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Energy drinks?

I used to like monster and red bull, now I just get coffee when I need a shake up. My stomach doesn't like energy drinks no more.
McDonald's BLACK ice coffee. I was given a cellucor c4 RTD fruit punch, was average. Still yet to try the bang stuff.
Monster assault
Red bull
Who remembers the energy drink called cocaine? From what I remember they took it off the shelves for obvious reasons because of the name
Who else is hooked on these?

I'm up to 2 sometimes 3 sugar free rockstars a day on top of my morning cup of joe.

No sugar but 360mg sodium per can.

If I go a day without them I get massive headache all day.

Anyone else?? What's your fav?

Anyone know if it's s myth that these are bad for you or they actually are? And how are they bad for you?
I was up to 4 and my jaw would be sticking out I noticed. Like I’m stressed or something. Had to drop to one per day
McDonald's BLACK ice coffee. I was given a cellucor c4 RTD fruit punch, was average. Still yet to try the bang stuff.
Bang and Reign are my favorite and are virtually identical in ingredients and flavors. The cotton candy is AWESOME! The Bang birthday cake sounds f*ing disgusting, but it’s actually really good. As far as energy goes, it’s a ton of caffeine and taurine. Nothing magical.
Every once in a while I get a bang or reign but I'm a cheap ass. I prefer to buy the Walmart brand crystal lite packets that have caffeine. Each packet has 120mg caffeine in it. I put 2 in a my water bottle and I'm good to go. Plus it makes me have to drink 32oz of water to get 240mg caffeine instead of 16oz with a store bought energy drink. It's $1.74 for a 10 pack and they have like 10 flavors.
I'm still drinking the good ol' white Monsters but I've also expanded my range to the Reigns, some of their flavors are pretty damn good.
For the most part I just drink preworkout throughout the day lol every now and then I'll grab a bang or raze from Repp
For the most part I just drink preworkout throughout the day lol every now and then I'll grab a bang or raze from Repp
I do the same. Pre of choice is c4 with creatine nitrate. All other creatines seem to cause bloat.
Even though I'm fairly zero carb most days.
I drink 2 bangs most days or 1 bang and a pre workout. Used to drink either 3 bangs every single day or 2 and a lee workout.

move quit several times and I like it.... but I always come back. I plan to quit for good one day.
Heart health reasons and money.
I drink 2 bangs most days or 1 bang and a pre workout. Used to drink either 3 bangs every single day or 2 and a lee workout.

move quit several times and I like it.... but I always come back. I plan to quit for good one day.
Heart health reasons and money.
Lol, I have the same issue.. I quit for like 2-3 months then I'm right back buying them again. It's not even like its on purpose, I just wind up with them in my hand in the store.
Lol, I have the same issue.. I quit for like 2-3 months then I'm right back buying them again. It's not even like its on purpose, I just wind up with them in my hand in the store.
I stock up at grocery stores or the local supplement stores to save money lol

I always have a fridge full. I don’t know what it is about these things... watch them get sued one day like tobacco companies did 🤣
I recently fuckin started on those Radical Skidattle or what the fuck ever Bangs. It's an easy thing to get back into, even though they're expensive, no matter how you put it.
I create my own energy drink, 250ml water, one scoop crystal light cherry or lemon/lime, 200mg caffeine powder, 500mg Vit C powder, 20g eaa powder (flavourless) and a few drops sweetener. Shake it 30 sec. and it's ready!
I can't drink an entire one before any flavor starts to decline. The volume is also an issue.
I do like Amino Energy drinks. Lower volume and has 100mg caffeine so it's not overloaded.
I can't drink an entire one before any flavor starts to decline. The volume is also an issue.
I do like Amino Energy drinks. Lower volume and has 100mg caffeine so it's not overloaded.

I hear you on the volume and carbonation. The reformulated VPX Redline is pretty effective if volume concerns you.
I love Monster. The last year was very stressful for me and I needed a lot of mental power and so I pushed myself with energy drinks. I drank one big Monster in the morning and one in the afternoon before the training. My liver was so fucked up. I don't know how much the energy drink was responsible because I also took 10mg GW per day.

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