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Day of Contest....


New member
Mar 23, 2005
OK... a million different answers for one question..
I am a bit old fashioned and cut my water 2 1/2 day out from a show including show day...I come in dry but not all ways full despite taking in 700grams of carbs wed,thur, fri...However at the bigger showes Nationals, USA's I see guys drinking water all day long....
So what's your guys take on drinking water on Show day..?
OK... a million different answers for one question..
I am a bit old fashioned and cut my water 2 1/2 day out from a show including show day...I come in dry but not all ways full despite taking in 700grams of carbs wed,thur, fri...However at the bigger showes Nationals, USA's I see guys drinking water all day long....
So what's your guys take on drinking water on Show day..?

any one....................?
I would rethink the whole carb load and water deplete thing actually. I would keep your diet on track right up to 24hrs before the show. Look at a fat load and cut water 24 hrs out. I like to hyperhydrate for six weeks out and then just cut back to 1 liter for the 24 hrs prior to the show. At the show, depending on when pre-judge finishes it is ok to drink some water backstage. But you need to know where your body is at. Everyone is different so you will need to adjust to suit your body. But the whole trick is to get your body used to being in a high state of hydration so it has no need to hold any water. You cut water back for the 24 hrs and it tricks your system into dumping water like it usually does. But you can only get away with it for about 24 hrs before the body realizes something is wrong. The whole thing to drying out is to give your body no reason to hold water. it is that simple.
Everyone is different. Timing is key. I slam water and do not restrict salt through Wednesday. Thursday, No salt and about 1 1/2 liters water. Friday AM, a cup of coffee and maybe 8 oz water before noon. Afternoon on Friday, no liquids, and I start adding salt back into my carbup. I might take an aldactone Friday night, depending on how I look. A couple of frozen gatorade cubes can be a lifesaver while waiting on prejudging. I've been succesful at coming in dry.
after prejudging, I drink about 18 pitchers of ice tea.
thanks..that's a lot of ice tea....lol
I don't know why i do this to my self...every show i start to freak out even though I have been successful in the past with high salt load, low carb then carbing up cutting water, cutting salt and taking in fats 10hr before stepping on stage...I have been in the 3% BF range and dry as a bone however I miss that full big look..Not sure if it's worth looking full and big but not having striations in my gluts and veins running through then...I guess I am freaking out so much because I and doing a show 6 days out before the biggest show of my life USA's..


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thanks..that's a lot of ice tea....lol
I don't know why i do this to my self...every show i start to freak out even though I have been successful in the past with high salt load, low carb then carbing up cutting water, cutting salt and taking in fats 10hr before stepping on stage...I have been in the 3% BF range and dry as a bone however I miss that full big look..Not sure if it's worth looking full and big but not having striations in my gluts and veins running through then...I guess I am freaking out so much because I and doing a show 6 days out before the biggest show of my life USA's..
HAHAHAHAHAHHA Looks like a small army of toy soldiers there, especially with the mirror in the background. Looks like you know what you are doing bro. Might be an idea to hire one of the prep guys here. You would make their job easy and they would probably dial your ass in shredded and dry. Good luck!:D
thanks..that's a lot of ice tea....lol
I don't know why i do this to my self...every show i start to freak out even though I have been successful in the past with high salt load, low carb then carbing up cutting water, cutting salt and taking in fats 10hr before stepping on stage...I have been in the 3% BF range and dry as a bone however I miss that full big look..Not sure if it's worth looking full and big but not having striations in my gluts and veins running through then...I guess I am freaking out so much because I and doing a show 6 days out before the biggest show of my life USA's..

hey bro...with that collection of trophy's I think your game plan will work...just dont freak out, and do your thing :p
HAHAHAHAHAHHA Looks like a small army of toy soldiers there, especially with the mirror in the background. Looks like you know what you are doing bro. Might be an idea to hire one of the prep guys here. You would make their job easy and they would probably dial your ass in shredded and dry. Good luck!:D

thanks.... yeah I worked with BIG "Phil" for the beginning of the 2008 season and he definitely got me dialed in..fantastic diet and routine...I looked the best I ever looked lean at 223 shredded... However 6 weeks out from the show I stretched my patellar tendon in my right knee and resulted in Quarto tendanitce..ugh..It wrecked the momentum and path I was on. Phil know it, I know it but it was just to close to the show..either pull out or rough it out. Despite me not working legs for the rest of the 6 weeks I still did the shows any way...ugh..It took almost 1 1/2 years to heal and it still bugs me to this day..Phil still helps me out here and there and is a great guy, always making time for me, quick replies despite him having his hands full with 100 clients, running a gym, taking care of new baby and living life...
hey bro...with that collection of trophy's I think your game plan will work...just dont freak out, and do your thing :p

Thanks Chris....Will I be seeing you in Vegas this year on the 29/30th...?
If you are unsure of what to do, don't do much of anything. I can guarantee that if you start doing shit that you are unsure of (cutting water too far out, cutting sodium, diuretics, etc.) you are going to look far worse than if you just play it simple and roll into the show.

