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ECA questions help needed!!

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Mar 10, 2009
I read good and bad reports on ECA stacks like one for example said dont take ECA before a workout or you can have a heart attack from it i know this is probably not true but is it okay to take in the morning before work and i workout at nights so would this be safe?

Also if anyone wants to post their own results from a ECA stack that would be a good help for me like weightloss and dosage...thank you for your time hope to get some solid posts :)
I read good and bad reports on ECA stacks like one for example said dont take ECA before a workout or you can have a heart attack from it i know this is probably not true but is it okay to take in the morning before work and i workout at nights so would this be safe?

Also if anyone wants to post their own results from a ECA stack that would be a good help for me like weightloss and dosage...thank you for your time hope to get some solid posts :)

If you're healthy, ECA shouldn't be a problem for most people at all...In fact, it gives me mental foccuss, motivation, energy/drive, fat burn etc.

so taking it before a workout is NOT a bad thing? see i lost literally sixty pounds and i've always been strong but i care what i look like now more than how much a i can lift so ECA is basically my reward for myself to lose the extra 10 pounds plus i been itching to try it...but so as long as im healthy everything is good then? sorry for the stupid questions never messed with ephedrine before as you can most likely tell....
so taking it before a workout is NOT a bad thing? see i lost literally sixty pounds and i've always been strong but i care what i look like now more than how much a i can lift so ECA is basically my reward for myself to lose the extra 10 pounds plus i been itching to try it...but so as long as im healthy everything is good then? sorry for the stupid questions never messed with ephedrine before as you can most likely tell....

I can't say what's good for one person is good for the next...besides that, stimulants effect different people differently. All I can say is what works for me right now, like in the previous post, and what works for many others.
i am a bitchwhen it comes to stims i had to work my way up very slowly or i would be sitting down trying to gte my heart bacj into my chest... on the first day i was reccomended to take a full dose 30 mins before working out...i got through 4 sets of deadlift and had to walk out of the gym ...i couldnt even get my brething pattern down to hit intensly......

with that being said i knocked down the dose and only took it once a day and moved my way up to 2ce giving myself a good 2 days before upping the dose....

that was just me and being over cautious ...overall it worked great tho...just dont overdue it
I read good and bad reports on ECA stacks like one for example said dont take ECA before a workout or you can have a heart attack from it i know this is probably not true but is it okay to take in the morning before work and i workout at nights so would this be safe?

Also if anyone wants to post their own results from a ECA stack that would be a good help for me like weightloss and dosage...thank you for your time hope to get some solid posts :)

I would take mine first thing in the morning before breakfast, and one before my workout around 3:30pm.

Personally, I like the Vasopro E and Caffeine tabs..
Dont care too much for Aspirin.
hell yeah thanks guys thats why i have been lurking on the board trying to learn as much as i can from you guys since March...been very helpful
Bronkaid and jet alert, you don't need the aspirin.
is this name good?

Primatene tablets (ephedrine HCI)? is this a good one? i know the caffeine does not matter but not sure what HCI means
My advise would be to have your blood pressure tested and monitored while on Ephedrine and Caffeine, the aspirin is not necessary as there have been no documentation on it being an aid in the fat burning process.

Stimulants can and have killed people before. Please becareful
My advise would be to have your blood pressure tested and monitored while on Ephedrine and Caffeine, the aspirin is not necessary as there have been no documentation on it being an aid in the fat burning process.

Stimulants can and have killed people before. Please becareful

Okay, now you need to show me documentations where this stimulant has been proven to have killed individuals with undeniable proof...This is with regards to Ephedra.
I take eca pre-workout often. And I am fine. I monitor BP and my BP is usually 110-120/70-80. I am pretty health cardio-vascular.

As for results...I really havent noticed any. But often enough take it anyway. Result come from my diet Vs cardio largely. I think ECA would be a 1-5% difference for me.

so you say it helps about five percent for you the eca towards your diet and cardio?
Weight loss how much

and always just curious and i know diet and cardio plays a BIG role in it but how much weight do yall usually lose or the most u lost ever doing eca? haha sorry just a fun stat
Okay, now you need to show me documentations where this stimulant has been proven to have killed individuals with undeniable proof...This is with regards to Ephedra.

