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First cycle


New member
Jun 30, 2007

I have a question that hopefully some people here can help me on. I have taken gear before but never what I would call the responsible or right way. It is usually just getting hold of a decent amount of pills and popping them every day. Now the more I research I am wanting to make sure I do it right.

I am ready to do a good first cycle and get things going but have some questions on what route to go. I was going to go with tren and had it ready to go, but the more I researched on it the more it is scaring me away from it. I started researching because I didnt have any pct and was curious if any was available legally and readily available, seemed none more research began and now I am ate up with looking into this stuff. My wife thinks I've lost the plot because all I do is sit around reading about gear.

The more I look I think the tren thing is not right for me, so now I am trying to decide on a good first cycle. below is 3 I am looking at, what is your opinion, do you like any of the 3 and if so which one. If you have one better then what would it be. My stats are 33 years and about 180 pounds, carrying maybe a extra 10 pounds of fat one me.

Option 1
400 mg of EQ weekly
500 mg test weekly
nolva throughout cycle and clomid the last 3 weeks for pct

Option 2
7 weeks of deca durabolin with weekly ranging from 2-400, tapers up, tapers down
Clomid pct

Option 3
sustanon , starting with 250 mg first week then going up to 500 for 5 weeks, then back down to 250.
Clomid pct

I started reading about possibilities of things like tren dick and that scared the shit out of me. Anything like that can happen will derail my plans real fast.

Do you gusy like any of these or think I should go another route, or just add something to them?
For your first cycle why not just run Test E for 12 weeks at 500MG per week.
If you want you can add dbol to frontload your cycle at 30MG ED for the first 4 weeks. I think 30MG will be enough for you.

Stay away from Tren for now.
Option one is the only one I would touch, the sustanon cycle is a complete waste. Deca only, first cycle, no to that too. I'd go with test and d-bol like Da-Sol said, as long as your diet is in check, you'll get super gains.
On something like the 500 mg of test weekly and pre loading with dbol, what type of gains could one realistically expect? And on a cycle like that how much would I expect to lose once it was over?

Would you recommend a pct ?
On something like the 500 mg of test weekly and pre loading with dbol, what type of gains could one realistically expect? And on a cycle like that how much would I expect to lose once it was over?

Would you recommend a pct ?

I don't know all your stats like hight. But 180 lbs you need to eat big yet clean to get big. Take in about 360 MG of protein everyday while your on this cycle and you can gain 30lbs pretty easy.
You always need PCT.
On something like the 500 mg of test weekly and pre loading with dbol, what type of gains could one realistically expect? And on a cycle like that how much would I expect to lose once it was over?

Would you recommend a pct ?

Too many factors involved to say how much you'll gain, needless to say if you do everything right you're going to make gains like never before, just eat whole clean foods and a crapload of it, don't party, be consistent in the gym, and train intensely. How much you lose is also hard to say but a lot of what you keep will be up to how hard you work at it. Again, eat whole clean foods and a crapload of it, don't party through PCT, train super intensely, be consistent in the gym, and don't party through PCT. I'd also recommend taking HCG throughout your cycle 250-500IU twice a week all the way up to the start of PCT. You'll thank me for it, and most importantly so will your boys. There is a thread that explains this HCG protocol somewhere, do a search. As far as PCT, there are numerous threads; you NEED to go through PCT, again, do a search.
My recommendation for first cycle is 500 mg or < of test a week. Keep it simple. Then follow-up with good PCT. You will learn more on how your body is reacting to a given anabolic vs a "stew" of componds right out of the gate. You can always build from there later. Absolutely no to tren on a first cycle.
Test it will be then, I have read the test first thing quite a bit, but wasnt sure it would give me the gains I was hoping for. 30 pounds was mentioned, but I would be happy with a solid 10-12 pounds even and if test can give me that then I may as well keep it simple.

So the consensus would be 500 mg of test a week, I am guessing split up into 2-3 injections a week?

HCG throughout the cycle to keep my boys happy

and followup of pct consisting of clomid/nolva mix?
Test it will be then, I have read the test first thing quite a bit, but wasnt sure it would give me the gains I was hoping for. 30 pounds was mentioned, but I would be happy with a solid 10-12 pounds even and if test can give me that then I may as well keep it simple.

So the consensus would be 500 mg of test a week, I am guessing split up into 2-3 injections a week?

HCG throughout the cycle to keep my boys happy

and followup of pct consisting of clomid/nolva mix?

