i've read probably every thread on this board relative to hairloss and nandro's metabolites and such. with this issue i want a really clear answer- finasteride plus deca = good or bad for keeping hair on your head. i think using the 5-a blocker with nandros is not needed because the less potent dihydronandrolone occupies the androgen receptors in the scalp. that's great on paper and should work in the body, but like a good boy, i'm gonna use a little t. prop with the deca.....and a taste of eq and var. i plan on keeping the nandrolone the dominant hormone @400 to 600mg/wk. eq @300/wk. var @20mg/day. t.prop i'll use as i feel i need just to maintain my normal good cheer. to sum up, i'm ugly with a shaved head. i know this because more than a few people said to me, "chris,dude, your ugly with a shaved head", so i must preserve the hair as long as i can. my question is should i keep running the finasteride or stop until the deca has cleared? and also- thank you boys and girls for the tendonitis advice!