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Fertility protocol question


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Kilo Klub Member
Sep 24, 2008
I’ve been trying to read up on some fertility protocols and I’ve come to a point of confusion.

Some of them use HCG as high as 2500iu 3x a week, sometimes even more. Other use hcg at 300-500 iu 3x a week.

Others use Hmg at 75iu 2x a week, others at 3x a week.

What I’m trying to figure out is why there is such a massive discrepancy between HCG dosing, and when I would want to use the higher dose vs the lower dose.

And currently I take clomid at 50mg 3x a week with my TRT, would I also consider increasing that?

My TRT clinic prescribed gonadorelin, but from my reading I am apprehensive of its effectiveness at the way it’s prescribed.
IMO, hcg is a moot point here. The vaaast majority of guys here trying to reestablish fertility using hcg get shit results. As soon as the introduction of hmg happens, shit takes off. So what we can tell from this is that regardless of hcg dosage, it by itself doesn’t do much. The star is hmg. And different/higher dosing of hmg is just needed when the standard 2x week doesn’t work. I eventually had to do 3-4 and I’ve know guys using hmg at 5x until it worked. And for reference I experimented with hcg from 500 all the way to 2500iu 2-3x a week. Just my 2 cents as I did this same shit last year and now have an 11 month old daughter.
IMO, hcg is a moot point here. The vaaast majority of guys here trying to reestablish fertility using hcg get shit results. As soon as the introduction of hmg happens, shit takes off. So what we can tell from this is that regardless of hcg dosage, it by itself doesn’t do much. The star is hmg. And different/higher dosing of hmg is just needed when the standard 2x week doesn’t work. I eventually had to do 3-4 and I’ve know guys using hmg at 5x until it worked. And for reference I experimented with hcg from 500 all the way to 2500iu 2-3x a week. Just my 2 cents as I did this same shit last year and now have an 11 month old daughter.
Yeah HMG is definitely the important factor. I think I am going to start at hcg 500iu 3x a week and Hmg 75iu 2x and test my sperm count and adjust dosing as necessary. I’m using the Proov home tests. I have 1 test left currently, so I’m thinking a retest after 2 months
I’ve been trying to read up on some fertility protocols and I’ve come to a point of confusion.

Some of them use HCG as high as 2500iu 3x a week, sometimes even more. Other use hcg at 300-500 iu 3x a week.

Others use Hmg at 75iu 2x a week, others at 3x a week.

What I’m trying to figure out is why there is such a massive discrepancy between HCG dosing, and when I would want to use the higher dose vs the lower dose.

And currently I take clomid at 50mg 3x a week with my TRT, would I also consider increasing that?

My TRT clinic prescribed gonadorelin, but from my reading I am apprehensive of its effectiveness at the way it’s prescribed.

I wouldn't over think it. You need an amount of HCG that will do the job. Some may only need 1,000iu here and there but they take 10,000iu. In the most practical sense, people will notice their testicles plump up. This is why so many people and docs say in "we use the hcg to bring the testicles online". Beyond using the amount you need, the rest is probably just a waste. I did a lot of experimenting and my testicles ballooned up but I noticed no difference in bloodwork or sperm count when I raised it way up. From a practical sense, it's expense often when purchased normally so docs will go one way or another....take a crap load to make sure your bases or covered or provide the lowest dose possible usually for cost considerations.

This study investigated 1,500-2,000 iu 3x a week just 5 years ago and there is no 100% settled protocol. There is virtually no risk of using too much so people go crazy. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/ar...=The regimens used to treat,can be added (21)

The clomid with trt is more controversial. Theoretically, it would be useless and counterproductive. I used enclomiphene at 25mgs and have no clue if it did anything. Even on hcg and hmg it theoretically wouldn't really make sense.

Once your testicles are full and working properly, HMG is the money maker and it seems the higher the dose, the better to virtually no end point (of course there is an end point, but overall if you could get and afford it, taking more is better. 75 iu 3x a week is a great protocol. People try to get by on 2x because it's expensive and often hard to come by.
I wouldn't over think it. You need an amount of HCG that will do the job. Some may only need 1,000iu here and there but they take 10,000iu. In the most practical sense, people will notice their testicles plump up. This is why so many people and docs say in "we use the hcg to bring the testicles online". Beyond using the amount you need, the rest is probably just a waste. I did a lot of experimenting and my testicles ballooned up but I noticed no difference in bloodwork or sperm count when I raised it way up. From a practical sense, it's expense often when purchased normally so docs will go one way or another....take a crap load to make sure your bases or covered or provide the lowest dose possible usually for cost considerations.

This study investigated 1,500-2,000 iu 3x a week just 5 years ago and there is no 100% settled protocol. There is virtually no risk of using too much so people go crazy. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6087849/#:~:text=The regimens used to treat,can be added (21)

The clomid with trt is more controversial. Theoretically, it would be useless and counterproductive. I used enclomiphene at 25mgs and have no clue if it did anything. Even on hcg and hmg it theoretically wouldn't really make sense.