If you gain only 10-12 lbs then you didn't eat enough.
You will be very happy with your gains on just TEST.
Just keep in mind you will not feel it kick in till maybe week 6. So don't be worrying something is wrong.
Yea you can split you injections to 2 times a week. Some even just inject once.
Good luck.
I don't think you need hcg on a test only cycle. Have nolva on hand though for signs of gyno. And use clomid and nolva for pct.
Looks like the only difference in opinion is the HCG, is there any downside to being on it during the cycle. Like everyone else on here im sure...I like my boys where they reside now.

Thanks for all the opinions everyone.
I don't see a need for HCG for a test only cycle.
Here is my opinion on that.
When i began my first cycle i use 250 sustanon per week with 200 deca per week, add Pct, clomid, hcg, is important to take because anti oestrogenes help your body to mantain a not to high level of it that helps to make improvements. When you stop taking test you're own body needs time to recover and to produce again test, if you take hcg it helps you to maintain you're gains.
I take aprox 22 lbs.The secret that most of guys don't know is not to overlaod the receptors and the synergie of gear is very important.That s the key to join a high level with not to much gear.Don't take D bol because it's a drug that is high liver toxic.Begin with test and deca, it suffisant.Take in one or two years when you need to make new improvements.

First cycle

250 mg sustanon per week
200 mg deca per week

Second cycle

250 mg sust per week
400 mg deca per week

third cycle

250 mg sust per week
400 mg deca per week
20 mg D bol

and pct always.Believe don't go to high in test 500 is much ! My friend and trainer is an European champion in heavy weight class, he beat guys who are using 2 or 3 time more gear that him.He was personnaly trained in past from
a trainer who trained guys who have do the olympia and who reached high places

I forget When you wil make gains the diet is another key that much of guys don't take enough serouisly.Much of them prefer take another shoot of test it's easier.You would have big gains with that dosage of gear ,eat like a pro,train hard, and take all the supplments you can.
In 14 years of training i gain 132 lbs !!! The wise is the secret.
I think 500mg of Sustanon per week is better for you, PCT is a must
Here is my opinion on that.
When i began my first cycle i use 250 sustanon per week with 200 deca per week, add Pct, clomid, hcg, is important to take because anti oestrogenes help your body to mantain a not to high level of it that helps to make improvements. When you stop taking test you're own body needs time to recover and to produce again test, if you take hcg it helps you to maintain you're gains.
I take aprox 22 lbs.The secret that most of guys don't know is not to overlaod the receptors and the synergie of gear is very important.That s the key to join a high level with not to much gear.Don't take D bol because it's a drug that is high liver toxic.Begin with test and deca, it suffisant.Take in one or two years when you need to make new improvements.

First cycle

250 mg sustanon per week
200 mg deca per week

Second cycle

250 mg sust per week
400 mg deca per week

third cycle

250 mg sust per week
400 mg deca per week
20 mg D bol

and pct always.Believe don't go to high in test 500 is much ! My friend and trainer is an European champion in heavy weight class, he beat guys who are using 2 or 3 time more gear that him.He was personnaly trained in past from
a trainer who trained guys who have do the olympia and who reached high places

I forget When you wil make gains the diet is another key that much of guys don't take enough serouisly.Much of them prefer take another shoot of test it's easier.You would have big gains with that dosage of gear ,eat like a pro,train hard, and take all the supplments you can.
In 14 years of training i gain 132 lbs !!! The wise is the secret.

Why would you take more deca then sus:confused:
And you need at least 500MG of sus. 250 is not enough to make gains and will just shut down your system.
Good first cycle:

wks 1-10 500mgs Test only.

If your diet and training are where they should be this will work wonders.
Before to say that 250 of sust is not enough, Are you know how much test your own body produce ?
If you get the answers you gonna see that it's enough to make gains .Learn before speaking.I say it again Test is test, mg for mg, my friend is an europeen competitor, he only take 500mg of test per week, and he weight 200lbs for 1m65, dry hard !!!!!
no, how much?

28-49 mgs a week average from most studies you will google.

There is no reason if you diet is in check Pro, carbs and fat are high enough that you cannot gain on 250 a week. Member on made a VERY good deatailed log of his first cycle which was 250 test for 12 weeks with nolva for pct. Gained 15 lbs and kept 10 after the PCT. Not bad at all.
Exactly npclight, i don't remember the exact number but it looks like that.
If you study it you see that 250 sust per week represent 5 times that the own body produce !!!!!
And you can archieve enough gains !!! I say it again if you're diet,your suplements are top notch quality.ANd the most important if you train hard like blood and guts, you're gains will be impressiv.But guys take excuses, i know it's easier to take one more shoot of test that to train hardcore and vomiting at the end of the training session.
I talk about intensity of training not the weight you take to do bench.You can bench 4OO lbs and have no intensity !!! that s another story !!!

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