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ephedrine for job drug testing


Jun 20, 2009
can ephedrine come out as amphetamine metabolite and flunk job drug test?
It can, it depends on the test. Is it blood, urine or hair ??
I also would like to no. i love zenalean pro which also has geranium in it.as well as ephedra extract
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I take UA's frequently and I"ve taken ephedrine off and as a fat burner for almost a year with no positive results on a UA.

ephedrine can give a false positive for amphetamines on a urine drug test
Ephedrine and it's cousin pseudoephedrine show as false positives for amphetimines in urine, sweat and hair test. However in multi-panel test such as a saliva test when the authority is testing for both amphetimine AND methamphetimine it will show as meth since it is a primary drug for making meth. It will show up as positive EVERYTIME so be careful! If you are taking a test that only test for amphetimines it will show up as positive there. Not all drug test are equal. Some only test for a broad category as amphetimines. Others separate between amphetiminies and methamphetimines.

Really depends on the quality and sensitivity of the test however so it may or may not but definitely is a possibility...

Hope this helps

So have I somehow got lucky and need to cut that out or is it safe to assume that my type of UA won't pick it up since it hasn't yet?
Yes it will. make sure you stop before hand and let the tester knoW you were using a fat-burner that may have had ephedrine in it when they ask what prescription drugs or OTC supplement you take regularly to RO false positives.
So have I somehow got lucky and need to cut that out or is it safe to assume that my type of UA won't pick it up since it hasn't yet?

Typical protocol would be to divide the sample into two aliquots. One for immunoassay and one for GC/MS (if needed). If the urine is positive for meth on immunoassay, the second aliquot is sent for GC/MS for confirmation. Obviously at that point it would be confirmed that the immunoassay is a false positive if it was due to ephedrine. So, to answer the question. Ephedrine can cause a false positive on immunoassay. But, due to legal ramifications, liability, etc. the immunoassay positive will always be confirmed through GC/MS. Therefore in actuality ephedrine never causes a false positive on a drug screen.

There is absolutely no need to worry about taking ephedrine for employee drug screens, probation/parole drug screens or any other screens where proper chain of custody protocol is adhered to. A kid who gets spot tested by their parents for example, with a kit they picked up at the drug store, may have some explaining to do. But other than that, taking ephedrine will never effect a drug screen. Take as much as you want.

Typical protocol would be to divide the sample into two aliquots. One for immunoassay and one for GC/MS (if needed). If the urine is positive for meth on immunoassay, the second aliquot is sent for GC/MS for confirmation. Obviously at that point it would be confirmed that the immunoassay is a false positive if it was due to ephedrine. So, to answer the question. Ephedrine can cause a false positive on immunoassay. But, due to legal ramifications, liability, etc. the immunoassay positive will always be confirmed through GC/MS. Therefore in actuality ephedrine never causes a false positive on a drug screen.

There is absolutely no need to worry about taking ephedrine for employee drug screens, probation/parole drug screens or any other screens where proper chain of custody protocol is adhered to. A kid who gets spot tested by their parents for example, with a kit they picked up at the drug store, may have some explaining to do. But other than that, taking ephedrine will never effect a drug screen. Take as much as you want.


Thats what I thought as well. Thanks for confirming this. Some of these responses had me second myself when I already knew better.
Anybody know if clen will cause a flunked drug test? I'm told it will not but never hurts to ask.
Typical protocol would be to divide the sample into two aliquots. One for immunoassay and one for GC/MS (if needed). If the urine is positive for meth on immunoassay, the second aliquot is sent for GC/MS for confirmation. Obviously at that point it would be confirmed that the immunoassay is a false positive if it was due to ephedrine. So, to answer the question. Ephedrine can cause a false positive on immunoassay. But, due to legal ramifications, liability, etc. the immunoassay positive will always be confirmed through GC/MS. Therefore in actuality ephedrine never causes a false positive on a drug screen.

There is absolutely no need to worry about taking ephedrine for employee drug screens, probation/parole drug screens or any other screens where proper chain of custody protocol is adhered to. A kid who gets spot tested by their parents for example, with a kit they picked up at the drug store, may have some explaining to do. But other than that, taking ephedrine will never effect a drug screen. Take as much as you want.


