bigbadasian said:|--[\\\]>-------- Everytime i've applied color to s'one, draem tan has worked great the morn. of the show after a good base of protan has been applied. i met a girl at my gym recently who is starting a 'protan' biz. she'll airbrush your color on for you....
bigbadasian said:|--[\\\]>-------- we are good at many things....LOL! i'm surprised we have not develped some electronic device that does it for you automatically! LOL!
There have been MANY posts about how dreamtan is frowned upon by judges - esp at the national level. Apparently, one reason is it fools the camera as to color. I know that I was EXTREMELY dark from ProTan covered with DreamTan and my pics came out looking pale?!?!cockdiesel said:dream tan is awesome stuff tp4u is jus lazy and dont kno how 2 use it