If you are unsure of what to do, don't do much of anything. I can guarantee that if you start doing shit that you are unsure of (cutting water too far out, cutting sodium, diuretics, etc.) you are going to look far worse than if you just play it simple and roll into the show.


Thanks Skip...However for some reason I always do this to my self..you would think after 7 class wins I would not be so nervous and worry about why other people are doing this and that..just looking for a switch the USA's are alot more serious playing field....Oh I tried the walk in normal approch and was not nearly dry enough. It was a test because I had back to back shows...
so what is you approch if you don't mind sharing with the group..?
dropping water..salt..etc...

Thanks for the feed back
It is individual and changes for each person but some things to keep in mind:

Water keeps you full and sodium keeps you full. There is no use in being dry and flat. You are better off to error on the side of full and slightly watery if you have to pick a side to error on.

A lot of your water plan revolves around how you load, too. If you load after you weigh in vs. earlier in the week before weigh in, your plan won't be the same.

have u done any research regarding shitloading with slin?
i have a few buddies who have done this with great success(several top 5s at the pgh and the N.Atlantics)
OK... a million different answers for one question..
I am a bit old fashioned and cut my water 2 1/2 day out from a show including show day...I come in dry but not all ways full despite taking in 700grams of carbs wed,thur, fri...However at the bigger showes Nationals, USA's I see guys drinking water all day long....
So what's your guys take on drinking water on Show day..?

I don`t like the carb loding system, however if you carb loding you need to keep your liquid intake high, every gram of glycogen require 2.7 grams of water to store it. Even slight dehydration will reduce the loding response and put heavy stress on the blood and kidney. I think 700g carbs are to musch.

When you doing the carb depletion that dozn`t mean that you go 0 on carbs, if you do carb depletion you shoud lower only 20% you carb from your normal dayly carb regim. Don`t eat more protein that you eat normaly during carb reduction. Fluid intake should bee 150% of normal during carb loding.
I don`t like the carb loding system, however if you carb loding you need to keep your liquid intake high, every gram of glycogen require 2.7 grams of water to store it. Even slight dehydration will reduce the loding response and put heavy stress on the blood and kidney. I think 700g carbs are to musch.

When you doing the carb depletion that dozn`t mean that you go 0 on carbs, if you do carb depletion you shoud lower only 20% you carb from your normal dayly carb regim. Don`t eat more protein that you eat normaly during carb reduction. Fluid intake should bee 150% of normal during carb loding.

Thanks Emeric..........any other advice and wisdom you can can share with us about your 1 week out prep...I am all ears on what an IFBB pro like your self can tell us up-cummers....
Thanks Emeric..........any other advice and wisdom you can can share with us about your 1 week out prep...I am all ears on what an IFBB pro like your self can tell us up-cummers....

If you don`t watch your sodium intake usually, then don`t increase it. On the days when you are taking lower grams of carbs and you runing out of energy take 25 to 40 grams of MCT oil to boost your energy.
OK... a million different answers for one question..
I am a bit old fashioned and cut my water 2 1/2 day out from a show including show day...I come in dry but not all ways full despite taking in 700grams of carbs wed,thur, fri...However at the bigger showes Nationals, USA's I see guys drinking water all day long....
So what's your guys take on drinking water on Show day..?

Good Luck, don't forget your Synthelator ;)
OK the poll is in..... 3 well known IFBB pro's sugest being to dehydrated will make you look flatter and you cant get the Glycogen in the cell...So by only cutting water 20-15 hr before Pre-J...you will look dry and still be full...well that's depending if you did everything correct leading up to this point..

Thanks again guys for all the input..hopefully it will work for some of us...but as we know all are bodies respond differently...trial and error make perfect.
hey bro.

keep us updated....im curious to see what you do, and how it turns out...

could you give us some updated pics ?

good luck, and best wishes

I have done so much loading with insulin for both shitloading and skiploading and I honestly have not once seen a difference using it vs. not using it. Insulin sensitivity is so high when you are depleted that it just isn't needed (the slin) and when you are that depleted you run an even higher risk of going hypo even while eating carbs. I have only once almost hit the floor from slin use over the years and it was during the first few hours of a load for a show.

have u done any research regarding shitloading with slin?
i have a few buddies who have done this with great success(several top 5s at the pgh and the N.Atlantics)

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