month course of cissus for shoulder tendonitis and a sprained ankle because it came so highly recommended.

It did alleviate the pain temporarily - but no more so than a dose of Ibuprofin. I didn't notice any increased rate of healing than I would expect naturally over the 2 months.

It did SOMETHING, certainly not a miracle worker though, at least in my experience.
Find the cause !

I tried a 2 month course of cissus for shoulder tendonitis and a sprained ankle because it came so highly recommended.

It did alleviate the pain temporarily - but no more so than a dose of Ibuprofin. I didn't notice any increased rate of healing than I would expect naturally over the 2 months.

It did SOMETHING, certainly not a miracle worker though, at least in my experience.

Thanks hikitiki- I'll take that into account.
I know a couple of Horse ranchers (one is a Vet) that sware by a horse sup call Acti-Flex.
They been using it for years .
Just a thought thats all.

In Acti-Flex 4000, they have put together the most advanced formula yet. It works with remarkable speed, making notable improvement within 5 days. In fact, you might see positive results in as little as 48 hours!

Key substances in Acti-Flex 4000 work together to improve performance by increasing the horse's supply of joint-lubricating synovial fluid, which repairs and strengthens body parts that running puts under high stress. Glucosamine Sulfate, Chondroitin Sulfate, Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), and Superoxide Dismutase occur naturally in the body, serving the function of repairing joints and many other tissues.
Actiflex Powder
Look into ART or Graston, both are forms of massage, that's what will cure this get the scar tissue broken down then rest and ice

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