Once your testicles are full and working properly, HMG is the money maker and it seems the higher the dose, the better to virtually no end point (of course there is an end point, but overall if you could get and afford it, taking more is better. 75 iu 3x a week is a great protocol. People try to get by on 2x because it's expensive and often hard to come by.
Yeah that’s for sure with the HMG. Providers prices are really good with it, and if I go lower on the HCG I can more easily afford more HMG. But I’d rather start modestly and increase as needed
IMO, hcg is a moot point here. The vaaast majority of guys here trying to reestablish fertility using hcg get shit results. As soon as the introduction of hmg happens, shit takes off. So what we can tell from this is that regardless of hcg dosage, it by itself doesn’t do much. The star is hmg. And different/higher dosing of hmg is just needed when the standard 2x week doesn’t work. I eventually had to do 3-4 and I’ve know guys using hmg at 5x until it worked. And for reference I experimented with hcg from 500 all the way to 2500iu 2-3x a week. Just my 2 cents as I did this same shit last year and now have an 11 month old daughter.
Exactly what he said! Hcg means basically nothing. Hmg is what makes shit happen !
Exactly what he said! Hcg means basically nothing. Hmg is what makes shit happen !
So would you suggest skipping HCG altogether and do just HMG, but more of it?
So would you suggest skipping HCG altogether and do just HMG, but more of it?
Personally I don’t even think you need hcg. I did it just because but hmg is what you need to focus on. And make sure it’s quality hmg. Imo 75iu hmg 2-3x a week
HMG and clomid is the combo I used for some serious fertility issues about 10yrs ago. Also it took time, time away from AAS and time to normalize. Took a low dose clomid for a long time and then a few blasts of HMG along the way when I could afford it.
I’ve been trying to read up on some fertility protocols and I’ve come to a point of confusion.

Some of them use HCG as high as 2500iu 3x a week, sometimes even more. Other use hcg at 300-500 iu 3x a week.

Others use Hmg at 75iu 2x a week, others at 3x a week.

What I’m trying to figure out is why there is such a massive discrepancy between HCG dosing, and when I would want to use the higher dose vs the lower dose.

And currently I take clomid at 50mg 3x a week with my TRT, would I also consider increasing that?

My TRT clinic prescribed gonadorelin, but from my reading I am apprehensive of its effectiveness at the way it’s prescribed.

Have you had a fertility test showing low numbers?
So would you suggest skipping HCG altogether and do just HMG, but more of it?
If I were you I’d get your sperm count checked then go from there. Your sperm count may not even be low. fertility success has to do with other things besides sperm count. Motility , morphology, ph levels and other things.
I’m still trying to find out if hmg helps with motility, which is my issue. My counts on my home tests are good, motility sucks. I use yo home tests. I score 10-20% motility and they say 30% and under you should see fertility assistance. I’m on clomid 25mg m-w-f and hcg 500iu m-w-f.

Test is 500-600, lh and fsh 2-3
I used the Proov/yo home test and was in the lowest tier.

Was it still in range, but low?

I ask this, as mine was just in range and now I have a 2 year old daughter. We had sex on Christmas Day and didnt take precautions ONCE and now I have a beautiful child. ONCE, thats it.

Have you been actively trying to conceive with your partner?

I'd go to a proper fertility clinic and see what the results are, not some home test kits.
If I were you I’d get your sperm count checked then go from there. Your sperm count may not even be low. fertility success has to do with other things besides sperm count. Motility , morphology, ph levels and other things.
Brought back some memories. My total count was less than 10 Mil, motility was low and morphology was messed up somehow. Baseline test was pretty bad. After clomid 25 or 50mg for a few months and a round of HMG it got a little better. Then I did 2-3 more rounds of HMG, doubled the dose of clomid then my count went of 20 Mil and the motility and morphology normalized. I felt like shit with the higher clomid dose but got the desired result(2nd kid) Once my wife got pregnant with the 2nd I wen't back on a TRT dose and never really got into the high dosing or exotic compounds again.
Oddly enough 3 or 4 yrs later the last kid came naturally while on a TRT test base with a high dose of dbol while I was also dieting pretty hard...maybe just luck.
Was it still in range, but low?

I ask this, as mine was just in range and now I have a 2 year old daughter. We had sex on Christmas Day and didnt take precautions ONCE and now I have a beautiful child. ONCE, thats it.

Have you been actively trying to conceive with your partner?

I'd go to a proper fertility clinic and see what the results are, not some home test kits.
This is the quote about my score “Your LOW Motile Sperm Concentration (MSC) results are below the World Health Organization reference range cut-off of 6 Million per milliliter. Although it only takes one sperm to achieve a pregnancy, it is unlikely that normal conception will occur easily with a LOW MSC result. Please see our recommendations below.”

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