My god Tyrone how old are you, back in the 90's kids died from taking Ephedrine, which is the precursor drug to Crystal Methamphetamine. You want proof go to any coroners office and ask how many people die on stimulants.

Why as a moderator are you willing to play with someones life? Just because it worked for you? Please do you know the OP? Is he obese, does he have a history of heart related problems? Stimulants will kill a person who has heart problems. So knock this shit off about you want proof. Look around at the world not only in bodybuilding. If you want proof look at people dying from ODing on crystal meth which is a stimulant and I just had a resident where I oversee die from crystal meth and please don't tell me they are not the same.

Please becareful because you are a representative of this site and you are giving advise as a doctor.

Ephedrine HCL 10 mg tabs, from NCL warning label is take only under the advise of a doctor. Do not take if you have high blood, pressure, thyroid problems, diabetes etc.

I've been using it for years now before workouts. However, I'm very very very cautious in regards to monitoring my vitals when doing the eca stack!

Plenty of folks have died from their usage! I will say this tho, from the studies I've read in regards to these deaths, those (deaths) were due to the OVERUSE/OVERDOSE of the stimulate and the mixing of other drugs with the stim to boot!

So, be extremely careful when messing with them.


All three of those components work in a synergic fashsion. I have noticed a difference if I leave out either the A or C when utilizing the ECA stack. Also, I don't use it for fat loss, just for endurance as well as energy during the workout. So, I'm only taking it once a day, and that is only on workout days!
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My god Tyrone how old are you, back in the 90's kids died from taking Ephedrine, which is the precursor drug to Crystal Methamphetamine. You want proof go to any coroners office and ask how many people die on stimulants.

Why as a moderator are you willing to play with someones life? Just because it worked for you? Please do you know the OP? Is he obese, does he have a history of heart related problems? Stimulants will kill a person who has heart problems. So knock this shit off about you want proof. Look around at the world not only in bodybuilding. If you want proof look at people dying from ODing on crystal meth which is a stimulant and I just had a resident where I oversee die from crystal meth and please don't tell me they are not the same.

Please becareful because you are a representative of this site and you are giving advise as a doctor.

Ephedrine HCL 10 mg tabs, from NCL warning label is take only under the advise of a doctor. Do not take if you have high blood, pressure, thyroid problems, diabetes etc.


The major years of the "deaths" were between 1993-2003. But don't go personally bashing a mod until you know everything about the subject. If someone sold Asprin on here you were wouldn't be bad mouthing them right? Well that makes you as bad as the FDA... here's a history lesson for you:
In between 1993-2003 FDA reported that there were approximately 100 unsupported claims of death from ephedra. And of course as we know the FDA was doing everything it could to 'banned' it.

Wait 100 "unsupported" claims of death in 10 years??

Did the ignore the some 7,600 recorded and actual deaths per year from use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) AKA ASPRIN, IBUPROFEN, ETC?? You bet!

Why? lobbyist, money, FDA has too much power and still to this day expanding it's powers.

What death in specific do you want to talk about?:
Baltimore Orioles pitcher Steve Bechler? did you notice he was overweight, borderline hypertensive, and had an enlarged heart and an abnormal liver. He also took the Xenadrine ephedra herbal supplement on an empty stomach before a strenuous practice and then suffered heat stroke.

Bring up other confirmed deaths, makes sure there is more than something like advil has had over the same time period, and point out they had no health obvious health problems and didn't take more that the recommended amount.

If you successfully do this I will personally send you my stash free of charge.

Sorry thick1 if this was a little harsh it is just comments like this make me sick... same kind of people that say steroids are the devil, but take your Viagra and anti-depressants which are directly linked to people dropping dead all the time. I do agree that if someone want to take ephedra and has any health problems they should rethink it.

