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Do anabolics effect test levels


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2013
Let's say you are on trt. If you use deca,eq, masteron will those effect your levels on bloodwork? Bloodwork was supposed to be 4 months from now. But when my G.I. Dr ask for bloodwork they said they would do everything at once to save me a trip later. So drop test to trt obviously but how about other stuff? Blood Test is end of next month.
CBC and lipids absolutely. It takes about 4 months for the body to cycle through new blood cells. Obviously your dosages will play a part in this but eq and deca are some bad picks for trt. Again, dosages matter.
Also nothing but trt when on a cruise. But I do cruise and blast. This popped up during the blast.
There are things on your bloodwork that deca and mast will have an effect on..... if they won’t cause a high test level. Now here’s the caveat.....if either of them are faked with test, then obviously you’ll have a much higher test level than you should. And mast will raise free test levels
There are things on your bloodwork that deca and mast will have an effect on..... if they won’t cause a high test level. Now here’s the caveat.....if either of them are faked with test, then obviously you’ll have a much higher test level than you should. And mast will raise free test levels
Well hopefully all the extra supplements I take will help with the liver values, kidneys, and etc. I take all the precautions while on a blast. Even if it does he would probably let that slide until next bloodwork. I just dont want to drop down to trt and stay on the deca and mast and my test levels come back like 5000 or something crazy. Lol... 200 a week keeps me at around 900. Of course a week or so out I'm gonna drop the test completely to bring it on down. But man I would like to keep the deca and mast in so I could continue on once I gave blood. But if you guys think it will up the test levels then I will come off all together. Not worth losing a script over IMO.
Well hopefully all the extra supplements I take will help with the liver values, kidneys, and etc. I take all the precautions while on a blast. Even if it does he would probably let that slide until next bloodwork. I just dont want to drop down to trt and stay on the deca and mast and my test levels come back like 5000 or something crazy. Lol... 200 a week keeps me at around 900. Of course a week or so out I'm gonna drop the test completely to bring it on down. But man I would like to keep the deca and mast in so I could continue on once I gave blood. But if you guys think it will up the test levels then I will come off all together. Not worth losing a script over IMO.
Your test levels will be pretty much at your trt level, but with the addition of mast your free test is likely to be much higher than normal
Yes there's the potential for cross-reactivity to occur, dependent on which immunoassay is used.

There are things on your bloodwork that deca and mast will have an effect on..... if they won’t cause a high test level. Now here’s the caveat.....if either of them are faked with test, then obviously you’ll have a much higher test level than you should. And mast will raise free test levels
This. When you go to get tested I would stop at least 2 weeks out if you're only on low test. High test maybe 3 weeks. But I wouldn't take any other inject drugs. I lost a Dr. because I trusted sponsors. I was on 200 mg of their test, and I think 400 npp. I stopped the test two weeks out and my test scores were through the roof. This happened twice with him and he dumped me.
I've had values thrown off enough times from other compounds, that now I switch to short esters about 6 weeks from bloodwork for trt. (Usually mast prop and test prop if I still want a boost over yet). Any tren throws off the estrogen panel, and I've read high test while going in on what was supposedly just deca. The only compound I've run right through bloods and not had a false high reading was actually MENT. You use MENT and it also ensures your Natty test is in the dumpster too, lol. You will have like zero FSH/LH levels.
Your test levels will be pretty much at your trt level, but with the addition of mast your free test is likely to be much higher than normal

What would be a good dose to start out with on trt for mast to keep doc happy?
What would be a good dose to start out with on trt for mast to keep doc happy?
It’s hard to say. Individual genetics determine how much mast affects your shbg. Even just 200 mgs can cause a pretty good increase in free test.

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