When ever I take my creatine it upsets my stomach for about an 1 hour. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? Is creatine even worth taking?? Any onfo would be great thanks!
Could it have Alpha Lipoic Acid already in it? If so, this could cause an upset stomach for you. It does in me and now I just take pure creatine instead.
Creatine is worth it in my opnion. As far as the stomach problems, I ocassionally get this if I take it with too cold of water after working out right after working out. Other than that I hve no problems. Do a search, BigKiwi had some info about anoter type of creatine or something similar that he found good results from.
I like creatine off cycle-its part of my gainskeepers program. Go on 2wks before cycle ends, and stay on until 2-3wks into cycle.
NEver bothered my stomach, and I have reflux problem due t a hiatal hernia.