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Decca for second cycle?


New member
Aug 14, 2012
Hey guys how's it going i just signed up here. I am new to the forum but I have been on gear before. Little about myself... I'm 23 years old I weigh 135 pounds and I am 5'6. I am a small guy. Back in highschool I did a cycle of Decca (200MG/ML) for 10 weeks and saw INCREDIBLE results. I went from 120 pounds to around 155 pounds in just 10 weeks. I know most people here will flame me and be like wtf who takes decca by itself with no test or pct. I still have the stretch marks and I gained so much size and mass I loved it. Immediately after that 10 weeks I started taking Equipoise and Sustanon but my cycle was cut short after 3 weeks because my parents found my gear lol. Basically I stopped working out completely after that and I lost most of my muscle mass and here I am 5 years later skinny again. My question to you is should I take Decca again this time around? The ONLY side effect I had with it was tachycardia(increased heart rate). When I was in the middle of my cycle my resting heart rate was 114 BPM. The only explanation as to why this happened was I suppose I gained so much mass so quickly that my heart just went haywire and had to work extra. I hear a lot of things about TREN-ACE and was just wondering, for my body size, what would be the best choice for me? I really do not want to stack anything. Although this time around I WILL do PCT and I WILL continue to workout after my cycle. I am open to any suggestions/comments. Thanks! :)
You need to run test in every cycle. Most your gains were prob water retention.
Lol, wait...what was that other thread about BB and Anabolicminds?
23yrs old and 125lbs? you dont need gear at all bud. food and a solid lifting routine is all you need.
here is a pic of me natty at 125lbs 18 yrs old.
next is a pic at 25 years old (still natural) at 185 lbs
THEN i started juicin. take full advantage of your natural hormones first then go to gear bud.
third is my last pic before a competition after being on gear for a year.
Be patient. you got a few years before you should hop on the sauce bud.
I still feel like I jumped on gear too soon. I was still making good gains naturally. If i could go back, I wouldnt have touched the stuff till i turned 30.
theres an old saying "A wise man learns from others mistakes but a fool has to learn from his own" dont be a fool bro. train hard. Eat a lot of good food. do your research (because a deca only cycle is stupid imo) and when your 25 or 26 maybe think about adding some test in the equation.;)


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That resting heart rate is insane for that dose of deca. Do you do any cardio? How is your diet?
I would be very worried if my HR was 114 while on low dose deca, hell I have been on 3 grams of AAS and was a little worried when my HR was 95.
23yrs old and 125lbs? you dont need gear at all bud. food and a solid lifting routine is all you need.
here is a pic of me natty at 125lbs 18 yrs old.
next is a pic at 25 years old (still natural) at 185 lbs
THEN i started juicin. take full advantage of your natural hormones first then go to gear bud.
third is my last pic before a competition after being on gear for a year.
Be patient. you got a few years before you should hop on the sauce bud.
I still feel like I jumped on gear too soon. I was still making good gains naturally. If i could go back, I wouldnt have touched the stuff till i turned 30.
theres an old saying "A wise man learns from others mistakes but a fool has to learn from his own" dont be a fool bro. train hard. Eat a lot of good food. do your research (because a deca only cycle is stupid imo) and when your 25 or 26 maybe think about adding some test in the equation.;)

Thanks for responding. I know my body dude and I know that I reach my natural peak within a couple of months of lifting. I intake so many calories and make sure that I am intaking plenty of protein through food and supplements but my genes just do no allow me to get to where I want to be. I agree with training and getting my body back into shape for a month though and then hopping on a cycle because I have tried many times to get good solid natural gains and I just cannot.

"That resting heart rate is insane for that dose of deca. Do you do any cardio? How is your diet?
I would be very worried if my HR was 114 while on low dose deca, hell I have been on 3 grams of AAS and was a little worried when my HR was 95."

I was very worried at the time too. I did not do any cardiovascular exercises while I was on my cycle. My diet was basically eat anything with carbs and protein. I went from hardly eating 2 meals a day to eating 4 or 5 huge meals and drinking 3 cytogainer shakes a day. I would eat a steak and loaded baked potato every night and finish it off with cytogainer. I believe my body just could not adapt to the rapid weight gain. What sucks is that my heart rate never really came back down, my resting heart rate is around 95 right now, maybe with some running I can bring it down lower before my cycle. One more thing is that I take Suboxone on a daily basis(opiate replacement therapy) because I was addicted to strong painkillers like heroin. Has anyone heard of any bad reactions between juice and opiates(painkillers)?
Thanks for responding. I know my body dude and I know that I reach my natural peak within a couple of months of lifting.

LoL. Right your natural limit is 125 pounds. Get off this forum please.
What sucks is that my heart rate never really came back down, my resting heart rate is around 95 right now, maybe with some running I can bring it down lower before my cycle. One more thing is that I take Suboxone on a daily basis(opiate replacement therapy) because I was addicted to strong painkillers like heroin. Has anyone heard of any bad reactions between juice and opiates(painkillers)?

Make sure you do some cardio whether its the bike, eliptical, or treadmill. Just get your HR up daily with some exercise and your resting rate should come down. Clean up your diet and it should help too.

It is fine to take Suboxone with AAS.
Did you just recently come off opiates? HR and blood pressure can increase while your body is adjusting to not being on opiates anymore.
Hey man. 23 years old and doing this. Listen, take my advice and lay off true juice. All you have to do now is eat, train, sleep and growth naturally, when you hit 26 or 27 then jump into the monkey juice. Mean time do what ever you want to do it . But, just think about of what I wrote if you want to life a little longer... Peace....

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