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Palulski’s gym MI40 I think it’s called

If I’m not mistaken - that is
He looks unreal in person. Like unreal. I see him there a few times a week.
Do you guys believe that Hany is the best coach in the game right now? Also, as an aside, I have coached a lot of natty competitors for shows but never coached two guys that were going to compete against each other head to head in a class. It has to be kind of crazy, I mean on the one hand it is just your job to get each guy in the best possible place to win, but on the other, it's like crazy to be pitting your two bulls against each other. Even crazier for Hany since his Hadi and Derek could easily be top 2.
Hany knows as much about nutrition, gear, and training, as anyone else.
Interesting I guess I never knew that these coaches were not really doing as much as I thought. you think that is true across the board with guys like Milos, or Aceto?

I will say I thought Cbum looked markedly better at last years O under Hany than he had previously with Iain.
If I'm being very honest I don't think hany is really prepping these guys.. he sponsors them.. he employs them to rep his company and do videos with him.. but I'm just not sold that hand is bringing a ton to the table for Derek or Phil etc inbregards to knowledge they don't already have.. I could be wrong but I just don't get the vide that he is doing their diet and supplement routines..


I’d be Interested in knowing what Jay Cutler did differently from 08 to 09 when he completely transformed

He had left Aceto and joined with Hany
Muscle mass aside, how is his skin so perfect? He looks like an action figure jesus murphy
its very much about genetics when it comes to skin.
If I'm being very honest I don't think hany is really prepping these guys.. he sponsors them.. he employs them to rep his company and do videos with him.. but I'm just not sold that hand is bringing a ton to the table for Derek or Phil etc inbregards to knowledge they don't already have.. I could be wrong but I just don't get the vide that he is doing their diet and supplement routines..
I agree. Hany has really moved into Evogen and building his brand and content. I don’t remember the last time I watched Derek, Hadi or CBUM do a FST-7 work set in this years prep series. They’re all doing their own progressive overload style of training unique to them.

Also, Hany also has been very vocal about being anti-tren and insulin on his channels. Love it or hate it, you aren’t going to look like these guys without insulin or tren to some extent. Less? Maybe. But they’re still using it.

I think as a whole coaches are focusing more on the diet than anything which is a good thing on some levels.
Derek is my favorite current pro as I have met him so many times.

I hope he wins, but everyone at this level looks like Mr. O in the gym. Especially on their strongest body part.

He’s got a lot of muscle maturity to beat and hungry guys this year. Hadi and Samson especially.
👍 so true.
If I'm being very honest I don't think hany is really prepping these guys.. he sponsors them.. he employs them to rep his company and do videos with him.. but I'm just not sold that hand is bringing a ton to the table for Derek or Phil etc inbregards to knowledge they don't already have.. I could be wrong but I just don't get the vide that he is doing their diet and supplement routines..
Cbum talked about Hany making him get several different types of potatoes for prep and depending on circumstances he would have Cbum eat different potatoes. I think that is pretty involved. How much more can a coach get involved?

Of course he is not telling them things they don't know about training. But having them get complete workouts, pushing them where needed when in person but also tailoring the diets day by day and possibly meal to meal. How else would the guy be getting athletes to be the top guy or top two for a decade?
Cbum talked about Hany making him get several different types of potatoes for prep and depending on circumstances he would have Cbum eat different potatoes. I think that is pretty involved. How much more can a coach get involved?

Of course he is not telling them things they don't know about training. But having them get complete workouts, pushing them where needed when in person but also tailoring the diets day by day and possibly meal to meal. How else would the guy be getting athletes to be the top guy or top two for a decade?

Potatoes? Come on brother.. look.. all I'm saying is this...
Let's say I'm open a supplement manufacturing facility.. I then sponsor only the top guys.. I sponsor derek..hadi..Phil heath.. cbum.. guys already at the top of their game.. do they need workout advice ? No.. they are training 99.9 percent of the time without hany anywhere near them. I then fly in and video a training footage with them every once in a while.. I pay them good money to be sponsored by me.. they are already at the top of the game before I even sponsor them.. then I swoop down and get some credit by " training them" which they already know how to do obviously and leave them a check and supplements.. again I'm not saying he doesn't give them some advice.. but if you pay me good money I'll let ya take credit for some of my training and advice on potatoes . That's what's going on.... and it's everywhere in this game..
Last edited:

I’d be Interested in knowing what Jay Cutler did differently from 08 to 09 when he completely transformed

