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Energy drinks


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Apr 20, 2009
Anyone else hooked on these? I drink 2 a day and can't get back into coffee. Supposedly they aren't unhealthy if zero calorie but I feel like coffee is better just can't get into the taste. I try to stick to the ghost because they supposedly have natural caffeine but also love the c4. I remember you would only see monster but now days every gas station has bangz monster, reign and 4-5 other brands. As much as you see them I assume they are becoming more popular...we see supply so there must be demand. None of my coworkers use them it's all coffee drinkers but I see empty cans around the gym All the time lol
I like drinking a ghost RTD pre workout later in the day. I still absolutely love coffee though and 100% agree it's certainly healthier. With all the studies that have been done you could make an argument it's healthy. The biggest issue for me is if I just down energy drinks I get way too much caffeine and I really try to drink "half caff" when I drink coffee and keep my total to 400mgs-500mgs for the day on training days and 200-300 on non training days.

I love the ghost drinks though. I love the flavors.
Ghost energy drinks taste great but the caffeine is way too high for a pick me up.
It’s mostly the carbonation I desire with the energy drinks. I know they are the best but trying to get back into the swing of coffee has been the same for me.
I do my coffee in the morning but was drinking a Celsius on way to gym after work. Not as much caffeine as the Bangs and others. They range in caffeine from 1-300 and I was drinking the 200’s. Recently stopped because the small amount of trest I take pretty much eliminates drowsiness.
Even to the point of somewhat affecting sleep but I’m still not tired during the day.
Have always been able to take a quick snooze at lunch in my car but I don’t even do that now.
I drink coffee in the morning..usually 2 cups..but I do not drink coffee during the day…unless the boys want to go to a coffee shop or the Cuban joint.

If I get something that’s going to take a significant amount of time and focus I keep a sugar free monster(green top), 1/2 a caffeine pill, and half a bronkaid in a flash bang holder in my plate carrier.
Coffee works best for me. A cup in the morning and sometimes one right before a workout does me all the energy I need. Tried the energy drinks, but can't get into them as much as I enjoy a good cup of coffee.
Not a lot of huge coffee drinkers here I see lol. I drink at least a full pot every morning but I've gone to about 2/3 decaf but I can't get enough and pretty much drink it all day.
Not a lot of huge coffee drinkers here I see lol. I drink at least a full pot every morning but I've gone to about 2/3 decaf but I can't get enough and pretty much drink it all day.
I used to go through about 2 pots a day..once my gallbladder came out I started having a huge autoimmune response to the oil in coffee..2 to 3 cups of coffee a day is it for me now
Been drinking them for years and don't see any issue with them if you drink the zero sugar ones. Easy to overdo though because they taste so good these days. Way better than a zero sugar soda. I prefer them to coffee for work. No bad breath. I prefer a can for preworkout vs any powder or RTD pre. Energy drinks alone are all I need to GO.

The new Gorilla Mind's taste amazing. So many good options these days.
I quit energy drinks cold Turkey after finding myself drinking them all day, every day- best choice ever. Good friend had kidney stones twice in one year that his Dr contributed to his intake of Red Bull (4+ cans a day). I find I feel more perked up, less jittery/heart palpitations when I receive my caffeine strictly from coffee
Anyone else hooked on these? I drink 2 a day and can't get back into coffee. Supposedly they aren't unhealthy if zero calorie but I feel like coffee is better just can't get into the taste. I try to stick to the ghost because they supposedly have natural caffeine but also love the c4. I remember you would only see monster but now days every gas station has bangz monster, reign and 4-5 other brands. As much as you see them I assume they are becoming more popular...we see supply so there must be demand. None of my coworkers use them it's all coffee drinkers but I see empty cans around the gym All the time lol
I'm the same bro! Energy drinks are incredibly unhealthy but I'm hooked just the same. I saw a youtube video stating there is no quality control testing on any of these drinks and that they allow small amounts of contaminants as long as its under a certain percentage. A direct correlation for me is more caffeine ingested the higher my blood pressure gets. I'm trying to get back to cold brew coffee but Ghost keeps coming out with killer flavors!! I feel your pain bro!
I used to drink the shit out of energy drinks like Bang and Reign but the last year or so have kept my caffeine intake to roughly one cup of coffee per day. I would get headaches when I didn’t have caffeine for awhile and they were god awful, never again
I only drink them now on long drives. I stopped drinking them daily because the citric acid eats away the enamel on your teeth. Probably not great for gut health either.
I like drinking a ghost RTD pre workout later in the day. I still absolutely love coffee though and 100% agree it's certainly healthier. With all the studies that have been done you could make an argument it's healthy. The biggest issue for me is if I just down energy drinks I get way too much caffeine and I really try to drink "half caff" when I drink coffee and keep my total to 400mgs-500mgs for the day on training days and 200-300 on non training days.

I love the ghost drinks though. I love the flavors.

I do my coffee in the morning but was drinking a Celsius on way to gym after work. Not as much caffeine as the Bangs and others. They range in caffeine from 1-300 and I was drinking the 200’s. Recently stopped because the small amount of trest I take pretty much eliminates drowsiness.
Even to the point of somewhat affecting sleep but I’m still not tired during the day.
Have always been able to take a quick snooze at lunch in my car but I don’t even do that now.

I don't get how Celsius stays in business. They offer these skinny smaller cans. Why not make them the same size as monster reign etc just have less caffeine content? I've never tried the small cans, just to small id sip it down in a few seconds while the fat cans at least last me most of the drive to gym lol.
I'm the same bro! Energy drinks are incredibly unhealthy but I'm hooked just the same. I saw a youtube video stating there is no quality control testing on any of these drinks and that they allow small amounts of contaminants as long as its under a certain percentage. A direct correlation for me is more caffeine ingested the higher my blood pressure gets. I'm trying to get back to cold brew coffee but Ghost keeps coming out with killer flavors!! I feel your pain bro!
Sometimes I'm scared to try s new flavor. In the past I did it sucked I was so let down I tossed it stopped at another gas station to grab a flavor I know I like. Nothing worse than cracking open s drink and it tasting like piss leaving me saying " dumbass why didn't you just grab one you knew you'd like" lol
Oh! I forgot something important! I also do a lot of Copenhagen! Trying to switch to nicotine pouches lately to move away from tobacco but it’s hard because they did a limited release of Copenhagen black! Haven’t had that shit in years so I’m making up lost time
I don't get how Celsius stays in business. They offer these skinny smaller cans. Why not make them the same size as monster reign etc just have less caffeine content? I've never tried the small cans, just to small id sip it down in a few seconds while the fat cans at least last me most of the drive to gym lol.
Seems to be getting more popular. I’m fine with 12 oz cans but I do like a C4 Bombscicle (sp)

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