ok so i posted my plans for an upcoming cycle a while ago but i have made some additions. My cycle will be consisting of two phases. phase I - bulking. Phase II - cutting
Phase I - Bulking wk 1-12
Test enanthate 750mg/wk
Deca 400mg/wk
EQ 400mg/wk
wk 1-4 Anadrot at 50mg ed
Phase II - Cutting 12-18
Test prop 100 mg EOD
winstrol 50mg EOD
tren 75mg EOD
clen 100mcg/daily
*500iu HCG every 4th day + 10mg of nolvadex ED
What im wondering is if its a good idea to do a bulk/cutting cycle or maybe i should just do phase two as another cycle after this one, please tell me your opinion. this would be my first cycle over 12 weeks and my 4th cycle. My stats are 6'ft 218lbs 10%bf. Also wondering if anyone has any info on the anavar "gainkeepers formula" big A posted on Growth Principles for begginers ?
Phase I - Bulking wk 1-12
Test enanthate 750mg/wk
Deca 400mg/wk
EQ 400mg/wk
wk 1-4 Anadrot at 50mg ed
Phase II - Cutting 12-18
Test prop 100 mg EOD
winstrol 50mg EOD
tren 75mg EOD
clen 100mcg/daily
*500iu HCG every 4th day + 10mg of nolvadex ED
What im wondering is if its a good idea to do a bulk/cutting cycle or maybe i should just do phase two as another cycle after this one, please tell me your opinion. this would be my first cycle over 12 weeks and my 4th cycle. My stats are 6'ft 218lbs 10%bf. Also wondering if anyone has any info on the anavar "gainkeepers formula" big A posted on Growth Principles for begginers ?