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Cube Method Log

Thurs 6/5
Warm-up - lying leg curl machine and spiderman stretches
Squat w/wraps - 265 lbs x 1 set x 8 reps (worked up from 135, 185, 225)
BB Wide Stance GM - 95 x 3 x 8
Lunges w/ DB - 40 x 3 x 12-15
Olympic Squats - 115 x 3 x 15

Felt strong in the beginning of my training session, no so much near the end. GM's are getting easier and I am going to add more weight next time. I can definitely tell that my lower back is getting stronger as a result of doing more DL, reverse hypers, GHR and GM's. I was drenched with sweat when I left the gym :D
Mon 6/9
Deadlift From 2" Deficit - 260 lbs x 1 set x 8 reps (worked up from 135)
Rack Pull - 315 x 2 x 3
BB Olympic Squat - 180 x 3 x 8
GHR - 4 x 8 reps

Another solid training session in the books :D
Tues 6/10
Floor Press - 275-290 lbs x 5 sets x 2 reps
BB Bench Press - 185 x 2 x 15
Hammer Lat Pulldown - 180 x 3 x 8-10
Machine Shrugs - 180 x 4 x 12-15
Hammer Military Press - 180 x 3 x 10-12

This has been one of my favorite training sessions of the program. I also recently purchased a pair of elbow compression cuffs made by SlingShot and am really impressed with the quality and how well they work.
Brandon Lilly breaks down the cube and explains each training day.

[ame=""]The Cube By Brandon Lilly - YouTube[/ame]
Thurs 6/12
7 min warm-up on elliptical
Squat - 225 lbs x 8 sets x 3 reps
Olympic Squat - 225 x 5 x 5
Leg Press - 180 x 4 x 12-15
Reverse Hypers - 3 x 12

Solid night :headbang:

Here is a video where Brandon Lilly clears up some things about the explosive/speed training day while on the cube method:

[ame=""]Explosive training with Brandon Lilly - YouTube[/ame]
Sat 6/14
Standing BB Military Press - 105 lbs x 4 sets x 8 reps
Machine Preacher Curls - 120 x 4 x 10
Standing Calf Raises - 160 x 4 x 8-10
Bent Over BB Rows - 135 x 4 x 10
Machine Shrugs - 180 x 4 x 12

I am feeling strong(er) :D
Forgot to add above, but I also did the following:

Lying DB Tricep Extensions - 40 lbs x 3 sets x 10-12 reps
Forgot to add above, but I also did the following:

Lying DB Tricep Extensions - 40 lbs x 3 sets x 10-12 reps

You gotta love those DB extensions (lol)
BigDM Have you ever tried 7x8 with 15 second rest periods? if done right you are pretty much petered out ,i always done it with my speed bench day but you can do it on your max-effort day.Or in your case doing the cube put them in the area you think they would fit.
They are the bomb:headbang:
I recently purchased a pair of mini-bands from Rogue. Last night I tested them out on a variety of exercises and equipment. BB Bench press, BB military press, machine flys, kettle bell swings, tricep pushdowns. It was fun trying them out and I think they will add a new dimension to my training. I'm going to use them all the time for warming up.

Here's a cool video I found that shows a lot of good warm-up exercises using the mini-band:

[ame=""]STRONG 101 GYM, EliteFTS Band Warm-Up - YouTube[/ame]

Dead-Explosion training on deck for tonight :D
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Tues 6/17
Warm-up w/ mini-bands
Deadlift from floor - 245 lbs x 8 sets x 3 reps
Rack Pulls - 225 x 3 x 10-12
Hammer shrugs - 200 x 4 x 12
Lat Pulldowns - 125 x 3 x 10

Had to wait for the deadlift station to open up tonight. So was pressed for time. Skipped oly squats. Other than that I felt strong this session.
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Those compression sleeves are a life saver. I thought they'd stretch out a little bit as they broke in. Nope! Had to have my girlfriend peel them off. So I had to get another pair. Ha ha
Thurs 6/19
Warm-up w/ mini-bands
BB Incline Press - 215 lbs x 1 set x 8 reps
DB Incline Press - 50 x 3 x 15-20
BB Close-Grip Press - 185 x 3 x 10-12
Pec Dec w/ bands - 145 x 3 x 12
Cable Tricep Pushdown - 70 x 4 x 25
Hammer Military Press - 160 x 3 x 12

One of my best training sessions to date. Felt strong throughout the entire w/o and no nagging injuries to deal with. And no new injuries. The elbow compression cuffs I bought are worth every penny, too.
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Thurs 6/19
Warm-up w/ mini-bands
BB Incline Press - 215 lbs x 1 set x 8 reps
DB Incline Press - 50 x 3 x 15-20
BB Close-Grip Press - 185 x 3 x 10-12
Pec Dec w/ bands - 145 x 3 x 12
Cable Tricep Pushdown - 70 x 4 x 25
Hammer Military Press - 160 x 3 x 12

One of my best training sessions to date. Felt strong throughout the entire w/o and no nagging injuries to deal with. And no new injuries. The elbow compression cuffs I bought are worth every penny, too.

Are you using a thumb less grip on Benches or close-grips? Thumb less always kinda scared me once i hit a certain weight! Now on push downs it is always good to use a thumb less grip so you can isolate the triceps:cool:

(lol)Before you know it you will have a gymbag full of just various bands in it:)
Man nice numbers and great program! Now r u running the normal cube or the king boss cube method?

Sent from my iPP using Tapatrash
Are you using a thumb less grip on Benches or close-grips? Thumb less always kinda scared me once i hit a certain weight! Now on push downs it is always good to use a thumb less grip so you can isolate the triceps:cool:

(lol)Before you know it you will have a gymbag full of just various bands in it:)

I don't use a thumb-less grip on any BB movements. I only use that technique on hammer and cable machines. I believe fully gripping the bar and squeezing it hard helps improve power during the lift. Plus it's a whole lot safer ;)

I already want more bands :D
Man nice numbers and great program! Now r u running the normal cube or the king boss cube method?

Sent from my iPP using Tapatrash

Thanks for the compliment brother! I have a long ways to go to reach my personal goals, but it's starting to come together. Time and persistence.

I'm just using the standard Cube Method. It's been a great training system to work through and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to get not only strong, but jacked, too! :headbang:
I don't use a thumb-less grip on any BB movements. I only use that technique on hammer and cable machines. I believe fully gripping the bar and squeezing it hard helps improve power during the lift. Plus it's a whole lot safer ;)

I already want more bands :D

Louie Simmons always screams at you during a lift by yelling pull,pull!!!!!!!
I asked him years ago,what did he mean and he said to always grip as hard,pull as you are trying to pull the bar apart!

Fact it does work!

Keep up the great work brother:cool:
I'm taking some time off this week. We recently moved and I have a ton of stuff that we still need to get done.

Will be hitting it hard next week! :headbang:

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