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Does the Media ever scare you?


New member
Jun 30, 2007
Well i think they've finally gotten to me. I mean all you here is talk of recession, another great depression, sky rocketing fuel prices, war with Iran, lay offs etc etc. I wake up nervous every morning worrying that something is going to happen. Its made me concerned for everyone and really just dragged me down.
All the negativity in the media will drive you crazy if you feed your head with that all the time. Turn off the media outlets and their alarmist chatter. You can stay informed without obsessing on the negativity of their "news entertainment". Hell, what ever happened with the bird flu that everyone was going to die from last year? See what I mean? Focus what you can control and that is you. Enjoy your life. The world is not one big Nancy Grace TV show. There is a lot of good happening out there too, but the media finds that boring so you don't hear much about it.
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I remember the bird flu thing. In fact it was supposed to hit last year or something like that if I remember correctly. Its just they set out to put fear in us and sometimes its so hard to see anything positive anymore. They make it seem like gas is going to become so high the world will shut down and we''ll all go hungry.
It's psych 101.

Do you know how much easier it is to manipulate an unarmed scared public? Remember the color code deal where they based terrorist threat on color and every time support for these killers got soft, they'd raise the threat level? Let me ask you this. When do you think that chart would be green? AT&T tapping all phone transmissions. The most recent straw to break the camel's back is when they killed Tim Russert.

Look at this piece of shit. Even right now the current threat level is yellow! Thank you Tom Ridge you grand-standing son of a bitch. They spent all that homeland security money on abusing out rights and they give us this:


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El Animal- I ve been around man haha.

OTH- I know man. Maybe my head is filled with to much shit. Even interent reports are all negative on how the world is headed for a great depression. I said it was funny how this oil thing didnt explode until now: an election year. Some of the figures they throw out are funny. "OIl wll reach 200 dollars a barrel this year" Yeah but who will pay for it you jackasses.
I've been trying to not pay attention to any of it right now. If you listen to the news, you will just get depressed. All we hear every day is about how the economy is, gas prices, murders, and global warming. I've got better things to do than to worry about it any more. Nothing i personally can do about it.
guys, a buddy of mine works for the la times.. he said to me once "we are in the business of ratings.. what ever it takes to get you to watch is what is put on.. the more sensational the better".. so, that tell ya that if the world is going good, it does not sell.. throw in a little panic, you tune back in..i am not saying all is good,..i am saying that when it sound a little worse than what it is, the ratings go up.. so take it with a grain of salt.. live your life and be happy..
The 'status' will never be greenn least for a century or so...So F'it right!?!
Now, what do I do??! Live in peace...:p OK, I think I MIGHT be able to manage...
We have to put up with the same shit here in OZ. Doom and gloom is all they preach. And yes it is sensationalised big time because it does sell. Put a tragedy on the front page and you sell all your papers. Create a bit of hysteria and everyone listens. Paint a bleak future and everyone buys up big.

I am not saying all is quiet in sparkle city, but it is not as bad as the media would ahve us all believe. Hell I am more concerned about the state of the globe as far as disasters and pollution than I am the economy!!
Exactly the same shit here in the UK. The media just sensationalise because its how they sell their papers or get you to watch their channel.
I think things seem worse than they are because there's so many forms of media flooding our daily lives which makes it harder to escape the barrage of negativity thats thrown at us minute by minute.

Bird flu was a classic example of blatant scare-mongering by exploiting peoples lack of knowledge of a subject during a time of heightened fear of terrorism. Its a bit of a joke really. We even had a warning about African Bees swarming the UK and causing havoc !!

There's loads of good things happening in the world and theres loads of good people in the world. I'm only here once so I'm making sure I have a good time and I just don't buy into most of the shit thats peddled to us everyday :)
Once again... my cynical marketing background. I just look at it all as ratings! They just want to make money and sensationalism sells.

If you look a history, everything works in cycles. This is just another cycle. Housing prices were going up, up, up and what goes up has to come down. January 2001, I was getting divorced. My ex was an engineer and he made all the money. My income was nothing compared to him. We had to sell our house, because I couldn't make the house payments. It was too big for me (being single) anyway. Then 9/11 happened and the housing market died. It took us a 1-1/2 to sell it, and we ended up cutting the price down to nothing. What I had for a down payment wasn't much for another house. I remember thinking then if housing prices keep going up like this how will anyone be able to afford a house. Now it's just correcting itself. Unfortunately there will be a lot of causalities in the process... including me. :(

Ok... I guess I'm going to be the book club member, but has anyone ever read the book Animal Farm by George Orwell. It's a classic.
Don't want to get into it too deeply here but,

FEAR is how you are brought up no matter where you are even if you are in some African tribe.. By establishing a fear/scare I can manipulate your actions much easier than with charisma.

EX: We have two men/women speaking to you about a subject you have no idea about. Both of the speakers you have never met before this conversation and have no personal relationship at all. One of the speakers #1 tells you that if you drink 5 glasses of orange juice a day everyday it will kill you in 5 weeks time.
The other speaker #2 makes some points about orange juice being a little harsh on your system and might have some long term effects that are unknown.

Which speaker will the average person listen too?? #1 it is a harsher statement and it will a deeper fear into the individual.

Without a personal connection with a individual your biggest manipulation is fear. The manipulation-factor would change if you knew the individual for a longer period of time and had more knowledge of their habits and personal thoughts/ideas.

Yeah sorry for the random rambling.....:st:r-wars
Altheide contends, along with other media scholars, that the mass media and popular culture, by marketing fear in both news and entertainment communications and by increasingly blurring the line between these two formerly distinct formats, have changed our social expectations and our daily lives in ways that are destructive to our communities, our well-being and our control over our lives. In the name of informing and/or entertaining the public, the media bombard audiences and readers with problem-oriented and often anxiety-provoking reports on a daily basis. Fear is no longer limited to specific objects or events. It is experienced as the background environment or context that specific acts or events simply illustrate and reinforce.

Who benefits from the marketing of fear? Certainly, the large media conglomerates do by drawing audiences that they can sell to advertisers. Also benefiting is the "fear industry" that sells us security services and equipment. But, perhaps most importantly, the formal agents of social control, primarily the police and other law enforcement institutions are the primary beneficiaries. Law enforcement agencies are the primary source of information to the media regarding crimes and, increasingly, their viewpoint tends to dominate media perspectives on crime and violence and frame public debate of these and related topics. Who loses? Most obviously, the unprecedented number of people (primarily low-income and members of minority groups) who have received increasingly harsh treatment by the criminal justice system during a period when crime statistics, including for violent crimes, have gone down. The taxpayer has, of course, borne the cost of dramatically increased policing, processing and incarceration while other critical social needs like health care and education have been seriously under-funded. Especially serious, from Altheide's perspective, has been the costs to all of us resulting from the transformation that has occurred in our effective environment. Appropriate awareness of specific dangers has been replaced by a generalized fearfulness that pervades our daily lives. Altheide notes that fear is corrosive of justice. Its pervasiveness causes us to seek solutions that involve serious consequences for public policy, civil liberties, and the health of our communities. He believes that this state of affairs has to be changed and that this will require broad understanding of the processes that have gotten us into our present predicament. This book is his latest effort to promote such understanding.

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