Drying out
I saw you asked me the same in the pic forum, so I thought I'd chime in.
I plan on doing some things differently next go 'round, but here's the basic scheme that has worked in the past. (Had a buddy try the same thing and he actually had to hold back a bit, thinking he was going to come in "too dry" (whatever the hell that means!) LOL)
I have all of this in a spreadsheet that I drag around, b/c during the last week, I barely remember my name sometimes.
Day: Sun M T W R F Sat
Train Deplete Depl. Depl. None none none
Carbs none none post-train (5 g / lb / day) ----------->all protein
Water as des 9 L 10 L 11L 12L 13L 1L
I have a bunch of supplements I take, but I'll just name them, b/c the table thing I started above is a pain in the ass.
Creatine: 20g / day during carb-up
Alph. Lipoic Acid: 100-200 mg / meal during carb up
ECA: Tues through show
Vit C: increase Tues - Sat. to 10g / day on show day
Herbal diuretics: like vitamin C
Potassium: eat like candy Tues - wed.
Sodium: (pick low sodium meat for Fri no carb day - I use chicken)
Most important to all this is:
RAMP the water up until Fri night (I stop around 7PM), then drink none until after pre-judging - this will require some playing around to see how fast you lose the water (may have to stop drinking earlier). 13L of water is like 28lb of water!!! I have considered catherizing myself during the last few days - you will be peeing like a som' bitch, but its worth it... 8^)
Basic idea: 1) Deplete, 2.) carb-up, 3.) don't train (keep glycogen in muscles), 4.) drop carbs, 5.) stop drinking and lose water, 6.) come in dry and full.
Priciple: There is some play in hormonal regualation of water balance - like the shitty thermostat I have: set it for 72 ? and it heats until its 80 (overshoot), before it turns off. When you drink so much water and have so many other things driving diuresis (caffeine, vit. C that must be cleared by the kidney, urea from the pure protein diet, herbal diuretics, etc.), diuresis is turned on to such an extent that there is "overshoot" and you end up dryer. (This can also be though of in terms of hyponatremia that the body corrects via diuresis.)
THis is different than what some guys do: they like to carb-up the days before, but this can lead to holding water. There are lots of variables to jucggle all at the same time this way. My plan handles them one at a time.
Thing I will add and report back on is some carbs during the 12 - 18 hr before the show, to bring out vascularity (and feel better show day), even though I haven't been flat with the above.