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Creatine with Carbs vs Creatine alone

I have substantial amounts off data regarding performance, diet, supplementation and PED utilization going back about a decade and a half.

Creatine has never been a staple in any of my supplemental programs. It is vastly over hyped and does very little. In all sincerity you are getting more than enough in your daily diet. Results are topically illustrated in untrained individuals which are also going to illicit performance based changes purely through base level programming.

Don’t waste your money.
Few notations in brevity

175 to 205 CGBP over four weeks, this is a completely reasonable adaptation especially as motor pattern becomes more fluid and honestly a bit of placebo

Anavar and other oral impact on strength gains in a caloric maintenance or surplus. I have a post on here showing 20-30% increase in reps achieved when utilizing these compounds. I have substantial strength gains as well when using in a pulsatile nature.

Just a note on placebo - remember lean beef aminos? I swear I was in line pressing 275-315 when utilizing that bullshit. We’re all human. The mind is a remarkable tool and enemy at the same time. Multi billion dollar ad campaigns and us being teenagers/young adults usually don’t line up too evenly
Haha. Well admittedly, that graphic pretty much sums up my thoughts as well. If anyone perceives better performance using a combo product as compared to creatine alone then hey, keep buying 'em. Lord knows how many hundreds of dollars I've spent on such products over the years (my fave years back was AST's Creatine HSC), but can't say I ever noticed a discernable difference versus say, just mixing a standard creatine dose with whatever and taking it consistently over the long term.
Actually i was just fuckin w ya about that “study”. Very poor

but that was a good response, carry on
Few notations in brevity

175 to 205 CGBP over four weeks, this is a completely reasonable adaptation especially as motor pattern becomes more fluid and honestly a bit of placebo

Anavar and other oral impact on strength gains in a caloric maintenance or surplus. I have a post on here showing 20-30% increase in reps achieved when utilizing these compounds. I have substantial strength gains as well when using in a pulsatile nature.

Just a note on placebo - remember lean beef aminos? I swear I was in line pressing 275-315 when utilizing that bullshit. We’re all human. The mind is a remarkable tool and enemy at the same time. Multi billion dollar ad campaigns and us being teenagers/young adults usually don’t line up too evenly
I don't think it does anything really in terms of muscle gain, maybe in the long run but short term nada. Increased power output/weight in the gym doesn't always translate to muscle. All I was saying is there were really good strength gains for me, but in terms of muscle gains, similar to mk677, temp water retention and a decent amount of strength disappears once you stop using it since the fluid retention goes back down.
I don't think it does anything really in terms of muscle gain, maybe in the long run but short term nada. Increased power output/weight in the gym doesn't always translate to muscle. All I was saying is there were really good strength gains for me, but in terms of muscle gains, similar to mk677, temp water retention and a decent amount of strength disappears once you stop using it since the fluid retention goes back down.
It absolutely does if you're eating to gain. Creatine isn't a miracle drug that puts muscle on by itself, it's a supplement to help you perform better - and more weight you can lift the more potential you have for gaining muscle.

Creatine is likely the single most scientifically studied supplement with tons of papers published on it. To say it's not worth it is ignorant.
It absolutely does if you're eating to gain. Creatine isn't a miracle drug that puts muscle on by itself, it's a supplement to help you perform better - and more weight you can lift the more potential you have for gaining muscle.

Creatine is likely the single most scientifically studied supplement with tons of papers published on it. To say it's not worth it is ignorant.
Agree and my experiences was always positive when using creatine. My first creatine cycle was like my first gear cycle- few kilograms which stayed with me forever.

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