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Power Juicer

New member
May 25, 2009
I have been lifting weights for probably ten years. Out of those ten, I have used gear two of them. I know that gear can be hard on your health, and I know that in order to get bigger you have to use more gear and different kinds along with diet changes, depending on the desired results. But here is my question, how are some of the TOP PROS that have been doing this for MANY MANY years taking 1000+ mg of test a week with tren, insulin, hgh, igf, various prescriptions, stimulants, and eating enough in a days time to feed a small family....and yet they seem to maintain their health??? I know this could just be an illusion, but if that was the case it would seem that they would not be able to maintain that lifestyle for the duration of time that they do. In closing, there are a lot of good bros on this board that have had heart, kidney, and various other problems that took them out of the game so what is the pro's secret?
I have been lifting weights for probably ten years. Out of those ten, I have used gear two of them. I know that gear can be hard on your health, and I know that in order to get bigger you have to use more gear and different kinds along with diet changes, depending on the desired results. But here is my question, how are some of the TOP PROS that have been doing this for MANY MANY years taking 1000+ mg of test a week with tren, insulin, hgh, igf, various prescriptions, stimulants, and eating enough in a days time to feed a small family....and yet they seem to maintain their health??? I know this could just be an illusion, but if that was the case it would seem that they would not be able to maintain that lifestyle for the duration of time that they do. In closing, there are a lot of good bros on this board that have had heart, kidney, and various other problems that took them out of the game so what is the pro's secret?

I would say good genes from mom and dad. I think a lot of the pros are lucky that they respond well to training and gear so that they dont have to run as much as the average joe. these guys must have a physiology that deals with the drugs better too, and they dont get as many sides as others.
I would say good genes from mom and dad. I think a lot of the pros are lucky that they respond well to training and gear so that they dont have to run as much as the average joe. these guys must have a physiology that deals with the drugs better too, and they dont get as many sides as others.

This very well could be the reason. But still you got to wonder.
Also let me add this. As long as you are montering your blood profile, blood pressure, getting regular check ups, doing everything to maintain health, is all of this that terribly bad for you? I mean its made for humans. Yes i know, im not an idiot, we take way more than we are supposed to. Now no one knows what the future will bring with all of them. Maybe they will drop dead in 5 years. Maybe they will make it to 100. Who knows. But i am willing to bet that most of them are healthier than 90% of americans that are sitting on their fat asses eating chips by the handful and washing them down with mountain dew.
Freaky Awesome: genes, doctors/preventitive meds & acting/pretending to be healthy
Also let me add this. As long as you are montering your blood profile, blood pressure, getting regular check ups, doing everything to maintain health, is all of this that terribly bad for you? I mean its made for humans. Yes i know, im not an idiot, we take way more than we are supposed to. Now no one knows what the future will bring with all of them. Maybe they will drop dead in 5 years. Maybe they will make it to 100. Who knows. But i am willing to bet that most of them are healthier than 90% of americans that are sitting on their fat asses eating chips by the handful and washing them down with mountain dew.

I agree with the regular check ups. The sad part is that you are right about most of americans being unhealthy.
Freaky Awesome: genes, doctors/preventitive meds & acting/pretending to be healthy

Exactly - Genetics and acting...

Letting everyone know you are sick from the drugs you take isn't exactly flattering.

They are specimens but there is some pretending/toughing-it-out going on as well I am sure.
Also let me add this. As long as you are montering your blood profile, blood pressure, getting regular check ups, doing everything to maintain health, is all of this that terribly bad for you? I mean its made for humans. Yes i know, im not an idiot, we take way more than we are supposed to. Now no one knows what the future will bring with all of them. Maybe they will drop dead in 5 years. Maybe they will make it to 100. Who knows. But i am willing to bet that most of them are healthier than 90% of americans that are sitting on their fat asses eating chips by the handful and washing them down with mountain dew.

Sometimes I wanna throw up when I'm in a sports bar and hear some drunken fat asses, smoking cigarettes and blithering about how some athletes are killing themselves with steroids
Sometimes I wanna throw up when I'm in a sports bar and hear some drunken fat asses, smoking cigarettes and blithering about how some athletes are killing themselves with steroids

Yep...They say: "An alcoholic is anyone who drinks more than you do"
A "GearHead" is: "Anyone who looks better than you at the same dose" :D

I think some of these guys just have better Genetics for responding to androgens...their own and exogenous. If you've been in a Division 1 gym you see lots of young guys busting ass, similar BW and similar workout schedules. But some guys are just better.

Ernie Conwell comes to mind. He's in what now, his 11th year of NFL play? I was familiar with him in college thru track and field. Real nice guy. He could bench way over 500 lbs at the University Of Washington. Dude was clean, often tested and just a beast. I dunno if he's got into AAS since, but I imagine if he has, he responded well.

