So Jesse knowingly engaged in a sport that puts tremendous amounts of stess on the heart......combined with obvious steroid use.............Kind of stupid in my opinion.
So Jesse knowingly engaged in a sport that puts tremendous amounts of stess on the heart......combined with obvious steroid use.............Kind of stupid in my opinion.
So Jesse knowingly engaged in a sport that puts tremendous amounts of stess on the heart......combined with obvious steroid use.............Kind of stupid in my opinion.
So Jesse knowingly engaged in a sport that puts tremendous amounts of stess on the heart......combined with obvious steroid use.............Kind of stupid in my opinion.
I think what he was trying to say was that it was stupid to participate in a sport that places tremendous stress on the heart and steroid use KNOWING there is a pre-existing heart condition present. Not that he was stupid for powerlifting and using steroids.
GENETIC HEART DEFECT!! How the f'k did steriods get brought into this BOB??? Obvious was the term you used!! Do you have any obvious proof??? GENETIC as I believe the interpretation of this means he was born with the defect.............OR am I too stupid and don't know the meaning of genetic defect??? PFFFT!
uhhh guys not to cause a shit storm and we should let the guy rest in peace but he posted here and was kinda open in a few posts about some heavy useage combine that with a very high bodyweight and a genetic predisposition to heart disease and your a walking time bomb.