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Derek's arm pits

Yea, I remember the Stallone issue. But the GH ain’t working in my opinion. Have you looked at him recently? He is all made up and it ain’t working in my opinion. Bit then again, he could look and feel worse without it.

The jury is out on what remains but remember, taking chances increases on stuff like this risks that could effect his career buy yes, I get you point.
He's also 77 years old I think he's pretty good for 77 personally.

their take
Link Not working.
He's also 77 years old I think he's pretty good for 77 personally.
Link Not working.
Agreed. He certainly does but I would not attribute that to GH, the best plastic surgeons in the world are in LA.
I can’t remember where but I saw a pick of Derek from years ago when he was MUCH smaller and those lumps were there. I obviously have no clue but they are damn symmetrical and could be some weird ass thing he has going on.

On the issue of cancer (and I am in NO way minimizing risks of high dose) I think there are so many other things we can do for health. Sugar is HORRIBLE and I have noticed a huge change after eliminating it. I literally consume NO refined sugar period. There are many other things we can do as well. Rogan just had Gary Breka on his show and Gary has a plethora of great info. Gary has an awesome show and website. I am doing a deep dive into longevity (pretty amazing how important that shit becomes after 50 😁)
Fortunately for me my wife is 100% in and is an AMAZING cook. She cooks food that is incredibly healthy and being down here in Cajun country you can best believe that while it may be healthy it is deceptively delicious.
I’m trying to get her to podcast with me because I think people would be shocked how easy our life is eating, supplementing, training this way. We both work more than full time, train very hard, keep an immaculate home ( admittedly she is OCD and wants a damn near sterile home that looks like southern living mag) and we still have TONS of down time to relax and spend time with kids, rents, extended family

Some go as far as eliminating all milk products due to the increased IGF-1. Jerry Ward was pushing this wrt to milk on IG and I responded. He banned me but I did come off too strong. He said he had been researching the milk and igf-1 and cancer connection and I said I don't call "research" to be reading sensationalistic basically tabloid articles by journalists even if they did quote "science." But if you're going to go that far, why not lower calories to starvation levels, protein extra low, try to stimulate mtor as little as possible, basically do the opposite of what bodybuilders do dietary wise.

I think it's useless to actually try to lower IGF-1 and bodybuild with juice by not drinking milk or eating milk products.

Milos said he recommends against IGF-1 and is personally afraid of it due to the cancer risk. No problem with GH though apparently. Milos published parts of his journals and what do you know, on one page he had pasted a IGF-LR3 label. Back when it just started to be used by bodybuilders and cost thousands of bucks for a mg or few. It had to be "receptor grade" lol, that was the secret if you wanted any effects
I have seen a lot of hide, a lot of real estate on a lot of top pros over the last 40 odd years in person and I have seen anything like what has been going on as of late. Irresponsible usage cheapens the sport and folks wonder why bodybuilding, physique competitions does not catch on, is not popular with the general public.

Perhaps someday (doubtful) and probably not in my lifetime if the current trend continues which I think it will creating a “new norm”

Just my opinion.

PS. Steroids are a subject for another post which I would not touch with a ten foot pole but to be utterly transparent I would consider myself a has been user, using well above and beyond the TRT (true) dosages until my blood work started showing some yellow flags (I am a wimp I know) I had my fun, had my fair share of looks, comments and strength gains. I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it, I did but I had my time in the sun, fun while it lasted, but now reality has set in and I must say it’s not that bad.
I’m just saying using this in his by far best body part which is hands down his back. He doesn’t need it there. 🤷🏽‍♂️
I’m just saying using this in his by far best body part which is hands down his back. He doesn’t need it there. 🤷🏽‍♂️
Stuck in the Bangkok airport with fuck all to do so here goes.

Yea, thought WTF with the symmetrical (at least he did that right) lumps in lats? Like I said earlier, never seen that before and I / we all have seen some crazy shit.

If you look at some his training videos his lats are huge and wide, almost as wide as his shoulders (Rare, would be a first in back width. I remember Jones saying to me that his pullover machine would do that . . . I’m still waiting). Anyway, why would anyone try and fix something that ain’t broke is beyond me.

