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Food not Going down very well.


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Kilo Klub Member
Aug 22, 2008
I don't know if anybody can relate. It doesn't matter if I just ate or i'm really hungry. I have a hard time putting food down. From my first protein shake at 7am to My eggs at 9am. Even after a workout feel like i'm ready to tear some stuff up so I sit down ready to tear up a Fresh salad, steak, and patato and i can't when I take some bites I feel like I'm just force feeding myself.

never had any health issues or eating issues before. Blood work is good. it's just been happening for around a week.

It happens at home and restaurants, no differnace there.

I'm on Tren E sometimes that acts weird towards one's appeitite but it's not that kind of Force feeding. I'm talking about almost starving and your ready to tear a nice meal up, then you sit down and it all goes away.
I don't know if anybody can relate. It doesn't matter if I just ate or i'm really hungry. I have a hard time putting food down. From my first protein shake at 7am to My eggs at 9am. Even after a workout feel like i'm ready to tear some stuff up so I sit down ready to tear up a Fresh salad, steak, and patato and i can't when I take some bites I feel like I'm just force feeding myself.

never had any health issues or eating issues before. Blood work is good. it's just been happening for around a week.

It happens at home and restaurants, no differnace there.

I'm on Tren E sometimes that acts weird towards one's appeitite but it's not that kind of Force feeding. I'm talking about almost starving and your ready to tear a nice meal up, then you sit down and it all goes away.

I would say that youre probably not truly hungry, not physically anyhow. You mention having a protein shake at 7am and then 2 hours later you sit down to eat eggs. Are you trying to eat on a schedule? I did that to myself and all if did for me was get me FAT. Phil Hernon finally talked some sense into me and with his help, eat when youre hungry, I shed some serious fat and got leaner than ever. Even if youre trying to put on mass, you dont want to eat like that.

I would also suggest workin with Phil. I use to hate eating now I'm enjoying it!
Yes i'm hungry

I try to get down 40-50 grams of protein and 300 calories atleast every 2-3hrs. When I wrestled at 151lbs lean I used to eat 3800-4250 calories a day. Right now i'm 230lbs and I can't get down 3000cals." I have lots of guys that will set a Diet up for me that's not the problem". This is the problem example:

Try and eat 6 oz of Turkey with a Whole wheat wrap at 5pm, maybe eat 1/2
At 6:30 pm I get to the gym I do 20mins of cardio 20 mins of lifting. I try to Get a Shake down maybe 35-40 grams of protein usually can get that down. Dinner at 9pm Steak, patato can't get down. My body is hungry 150 calorie shake isn't going hold me that long.
I try to get down 40-50 grams of protein and 300 calories atleast every 2-3hrs. When I wrestled at 151lbs lean I used to eat 3800-4250 calories a day. Right now i'm 230lbs and I can't get down 3000cals." I have lots of guys that will set a Diet up for me that's not the problem". This is the problem example:

Try and eat 6 oz of Turkey with a Whole wheat wrap at 5pm, maybe eat 1/2
At 6:30 pm I get to the gym I do 20mins of cardio 20 mins of lifting. I try to Get a Shake down maybe 35-40 grams of protein usually can get that down. Dinner at 9pm Steak, patato can't get down. My body is hungry 150 calorie shake isn't going hold me that long.

Well, take a look in the mirror. How is your body changing going through this? Are you losing strength in the gym? If youre not eating enough you are going to lose muscle mass and it would show both in the mirror and at the gym. The human body wasnt meant to feed every 2 hours. Ive never experienced what yore going through unless I was eating massive calories. At one time I was taking in over 5k cals a day and eating was like what you described. Now I eat 3 meals a day tops, I weigh a fairly lean 212 and am natural now. I take in hardly any cals. Youd be surprised how you dont need 2g/lb bodyweight protein and all those excess cals. Everybody is different though, so what applies to me may not apply to you.
My guess is that your stomach pH is too alkaline (not acidic enough). In order for you stomach to digest all the proteins you are eating you need sufficient acids (HCL-hydrochloric acid) so give your stomach some help for a few weeks by supplementing HCL. I use two organic supplements called zypan and Betaine plus (the latter is much stronger). Do some research and find an HCL supplement that will help your stomach better digest your food.
You're not truly hungry if you cant eat. You would know what true hunger is when you take too much insulin and your blood sugar take a nose dive. When you get hungry it feels like that but not as intense!
You might have something there!!!

I feel like I have been at this long enough I should be eating 5000 plus and be bigger maybe it's my body telling me I'm eating enough.

I just feel like I want to eat and I see people eating and say that looks good but when given the option in front of me, I gag at the first bite.

I'm stronger than hell right now, I haven't lost strengh in years so thats good I guess.
I noticed that eating fruit really increased my appetite. Not sure how or why but it really makes me want to eat more often.
reduce/eliminate caffeine + add raw veggies/fruits (enzymes) + probiotics (kefir)

the first one is a fucking bitch let me tell you that. But it changed the way my body worked for extreme positive (after getting over a week of headaches).
I have simular problem. When i eat steak, rice, potatoes or chicken i have to forcefeed myself and im on the edge of throwing up.
But if i eat burrito, burger or any other food i will chug that down in no time and feel great.
psyT what is your Caffiene intake??? or was???

I drink a Redline a Day No pils so thats 250mg and my Pre-workout which is 100-150mg.

So is 350-400 a day too much!!
Whats the weather like?

It is hot and humid where I am. That combination mkes it hard for me to finish my food. I will only eat when hungry but after a few bites I have to force the rest.
This thread makes me sick. I'm assuming most of you are guys... I am 5'3" female and would (and HAVE) eaten 5,000-6,000+ cal/day if not for the many crazy sacrifices I make (lots more than 99% of the population would go through to keep the weight/fat off). I guess it's frustrating both ways. Too bad there wasn't a way to swap genetics.

liftalot79 >> unfortunately/obviously I can't relate but one thing you may want to try is consuming more calories in the form of liquid (like weight gainer protein shakes) and/or eating more energy dense food, (like Power Butter). For me, I have to avoid anything liquid [that has calories] like the plague cuz liquids never fill me up as much as solid food.
try cutting back on the whey shakes. i notice that if i start taking alot of whey, that solid food intrests me less and less. then i cut back on the whey and my intrest in solid food returns.
i had this same problem a few weeks ago, even when i felt like i was starving i couldn't eat but a few bites, and just last week started injecting 2 ml. of b12 a week and im able to eat now but not like i was before. so i would say try b12.
taking one bite and feeling like gagging?
dunno... sounds like an ulcer to me.
spend a whole day not eating anything... what happens after 12 hours being awake, not eating a damn thing and then you eat something?
if you still gag, feel so full it's disgusting, and can't finish a kid's meal... well, go to a doc.
^ i thought ulcers typically cause wicked bad hunger?
My guess is that your stomach pH is too alkaline (not acidic enough). In order for you stomach to digest all the proteins you are eating you need sufficient acids (HCL-hydrochloric acid) so give your stomach some help for a few weeks by supplementing HCL. I use two organic supplements called zypan and Betaine plus (the latter is much stronger). Do some research and find an HCL supplement that will help your stomach better digest your food.

I had a similar issue, i supplemented with betaine HCL, from trueprotein, this stuff works well....Google the name Betaine hcl, there is a lot of good info on it...

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