He had left Aceto and joined with Hany
He upped his doses. Aceto is well known for employing pretty low dose routines.. jay took it up a notch.. gear and food wise.. hany didn't perform magic.. just simple progression of gear and food
He upped his doses. Aceto is well known for employing pretty low dose routines.. jay took it up a notch.. gear and food wise.. hany didn't perform magic.. just simple progression of gear and food
We have to also remember that even pros get fake shit. Fake t3 for example can have a huge impact on your prep.. jay admitted he's received fake stuff before.. so let's say you get a " trainer" that has very good ties to the Middle East or even ties to good manufacturers. . its a literally candy store of legit products in the middle east... now his client has access to legit pharma t3.. along with other goodies.. can make a huge impact..
Its truly shocking to me to kinda see pros of this quality who are able to continue to make HUGE strides even YEARS into their pro career.
Just look at him AND Samson. I feel like when someone turns pro there is the mental dillemna of, "oh fuck, i just bet my life and my all-time dosage to get here....and now wtf do I do...?" Most simply cannot add another 1-2g or it will hurt their physique, health and will just give them a tired, look.

But Derek and Samson look fresh. Simply astonishing. Derek has good skin, good hair, energy, etc. Basically, this dude was MADE for this.
True.. but a guy like Derek was literally training " with the breaks on" for years.. he had to make that 212 cutoff.. so food was limited.. gear was limited.. so he was able now to just train.. eat.. and yes, use a bit more stuff.. that is why we see Derek's transformation.. the breaks are off in a sense..
He upped his doses. Aceto is well known for employing pretty low dose routines.. jay took it up a notch.. gear and food wise.. hany didn't perform magic.. just simple progression of gear and food

was probably potatoes
If I'm being very honest I don't think hany is really prepping these guys.. he sponsors them.. he employs them to rep his company and do videos with him.. but I'm just not sold that hand is bringing a ton to the table for Derek or Phil etc inbregards to knowledge they don't already have.. I could be wrong but I just don't get the vide that he is doing their diet and supplement routines..
Just based off cbums full day of eating, I think hany is definitely involved. I do think it’s a lot of back and forth though, as these are super experienced athletes that know their body.
Just based off cbums full day of eating, I think hany is definitely involved. I do think it’s a lot of back and forth though, as these are super experienced athletes that know their body.
Like I said I'm sure hany gives his opinion. But cbum already knows this stuff.. he was doing well before hany.. im sure hany gives his advice and cbum weighs it and uses what he wants.. but again he's making good money off being sponsored by hany.. hes not going to say " I do my own thing. I know my body better than hany".. then the checks stop coming lol.. but again I'm sure he listen just as I would.. whether he uses it full timeis a different story..
Like I said I'm sure hany gives his opinion. But cbum already knows this stuff.. he was doing well before hany.. im sure hany gives his advice and cbum weighs it and uses what he wants.. but again he's making good money off being sponsored by hany.. hes not going to say " I do my own thing. I know my body better than hany".. then the checks stop coming lol.. but again I'm sure he listen just as I would.. whether he uses it full timeis a different story..
Agreed, hany comes off as more of a mentor than a coach.
Muscle mass aside, how is his skin so perfect? He looks like an action figure jesus murphy
Low doses, barely over TRT and of course: no chocolate milk. Facts be facts.
Like I said I'm sure hany gives his opinion. But cbum already knows this stuff.. he was doing well before hany.. im sure hany gives his advice and cbum weighs it and uses what he wants.. but again he's making good money off being sponsored by hany.. hes not going to say " I do my own thing. I know my body better than hany".. then the checks stop coming lol.. but again I'm sure he listen just as I would.. whether he uses it full timeis a different story..
At least in Cbums case that would not make much sense as he has his own supplements to sell. If this is true it's a waste of money for Haney as not a single person is looking for his products and I get Cbum sales daily. In Heaths and Jays case I have a feeling muscletech would have had something to say about it as well.

Regarding the potatoes of different colors for different nutrients: you and I know(outside of perhaps a guy digesting one variety better than another) there is no magic in the slightly different antioxidants found in different color potatoes but the young guys that come into my shop literally brought this up as one of the reasons Cbum made the progress: "Haney is so detailed..........." the more non-sensical and majoring in the minors this stuff gets to more "knowledge" they credit the guy with. Sigh.
Agreed, hany comes off as more of a mentor than a coach.
I think this is accurate. It seems like him, and Aceto for that matter, "walk with you" into a show. There is an emphasis on keeping things calm, slight degrees of change and a hierarchy of decision making when issues may present themselves. Ron Partlow was just talking about the start of working with Aceto and a question of the diet didn't even come up in the first several weeks. It's definitely a simple approach but you can't get that "simple" without a ton of wisdom learned over years of experience.

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