man thats a good one, there should be lots of responses to this
my best was from Test Suspension by DPharm 100mg/ml, run with NPP by BM Pharmaceuticals, and then with Winstol by IP. Had the best experience with it, but didnt really like the ED injections, but kept almost every pound i gained.
What are the benefits of proviron at 150mg/day. I have not familiar with anyone using doseing that high with prov. I know 50mg doesn't seem to do muych for me, now I am curious about increasing my mgs
Hit the nail directly on the head. I dont go for this lose half of my gains bs. Of course your gonna lose a little due to testosterone levels recovering, etc... but if you train your ass off and dont back down off weight cuase you think your weaker without juice, keep eating and dont change your diet, and get on your way to recovery quickly with a good PCT plan, there is no reason you cant hold on to like 80% of any cycle. Now i dont mean do 1 rep maxes to stay heavy, but go as heavy as you possibly can with good form, dont have the mentality ur weaker becuase your not on juice.
What are the benefits of proviron at 150mg/day. I have not familiar with anyone using doseing that high with prov. I know 50mg doesn't seem to do muych for me, now I am curious about increasing my mgs
Well for one if you like being a stud in bed -- this stuff rocks ---also I noticed at 150 a day I was ROCK HARD (you know what I mean) and had very little estro sides.. I really like proviron for these reasons.
Well for one if you like being a stud in bed -- this stuff rocks ---also I noticed at 150 a day I was ROCK HARD (you know what I mean) and had very little estro sides.. I really like proviron for these reasons.