Then again I can only remember seeing his back from his back. Sometimes bodybuilders don’t always make the right decisions . . . just like me.

Did he deserve to win? Will leave that to the judges. I am not a freak follower, must be trapped in the ‘Golden Era’ I guess although I do like some of open bodybuilders and the 212 which I earlier showed my ignorance in.

Anybody bothered to ask him? I was following the convo on him on the CutlerCast (podcast). Now I haven’t had the slightest interest in him after the comp.
Stuck in the Bangkok airport with fuck all to do so here goes.

Yea, thought WTF with the symmetrical (at least he did that right) lumps in lats? Like I said earlier, never seen that before and I / we all have seen some crazy shit.

If you look at some his training videos his lats are huge and wide, almost as wide as his shoulders (Rare, would be a first in back width. I remember Jones saying to me that his pullover machine would do that . . . I’m still waiting). Anyway, why would anyone try and fix something that ain’t broke is beyond me.

Then again I can only remember seeing his back from his back. Sometimes bodybuilders don’t always make the right decisions . . . just like me.

Did he deserve to win? Will leave that to the judges. I am not a freak follower, must be trapped in the ‘Golden Era’ I guess although I do like some of open bodybuilders and the 212 which I earlier showed my ignorance in.

Anybody bothered to ask him? I was following the convo on him on the CutlerCast (podcast). Now I haven’t had the slightest interest in him after the comp.
I agree, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. No one has ask him about it. I don’t follow him either. Honstly any other guy in the top 6 would have been penalized for that. I can only think of one reason why he is not questioned, and I really don’t wanna go there. Safe travels buddy.💪🏽
I agree, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. No one has ask him about it. I don’t follow him either. Honstly any other guy in the top 6 would have been penalized for that. I can only think of one reason why he is not questioned, and I really don’t wanna go there. Safe travels buddy.💪🏽
That’s a good thing. I don’t think you’re ready for the hard truth.
Stuck in the Bangkok airport with fuck all to do so here goes.

Yea, thought WTF with the symmetrical (at least he did that right) lumps in lats? Like I said earlier, never seen that before and I / we all have seen some crazy shit.

If you look at some his training videos his lats are huge and wide, almost as wide as his shoulders (Rare, would be a first in back width. I remember Jones saying to me that his pullover machine would do that . . . I’m still waiting). Anyway, why would anyone try and fix something that ain’t broke is beyond me.

Then again I can only remember seeing his back from his back. Sometimes bodybuilders don’t always make the right decisions . . . just like me.

Did he deserve to win? Will leave that to the judges. I am not a freak follower, must be trapped in the ‘Golden Era’ I guess although I do like some of open bodybuilders and the 212 which I earlier showed my ignorance in.

Anybody bothered to ask him? I was following the convo on him on the CutlerCast (podcast). Now I haven’t had the slightest interest in him after the comp.
Most of the time bodybuilders put oil in their best bodypart, let's say arms, small muscle, a big arm will not show disfigurement as fast. Almost all do shoulders and calves.
Take a look at Clarida, horrible misuse of SEO in his upper body. "Worked great" for him despite being so obvious.

Most of the time bodybuilders put oil in their best bodypart, let's say arms, small muscle, a big arm will not show disfigurement as fast. Almost all do shoulders and calves.
Take a look at Clarida, horrible misuse of SEO in his upper body. "Worked great" for him despite being so obvious.

When looking at that pic of Clarida you can tell he has used SEO but he still looks good. No lumps or mis-shaped body parts. Although he may have used a lot, the skill of his application was close to perfect.
That’s a good thing. I don’t think you’re ready for the hard truth.
Just listened to Jays Olympia review podcast (with Milos) flying back from Singapore.

Unless I am missing something Derek’s ‘lumps’ was never mentioned.

Weird and very disappointing if not.

Who can not discuss the obvious.

Anybody else listen to it?
Just listened to Jays Olympia review podcast (with Milos) flying back from Singapore.

Unless I am missing something Derek’s ‘lumps’ was never mentioned.

Weird and very disappointing if not.

