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Cialis daily

T swol

Active member
Jan 10, 2011
Anyone using Cialis at low dose on training days. What’s your thought?
Thinking about giving it a try in the morning. I usually get a fat headache taking a normal dose.
I keep seeing guys on tik toc talking about benefits of daily dosing.
I take 10mg every morning at the moment. Normally do 5 but the ones I have at the moment are 20mg and impossible to break into 4 pieces without having to snort them.
Been doing 5 mg for a couple years (daily). I love it for BP, wood, etc. (Especially at this age (56).

I have more on order, so Im splitting mine for now (2.5 mg so I dont run out while I wait) and I dont see much of a difference.
I might stick with this smaller dose for time being.
How are u guys doing daily doing w the sides ? Since I've been taking it steady about 4x a week 5-15mg and I don't get the stuff nose or the headaches. I feel like my body has adjusted. I might get a little congested from a 30mg dose for a sex filled weekend lol
Same here 5mg 4 x aw I break a pill in half and break the half’s in half for the week which makes 4 quarters. I take a quarter pill an hour before I train 👍 awesome pumps and muscle contractions.
Been doing 5 mg for a couple years (daily). I love it for BP, wood, etc. (Especially at this age (56).

I have more on order, so Im splitting mine for now (2.5 mg so I dont run out while I wait) and I dont see much of a difference.
I might stick with this smaller dose for time being.
Same, 5mg/day but just for last couple months. No noticeable sides.
I get the 20 mg tabs and hard to split into 5mg. If I take it on empty stomach, lots flushing.
If i take a few days in a row and have sex, takes forever to finish if I can at all (frustrating). Not sure if that happens to anyone else.
Love the added pumps and I was unaware of its anti-inflammatory benefits. Good to know,
Be careful as some people can get mood and cognitive side effects. PDE5 and NO can have effects on other body systems other than circulatory/cardiovascular. brain fog/lower mood from daily tadalafil is an uncommon side effect.
Two weeks ago I took 10mg and couldn't remember if I took my dose. I remembered later that I had but not before taking another 10mg. Few hours later I was just chilling in the evening with some TV and stood up from the couch and I dropped like a tree. It was only for a second or two but enough to put me out. My blood pressure was 90/60. I have never seen it that low before. So be careful if you're already using ARBs, beta blockers, etc to control blood pressure.

I'm lucky I didn't break my neck.
I have been on 5mg daily, split a 10mg, hoping to see some improvement in BP. Med to hard boners nearly all night long though...
5-10mg every other day! 60 years old, pumps are better at low dose sinus isn't much of an issue, boners is another thing on the other hand, LOL.
Thanks for the feedback. I had a great pump in the gym this morning. I didn’t want to leave. I plan to split the 20mg up in 4 doses a week.
taking 20mg per day and I get woodies from the pics gf sends me lol. + rocket dick during sex makes its bigger and more full to an extent, i always said if you fuck a chick on cialis bareback ( no condom) first date she will be in love with you and its in the bag. make sure she's clean first!

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