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For the old timers 40+... walk down old internet memory lane

Redo-cat had me walking around prison ( as a guard) chewing on my notepad and everyone thought I was nuts when I was just snacking on his stuff. Hilarious.

I met MikeS from the UG at the AC one year. Nice guy. Met a bunch of the mods from FitChicks at a different NPC show.

It’s nice to see people in person after so many years online.

I remember some guy on the UG cut his fingers off on a table saw. The Adam Ramsey thing. An a newb asking how come nobody complained about ass shots. Said he was injecting into his sphincter. Hope that guy was joking.

I was supposed to workout with Phil H on my way back from a porno thing in Toronto but I got deported instead. I called Phil to tell him I wouldn’t be able to make it and I swear he had me on speakerphone, he couldn’t breath and everyone was laughing, I guess the front desk staff. Good lord.

I still do that workout he set me up with.
while you guys were chewing on them , so were a few of us all across the CDCS, from corcoran to pelican bay with certain pillis (ones who were not dopefiends) and primos and carnals and senors, especially when the weights were still on the yardas. some SWOLL mfers those days, especially the YA babies(gladiator school)

I feel you though in a diff environment I used to drop dbols into my gatorades at LA fitness and PT lol
I still have some blister packs of semi's from Brazil sitting in a drawer. must be over 20 years old.
Remember that pile of shit SHOT? Or maybe he was already gone by then?🧐
Ya, he was mod on BB.com back when they had a steroid forum and scammed people by selling fake sero kits or just not sending them shit, 20 years ago I can’t remember the whole story
anyone remember this dude BigKev (I think that was his name)? Guy was pretty massive and well known on the boards. Apparently was dealing and also started scamming people. He had a run-in with the law which ended in a car chase and finally a shootout where I think he took his own life. It was in the news I believe at the time and I wanna say it went down in Texas but I could be wrong. He might've gotten into the hard stuff which messed with his brain but things ended very badly and it was quite shocking at the time. Am I way off or do people remember this? I wanna say this happened in like 2002 or '03.
Yes,took his own life after high speed pursuit. I believe it was Louisiana.
Ya, he was mod on BB.com back when they had a steroid forum and scammed people by selling fake sero kits or just not sending them shit, 20 years ago I can’t remember the whole story

I definitely remember him

What about Scorpio and WeirdAl from BeyondMass?
They disappeared, and I assumed they were scamming or something
I wonder whatever happened to the Hulkster from Hulksters newsletters. I remember that he was the competitor to Dante's newsletter until he got exposed as a scammer
I wonder whatever happened to the Hulkster from Hulksters newsletters. I remember that he was the competitor to Dante's newsletter until he got exposed as a scammer

He was involved with the whole reverse scam and I believe he fled to Guam. I know, at least by the early to mid-2000's he was living in the states. If i remember right, and i'd have to ask him, but there is an old-time member by the name of Pig Vomit (he posts at TID, he's also the one who exposed Animal on his bicycle, lol), he mentioned that Gary/Hulkster was living in one of the southern states at the time.
He was involved with the whole reverse scam and I believe he fled to Guam. I know, at least by the early to mid-2000's he was living in the states. If i remember right, and i'd have to ask him, but there is an old-time member by the name of Pig Vomit (he posts at TID, he's also the one who exposed Animal on his bicycle, lol), he mentioned that Gary/Hulkster was living in one of the southern states at the time.
Lmao Animal on his bicycle!!! And to think hes the guy whos fina kits eventually evolved into Tren and creating basically an evolution in Gear
Lmao Animal on his bicycle!!! And to think hes the guy whos fina kits eventually evolved into Tren and creating basically an evolution in Gear
How much do you think he made off with? Over 10 million bucks?
Outlaw Muscle was "the" board before this one came out. Some of the pioneers in sourcing came from that board, so many orders, so many sources, lol. Good ole days.
I would love to see a podcast with some of the old sources that did their time and are out now.

I remember Red Star of China which used to be General Agricultural China. They were even interviewed for Muscular Development.

They made a “Dry” testosterone blend that had arimidex already in it so supposedly it didn’t cause any water retention.
I would love to see a podcast with some of the old sources that did their time and are out now.

I remember Red Star of China which used to be General Agricultural China. They were even interviewed for Muscular Development.

They made a “Dry” testosterone blend that had arimidex already in it so supposedly it didn’t cause any water retention.
RSOC was Bruce Kneller
He did any interviews, podcasts, etc? I might be wrong but I don’t think Red Star ever scammed anyone but who knows 🤷🏽‍♂️
Kneller was very popular back in the 90's and up until he was arrested. He was in all the muscle magazines, misc.fit.weights newsgroup, EliteFiteness, etc. I'm not sure if he intentionally tried to scam anybody, but a few of his products were tested by San Rafael, Primo comes to mind, and they did not meet label claims. I know there was some back and forth on that. He was/is a very smart, well-rounded guy, but he just has a knack for fukking up and getting caught and rubbing people the wrong way. Not sure what the heck he is doing these days.
Does anyone here remember using AOL dial-up as the main pathway to connect to the internet, and then using Netscape Navigator as the internet browser? There were some kind of chat windows / chat groups? Where guys would discuss gear and training? I cannot recall what application that was based on. I just remember that's where I initially hear of "19-nor" lol and when my dad caught me using that he thought it was some kind of porn bullshit lol. I just wanted to be jacked.
I will see your Netscape Navigator and raise you one Prodigy and two AOL CD's from the checkout counter at Blockbuster.
Definitely remember Redicat and paperbolics

There was a guy huge on the Anabolex board called Ironmike.

He was a good guy. Sadly he ended up killing himself.

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