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Proof that Ephedrine Kills

Halflife, what the hell are you talking about. I merely stated to knock this shit off because he is playing with someone life who has never used nor have any knowledge of. Tyrone is a respected mod which makes his advise taken more then just a regular member. Ephedrine does kill and since this board wants proof here is a study done on Ephedrine. I do believe this site has the freedom of speech as the mods bash members when they step out of line and when they step out of line who says anything to them? No one?

I am upset when someone who does not know a person's medical history can tell a person that since he used Ephedrine effectively that it is okay for him to do so and that the drug does not kill.

Drugs mentioned and discussed on this site are dangerous and can

Ephedrine Can Cause Sudden Death

Related Health News

By Kathleen Doheny
HealthDay Reporter

THURSDAY, Oct. 14 (HealthDayNews) -- The dietary supplement ephedrine, marketed as a performance enhancer and diet aid until its ban in the United States this year, can cause sudden heart attack and may explain many cases of sudden cardiac death, according to new research.

Each year, about 100,000 American die suddenly from heart attacks with no warnings or previous symptoms of heart disease.

"If this happens out of the hospital, the chances of survival are only around 5 percent," Dr. Phil Adamson, the lead author of the new study, said Thursday at the 23rd annual American Medical Association Science Reporters Conference in Washington, D.C. The study appears in the Oct. 26 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Adamson, an associate professor of medicine at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, and his team used research on dogs to show how the dietary supplement can lead to potentially lethal heart rhythms and then sudden heart attack.

Adamson, a consultant to his university's athletic department, began the study a year and a half ago, before ephedrine was banned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in February. But Adamson fears that many people, especially athletes who want to improve performance, still take the supplement, buying it over the Internet.

"People are resourceful," he said, adding he hopes the new research will convince people of the dangers of ephedrine, even if they think their hearts are healthy.

In Adamson's experiment, the researchers gave ephedrine supplements to dogs at a dose recommended on the label. Ephedrine speeds up the body's sympathetic nervous system, the part of the nervous system that makes the heart beat stronger and faster.

Prior to administering the supplement, the researchers induced a reversible blockage in the animals' heart arteries. The purpose: To mimic what happens to people with ischemic heart disease, in which the blood supply to the heart becomes constricted but the person is unaware of the problem because there are often no symptoms until the fatal heart attack. When the blockage occurred, the animals' heart rates escalated dramatically. In the 15 animals, nine experienced a dangerous, wild beating of the heart and four had abnormal heart rhythms that prevented the heart from pumping normally. Three couldn't be resuscitated.

The ephedrine "super-powered" the sympathetic nervous system, Adamson said, resulting in great instability of the heart's electrical activity.

The new findings are no surprise to Mark Blumenthal, founder and executive director of the American Botanical Council, a nonprofit organization that uses "science-based and traditional information to promote the responsible use of herbal medicine."

"Since 1997, industry policy has been to label any herbal dietary supplements containing the now-banned herb ephedra with warnings that anyone with cardiovascular disease, hypertension or other cardiac illness should consult with a qualified health-care practitioner before using products with ephedra."

The value of the new research, he said, may be to warn those who don't know they have heart problems that the herb may be risky for them
ECA is like anything else and I mean ANYTHING , the dosage will vary from person to person and some people willnot be able to take it at all , 5mg of ephedrine makes my wife sick from the rapid heart rate.

The key is to be responsible , start at half a dose and see what that does for you. If you don't see any side then the next time up the dose. Like anything else if you abuse it it will hurt you

I personaly don't take ECA , I use an ECY stack and find that the Yohembe greatly intensifies the results. I take an 81mg asprine in the AM everyday along with my vitimines and ECY stack at 4:00am and again before I train at 4:00pm , this works great for me but may be way to much for sombody else , the biggest gripe I have with the ephedrine is that it greatly curbs my hunger.
I think ECA would be a 1-5% difference for me.

If I recall correctly 5% is also the improvement in thermogenesis from using eca. Personally I think most of it's effects are indirect: actually getting your ass on some sort of cardio machine :p
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