Then there's Jerrot Willard. EXCELLENT linebacker for Cal and a stats leader in his time for the PAC10. College Football was his limit and just ate up his knees, despite his superior technique, drive and will-power. Not sure if he got a look at the NFL after all, but I don't think so.
Also let me add this. As long as you are montering your blood profile, blood pressure, getting regular check ups, doing everything to maintain health, is all of this that terribly bad for you? I mean its made for humans. Yes i know, im not an idiot, we take way more than we are supposed to. Now no one knows what the future will bring with all of them. Maybe they will drop dead in 5 years. Maybe they will make it to 100. Who knows. But i am willing to bet that most of them are healthier than 90% of americans that are sitting on their fat asses eating chips by the handful and washing them down with mountain dew.

lol yes some of the compounds are made for humans...tren isnt, eq isnt...im sure there is more to that list
In the cases of many of the top pros, and this is where speculation comes in, it is genetics. Now good genetics is not strictly limited to being able to add slabs of muscle with ease and drugs, it also means the ability to use larger amounts of these drugs without ill effects, or serious side effects. So put the two genetic factors into one body and watch out, you have a Mr. O in the making. That is no big secret. Just drugs and genetics coupled with discipline and hard work.
In the cases of many of the top pros, and this is where speculation comes in, it is genetics. Now good genetics is not strictly limited to being able to add slabs of muscle with ease and drugs, it also means the ability to use larger amounts of these drugs without ill effects, or serious side effects. So put the two genetic factors into one body and watch out, you have a Mr. O in the making. That is no big secret. Just drugs and genetics coupled with discipline and hard work.

Exactly...also the blood work, and preventative measures as well. Synthergine, milk thistle, live 52 etc etc. Monitoring your bloods and knowing when to ease up and clean your system out, and give it a rest. These superior genetics also allow the body to deal with drugs that anothers body may not deal well with..
if your on trt and you get your bloodwork done and your in the "higher than normal" range. you canreach pretty substantial body weight with the addition of gh slin and peptides coupled with a few blasts a year. just be honest with your doc and get your paanel done at least 3-4 times a year
Keep in mind though that even if you do blood tests and things come back of and you do your phlebotomies to keep your red cells down, things can still go wrong. When I had my heart attack, from a blood clot, I had just given blood 1 week prior and my hgb was sitting at 15. All of my blood test results were within parameters except that my HDL was quite low, but my LDL was rock bottom too.

Dont think that just because you do your blood work, which 90% of the community doesnt anyhow, that you will be safe from harm. All sorts of things can still and will go wrong. So taking high doses of steriods, even if youre monitoring, is still dangerousl. Even taking moderate doses but for an extended time and not going off is dangeous. When I had my heart attack I had been running only 500mg/wk test and 250 mg/wk deca.
Keep in mind though that even if you do blood tests and things come back of and you do your phlebotomies to keep your red cells down, things can still go wrong. When I had my heart attack, from a blood clot, I had just given blood 1 week prior and my hgb was sitting at 15. All of my blood test results were within parameters except that my HDL was quite low, but my LDL was rock bottom too.

Dont think that just because you do your blood work, which 90% of the community doesnt anyhow, that you will be safe from harm. All sorts of things can still and will go wrong. So taking high doses of steriods, even if youre monitoring, is still dangerousl. Even taking moderate doses but for an extended time and not going off is dangeous. When I had my heart attack I had been running only 500mg/wk test and 250 mg/wk deca.

I have to agree, this is the way I was thinking.
Keep in mind though that even if you do blood tests and things come back of and you do your phlebotomies to keep your red cells down, things can still go wrong. When I had my heart attack, from a blood clot, I had just given blood 1 week prior and my hgb was sitting at 15. All of my blood test results were within parameters except that my HDL was quite low, but my LDL was rock bottom too.

Dont think that just because you do your blood work, which 90% of the community doesnt anyhow, that you will be safe from harm. All sorts of things can still and will go wrong. So taking high doses of steriods, even if youre monitoring, is still dangerousl. Even taking moderate doses but for an extended time and not going off is dangeous. When I had my heart attack I had been running only 500mg/wk test and 250 mg/wk deca.

A guy I work with had a triple by-pass at 40. He is 5'6 230 and 25-30% bf, smoker with poor eating habits. The fact that he didn't take care of himself and had a heart attack didn't surprise me, but he told me he went to a cardiologist 6 months earlier and his bp and cholesterol were perfect. This guy never juiced and probably never lifted a weight and had no symptoms before hand that something was wrong. He wasn't on any medications at the time.
Sometimes I wanna throw up when I'm in a sports bar and hear some drunken fat asses, smoking cigarettes and blithering about how some athletes are killing themselves with steroids

LOL, Gregg Valentino had an article in his Ramblin Freak section in MD about a fat woman in a resturaunt saying something how his big arms look gross, so he went off on her about how fat and nasty she was......pretty entertaining read.

I agree with her, though LOL
You're way off on one thing here....most of them are not healthy, at least while they're in the prime of their careers. Do you know how many (I don't specifically either, it's rhetorical) of them are on cholesterol meds, blood pressure meds, liver meds, kidney treatments, etc...it's scary. The body is not meant to be pushed to those levels, genetically gifted or not. Some of those gents are a few ticks from a heart attack on any given day.

I'd love for Phil and some of the others to chime in on this....JS....anyone else.
I"m sure they have their fair share of problems as well....there are always cosmetic surgeries, simple procedures, and routine dr visits that they will sometimes elude to....some/most are smart enough to recognize when things aren't right and back off....in the case of a "professional", I'm sure they stay up on their blookworks...

reminds me, wasn't there talk before of the IFBB offering some sort of insurance policy to it's athletes, or was I having a whacked up dream?

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