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Diagnosed with a brain tumor

That's great news dens...congratulations! A big sigh of relief for sure!! However, remember how it felt when you thought it might be cancer. It gives you a different perspective on what's really important versus the frivolous things that you were wasting time worrying about! Trust me, I remember what it was like.
I hear you. I have too much experience with it. My dad died from brain cancer, my mom had lung cancer that is currently back and she's electing NOT to go through chemo again at her age and just enjoy family, and my wife is a breast cancer survivor.
That's probably why when I got to the doc's yesterday my BP was 160/85 and pulse was 110. I told them that it would all drop a lot after they tell me I didn't have cancer. I actually didn't feel nervous until I walked in the building. It's finally what we can push out of our minds.
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I had my EEG Friday. It showed mildly abnormal activity in my temporal lobe indicating potential seizures being caused by the tumor.
They want me to start taking low does trileptal. Considering the original potential for much worse and after my hour of, "Fucking seizures" I have to be happy that this is the only issue and that I avoided all the worse case scenarios.
I had my EEG Friday. It showed mildly abnormal activity in my temporal lobe indicating potential seizures being caused by the tumor.
They want me to start taking low does trileptal. Considering the original potential for much worse and after my hour of, "Fucking seizures" I have to be happy that this is the only issue and that I avoided all the worse case scenarios.

Was it a 24 hour Video EEG or something less thorough? So your EEG demonstrated evidence of mild PLEDs and they want you to initiate an oral AED Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal). Hmmm...not sure I agree with that. Did they give you a course of Dexamethasone?
Was it a 24 hour Video EEG or something less thorough? So your EEG demonstrated evidence of mild PLEDs and they want you to initiate an oral AED Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal). Hmmm...not sure I agree with that. Did they give you a course of Dexamethasone?
Less thorough. It took an hour or so. No Dexamethasone.
No cancer! Further info is the tumor is small and located such that they feel surgery would cause more harm than good as the scar tissue would create issues. It is actually enclosed by the membrane surrounding my brain and is very slow growing. Neuro said some people have them for years and years and never grow. Also it's above the eye socket and not affecting my eyes.
She was concerned regarding my two major concussions in college football back in the early 80's back then as soon as your vision cleared you went back in.
She's thinking those and the tumor, which may be related, may have caused a mini seizure, so the next step is an EEG on February 3rd.
I swear I feel 100 pounds lighter right now!
Thank you for all the support.
Sooo happy!

Best news yet!!!!
I've been having some intermittent vision problems on some mornings, a bit of trouble focusing after waking up. Not every day but often enough to bug me.
I had an MRI last Wednesday and they discovered a small tumor on the inside of my skull. It's pressing against the frontal lobe and has a tendril extending towards the optic nerves.
Good news is it's small, it's slow growing, and 85% of this type of tumor is benign, if it's benign a full and quick recovery is expected depending on whether or not I need radiation and or surgery.
Bad news is that if it is cancer it's already in the bone.......I'll just leave it at that since it isn't going to be cancer.

Neurology appointment on the 12th, Oncology on the 19th.
How old are you, any family history or exposure to like depleted uranium so rare to hear of this but hey 85% is a solid fucking #, do they biopsy it via like a drill?
so sorry for this bad news. praying for a good outcome. btw i remember you mentioning you had started some growth hormone a while back. do you think this might have contributed or maybe kick started your condition?
so sorry for this bad news. praying for a good outcome. btw i remember you mentioning you had started some growth hormone a while back. do you think this might have contributed or maybe kick started your condition?
I doubt it. I didn't take much and not for very long.

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