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Derek's arm pits

I must have missed that part and yes, Jay is very cautios (too??) and does not want to dilute his brand, the brand he worked so hard to create.

Good for him I say . . . he gets to choose and controversy is something he can’t afford right now and I am only guessing.

Yes, Heidi appears to be full of oil in his arms and delts, seems a bit hypocritical not to mention that.

Milos is not afraid of controversy. He has a lot more life experience and knows it is no big deal in the grand scheme of things, might even give his business a bump.

Anyway, at the end of the day it’s just my opinion.
I still think it was lymph nodes. I know one guy, pretty close friend, that nearly didn't make his show recently in the hospital a week before. He had the same thing from the inflammation from the conditions of the prep. Anyhow, maybe that's why nobody wants to touch it because the preps now are no joke and pretty damn unhealthy.
I thought Derek would win and did win but those lumps look like shit. I think it was just putting meds somewhere new that failed. No way you’d put SEO in like that especially with Hany watching. Yes there’s SEOs in Hadis shoulders, but it looks right you just know it’s there. Hell how many of us don’t have pics where the tris or delts aren’t just a little to big….? Mind u I don’t use SEO for that just higher volume lower dose gear.
I didn’t mind that Derek won. I thought hadi had a bit better total package but it was close enough that I would not consider it a robbery or controversial decision. I think SEO when used minimaly doesn’t detract. Also guys with longer muscle bellies it seems to be less noticeable. Once it becomes obvious though it does detract. I mean you can tell some of these guys are loaded on it when they have tooth pick forearms and massive upper arms.
We need to ask that more plates more dates guy to look into this.
I thought Derek would win and did win but those lumps look like shit. I think it was just putting meds somewhere new that failed. No way you’d put SEO in like that especially with Hany watching. Yes there’s SEOs in Hadis shoulders, but it looks right you just know it’s there. Hell how many of us don’t have pics where the tris or delts aren’t just a little to big….? Mind u I don’t use SEO for that just higher volume lower dose gear.

Right. I shoot tonssss of shit in my Arms and not to noticable right
I didn’t mind that Derek won. I thought hadi had a bit better total package but it was close enough that I would not consider it a robbery or controversial decision. I think SEO when used minimaly doesn’t detract. Also guys with longer muscle bellies it seems to be less noticeable. Once it becomes obvious though it does detract. I mean you can tell some of these guys are loaded on it when they have tooth pick forearms and massive upper arms.
Ya the toothpick forearms like flex wheeler are a dead giveaway and look gay as fuck.
I still think it was lymph nodes. I know one guy, pretty close friend, that nearly didn't make his show recently in the hospital a week before. He had the same thing from the inflammation from the conditions of the prep. Anyhow, maybe that's why nobody wants to touch it because the preps now are no joke and pretty damn unhealthy.
Lymph nodes are not right there though they are smack in the middle of your arm pits.
I still think it was lymph nodes. I know one guy, pretty close friend, that nearly didn't make his show recently in the hospital a week before. He had the same thing from the inflammation from the conditions of the prep. Anyhow, maybe that's why nobody wants to touch it because the preps now are no joke and pretty damn unhealthy.
This makes sense.

I do a lot of shots in my quads since they're so big and when I'm pushing a lot of oil into them the lymph nodes below my iliac crest get noticeably swollen.
I still think it was lymph nodes. I know one guy, pretty close friend, that nearly didn't make his show recently in the hospital a week before. He had the same thing from the inflammation from the conditions of the prep. Anyhow, maybe that's why nobody wants to touch it because the preps now are no joke and pretty damn unhealthy.
Jesus.... do you know where the lymph nodes are located? If you did you would know that those aren't lymph nodes.
All the fucking cunts looking for click bait talking about how Hadi flees the stage, now that they have nothing else to talk about except Neckzilla, but no one resurfaces of Derek problem, avoiding the elephant in the room.
I don't remember if it's been mentioned in this thread, but Milos and DJ were speculating about the cause of his lumps (wasn't there what looked like a hole too, like somebdy had been pumping shit with a horse needle lol). Anyway, both Milos and DJ were sitting in the 2nd row and both claimed they didn't see shit while looking at Derek! Only when they looked at pictures later were they surprised to see it! That's what they claimed. Very strange.