Are you sure... I send people for chain of custody drug screens and was told make sure if they take OTC like ephedrine they stop a few days before or tell the evaluator they take it.
@dragonfire101: do u know anything about hair follicle testing? like detection times etc?
@dragonfire101: do u know anything about hair follicle testing? like detection times etc?

up to six months, can be detected, but 3-4 is more likely the more accurate results. You can specify a segmented hair test also and get a idea how often and about when someone was using a substance.

I going on what the company representatives are stating and the evaluators who perform and develop these test when they come give a presentation for the agency I work for since we use them to send clients.

I can tell you say you do a urine screen and don't test positive for a substance there are other things looked at that would indicate possible use and masking agent used or flushing techniques. Such as PH and creatine are also looked at and have cutoffs were certain range would indicate tampering.
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up to six months, can be detected, but 3-4 is more likely the more accurate results. You can specify a segmented hair test also and get a idea how often and about when someone was using a substance.

I going on what the company representatives are stating and the evaluators who perform and develop these test when they come give a presentation for the agency I work for since we use them to send clients.

I can tell you say you do a urine screen and don't test positive for a substance there are other things looked at that would indicate possible use and masking agent used or flushing techniques. Such as PH and creatine are also looked at and have cutoffs were certain range would indicate tampering.

I notice most flush kits use creatine as a masking agent(well i don't know for sure but its listed as an ingredient in most of them), if u were taking a high bodybuilding-esque dose of creatine, and say a general supplement routine, herbs, vitamins(b12 inc..) would it raise an eyebrow for drug screening?
I notice most flush kits use creatine as a masking agent(well i don't know for sure but its listed as an ingredient in most of them), if u were taking a high bodybuilding-esque dose of creatine, and say a general supplement routine, herbs, vitamins(b12 inc..) would it raise an eyebrow for drug screening?

They contain creatine not as a masking agent, but because if you try to flush your creatine levels end up to low and it looks suspicious, which is why they measue creatine levles. Same thing with certain vitamins minerals etc. end up off because of the flushing such as b vitamins thats why usually they are in those flush kits I'm not going into how to use these things. Glycerol is actually a masking agent if you know how to use it.

I'm not going to get into how to beat a test o ruse any of the above because I feel if someone can't stay clean from substances long enough to pass a test they don't deserve too for whatever reason they are being sent to complete one. They have bigger issues in their life they should be concerned about if they can even legitimately pass a urine screen or not use substances for 6 months to pass a hair analysis.
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It happened to me in Florida when i was in collage. I applied to work at the Convention center in Lauderdale. I tested positive and they asked me if i took any over the counter diet pills(this was 1993) i told the mthe ephedrine and i got hired.

Not sure what it is nowadays but it almost stopped me from getting the job.
Are you sure... I send people for chain of custody drug screens and was told make sure if they take OTC like ephedrine they stop a few days before or tell the evaluator they take it.

Yes I'm sure. Unlike most people, I don't waste my time and everyone else's by posting shit I am not sure of.

There are literally hundreds of substances which can cause false positives on immunoassay. How ridiculous is it to believe that there is no confirmation of positives?

If a sample has to be sent for GC/MS, it costs more money. So, the only reason they tell you to instruct people on OTC medication intake is to save money on GC/MS testing. That, or they don't know their business very well. But I would suspect that any company who performs a significant amount of drug screens would instruct their people based on cost management measures. The alternative is not to send an aliquot for GC/MS, deny employment to a person who has never used drugs and get sued.

Now, some mom and pop operation may have the idea that they want to perform drug testing but don't want to incur the cost of using a real lab. So they use spot immunoassay and just ask the person what they took if they get a positive. But any real company with competent legal advice or any government agency is going to use a real lab.

Not to mention, I spent 8 years of my life in intensive drug screening for the state medical board as well as felony probation. I was never off of ephedrine during that time and I never failed a drug test. So besides understanding drug screening protocols, I have tested this personally at least a few hundred times and never managed to get a false positive. I would have had to back up five years at "hard labor" if I had a positive. Or possibly kiss my livelihood and all those years I spent in school goodbye for good. So if I'm willing to bet 5 years in prison and my livelihood on it, I am quite obviously sure.

The company I work for carries out random drug and alchol tests. They have a strict policy that states the types of drugs you'll lose ur job over. When drug tested I have to tell them I take eca, clen and anti - histamines but these drugs aren't mind altering so are ok. If I didn't admit to it and a positive came back its good bye job even if i wasn't using amphetimines which I don't because I've signed the form stating that i'll make senior management aware of otc stuff or prescribed.

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