Who can not discuss the obvious.

Anybody else listen to it?
I can verify. Not a mention.
Some go as far as eliminating all milk products due to the increased IGF-1. Jerry Ward was pushing this wrt to milk on IG and I responded. He banned me but I did come off too strong. He said he had been researching the milk and igf-1 and cancer connection and I said I don't call "research" to be reading sensationalistic basically tabloid articles by journalists even if they did quote "science." But if you're going to go that far, why not lower calories to starvation levels, protein extra low, try to stimulate mtor as little as possible, basically do the opposite of what bodybuilders do dietary wise.

I think it's useless to actually try to lower IGF-1 and bodybuild with juice by not drinking milk or eating milk products.

Milos said he recommends against IGF-1 and is personally afraid of it due to the cancer risk. No problem with GH though apparently. Milos published parts of his journals and what do you know, on one page he had pasted a IGF-LR3 label. Back when it just started to be used by bodybuilders and cost thousands of bucks for a mg or few. It had to be "receptor grade" lol, that was the secret if you wanted any effects
My physique and skin have improved significantly since I quit milk and most dairy. I think it’s good/ok for kids but I don’t think adults were designed to consume milk. Just the bloat and gas it creates in my gut is enough to tell me it’s not wise for me to consume milk. I guess everyone is different.

Jim Harbaugh eats apples and does pushups to ward away virus. He’s a
also a big advocate for milk in adults. I think it’s an outdated philosophy. Nothing on earth I’ve found causes digestion discomfort like dairy for me.

Whey isolate doesn’t cause this for me. Maybe minuscule amounts.
I can verify. Not a mention.

Am done listening Jay’s podcast unless he has a interesting guest. (Half way through Shawn Rays interview. While you may not like Shawn, I am finding him interesting listening him for a historical, training, and diet perspective.

But when just Jay, his side kick (who adds very little value) and Milos get on it turns into a mutual admiration society circle jerk . . . my opinion.
I don't see Jay calling out Dereks lumps. Not many of the other top people as they wouldn't want to rock the boat. Although some probably will. Unless there is a bigger out poring i doubt many will jump on the band wagon.

Am done listening Jay’s podcast unless he has a interesting guest. (Half way through Shawn Rays interview. While you may not like Shawn, I am finding him interesting listening him for a historical, training, and diet perspective.

But when just Jay, his side kick (who adds very little value) and Milos get on it turns into a mutual admiration society circle jerk . . . my opinion.
I think Milos brought up the lumps very briefly and Jay refused to comment and Milos accused him of always being politically correct. seems nobody with any influence wants to acknowledge it which is funny because nobody had a problem mentioning Hadi’s shoulders.
I think Milos brought up the lumps very briefly and Jay refused to comment and Milos accused him of always being politically correct. seems nobody with any influence wants to acknowledge it which is funny because nobody had a problem mentioning Hadi’s shoulders.
I must have missed that part and yes, Jay is very cautios (too??) and does not want to dilute his brand, the brand he worked so hard to create.

Good for him I say . . . he gets to choose and controversy is something he can’t afford right now and I am only guessing.

Yes, Heidi appears to be full of oil in his arms and delts, seems a bit hypocritical not to mention that.

Milos is not afraid of controversy. He has a lot more life experience and knows it is no big deal in the grand scheme of things, might even give his business a bump.

Anyway, at the end of the day it’s just my opinion.
I didn’t think the cosmetic fillers were injected into muscles, just like lips and under eyes, etc?
Shit Piana had silicone in his fucking arms.
I think Milos brought up the lumps very briefly and Jay refused to comment and Milos accused him of always being politically correct. seems nobody with any influence wants to acknowledge it which is funny because nobody had a problem mentioning Hadi’s shoulders.
I thought Derek would win and did win but those lumps look like shit. I think it was just putting meds somewhere new that failed. No way you’d put SEO in like that especially with Hany watching. Yes there’s SEOs in Hadis shoulders, but it looks right you just know it’s there. Hell how many of us don’t have pics where the tris or delts aren’t just a little to big….? Mind u I don’t use SEO for that just higher volume lower dose gear.

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