BTW, to the anatomy experts, what muscle were they going into? Everyone said he didn't shoot the lats, and why didn't he go from the back. Milos said, "...well unless they were trying to build off-season..." then he was interrupted. Looks to me like a meaty portion of the lat or at least "back." Like wow, didn't think of that, that looks like it could take a lot of mls and if it get's thicker it will add to the overall back size. Thoughts?

100% this was site enhancement, well 99% lol. People always say, well why didn't he put in muscle X innstead. Well, already big muscle can take more volume increase before showing, build on your strengths you know. Lots of guys do this. For example I suspect Ramy and his thighs.

This is absurd SEO use.

Seriously - I have no idea why all these discussions. These are terribly fucking times and today, instead of putting the winner on a pedestal every gym rat tries to take him down and say that he doesn't deserve it because he has this or that bad thing or he did this or that... fuck - no one is perfect and those who have the most to accuse others in 99% of cases they are rats with complexes who have achieved nothing in life and will never achieve it so they pour out their pain in the ass trying to put those who are higher than them in a bad light
Seriously - I have no idea why all these discussions. These are terribly fucking times and today, instead of putting the winner on a pedestal every gym rat tries to take him down and say that he doesn't deserve it because he has this or that bad thing or he did this or that... fuck - no one is perfect and those who have the most to accuse others in 99% of cases they are rats with complexes who have achieved nothing in life and will never achieve it so they pour out their pain in the ass trying to put those who are higher than them in a bad light
Sure I get what you're saying but something like this was a guaranteed hot topic for fellow high-accomplished bodybuilders amongst themselves. I'm sure a few are trying to find the exact protocol and substance to use themselves lol. And from a fan viewpoint this is not acceptable in pro bb today, many think so. I think Hadi should have won even though he's had and has "lump issues" but where do you draw the line? Remember Hany said Aceto was the reason Hadi lost one time for drawing attention to his delts during the show on IG. Was Aceto being a rat? Wasn't Hany talking about suing him too lol. But overall it seems to me most people love Derek.

I thought the discussion about Ramy's "holes" in his thighs was pretty ridiculous though, it was so minor imo.
Seriously - I have no idea why all these discussions. These are terribly fucking times and today, instead of putting the winner on a pedestal every gym rat tries to take him down and say that he doesn't deserve it because he has this or that bad thing or he did this or that... fuck - no one is perfect and those who have the most to accuse others in 99% of cases they are rats with complexes who have achieved nothing in life and will never achieve it so they pour out their pain in the ass trying to put those who are higher than them in a bad light
My only problem is that every bodybuilding news outlet went out of their way to comment on Hadi's abnormal shoulders a few years ago and now with Derek's ridiculous lumps it's quiet as a field mouse about it. They did the same thing about Iris Kyle's glute knots (talked about it non stop)
Iris Kyle was placed power for her buttocks, which was a horrible decision, either send her to the DQ or don't punish her at all.

We need the criticism so the judges stop rewarding lumps looks, just like they stopped rewarding enlarged stomachs.

Almost every champion has received criticism, Dorian for broken muscles, Ronnie for a stomach, Jay for a wide waist, Phil for being narrow, Rhoden for a weak back, Curry for weak legs.

But we must differentiate genetic and structural limitations from problems caused by injections, implants or muscles that don't look like muscles.

The shoulders should look like Krizo's, period.
Jesus.... do you know where the lymph nodes are located? If you did you would know that those aren't lymph nodes.
Do I have to post Grey's anatomy? I'm really shocked that you are so arrogant after seeing so much on the stage that you completely dismiss this especially since someone like me who knows many BBers but not as many as you have seen this without question. But you know what? I really don't care what you want to pin this on. Seems everyone is hard set on pushing the site injection narrative. Have at it. Since you are a pro people will follow whatever you write. No one will know until once of them drops dead on stage and the medical examiner's report reads severe lymphadenopathy. But like I said, have fun in the debate.

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