My god Tyrone how old are you, back in the 90's kids died from taking Ephedrine, which is the precursor drug to Crystal Methamphetamine. You want proof go to any coroners office and ask how many people die on stimulants.
Why as a moderator are you willing to play with someones life? Just because it worked for you? Please do you know the OP? Is he obese, does he have a history of heart related problems? Stimulants will kill a person who has heart problems. So knock this shit off about you want proof. Look around at the world not only in bodybuilding. If you want proof look at people dying from ODing on crystal meth which is a stimulant and I just had a resident where I oversee die from crystal meth and please don't tell me they are not the same.
Please becareful because you are a representative of this site and you are giving advise as a doctor.
Ephedrine HCL 10 mg tabs, from NCL warning label is take only under the advise of a doctor. Do not take if you have high blood, pressure, thyroid problems, diabetes etc.
The major years of the "deaths" were between 1993-2003. But don't go personally bashing a mod until you know everything about the subject. If someone sold Asprin on here you were wouldn't be bad mouthing them right? Well that makes you as bad as the FDA... here's a history lesson for you:
In between 1993-2003 FDA reported that there were approximately 100
unsupported claims of death from ephedra. And of course as we know the FDA was doing everything it could to 'banned' it.
Wait 100 "unsupported" claims of death in 10 years??
Did the ignore the some 7,600 recorded and actual deaths per year from use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) AKA ASPRIN, IBUPROFEN, ETC?? You bet!
Why? lobbyist, money, FDA has too much power and still to this day expanding it's powers.
What death in specific do you want to talk about?:
Baltimore Orioles pitcher Steve Bechler? did you notice he was overweight, borderline hypertensive, and had an enlarged heart and an abnormal liver. He also took the Xenadrine ephedra herbal supplement on an empty stomach before a strenuous practice and then suffered heat stroke.
Bring up other confirmed deaths, makes sure there is more than something like advil has had over the same time period, and point out they had no health obvious health problems and didn't take more that the recommended amount.
If you successfully do this I will personally send you my stash free of charge.
Sorry thick1 if this was a little harsh it is just comments like this make me sick... same kind of people that say steroids are the devil, but take your Viagra and anti-depressants which are directly linked to people dropping dead all the time. I do agree that if someone want to take ephedra and has any health problems they should rethink it.