Are you thinking of Omega?
Hulk had something happen to him, but i'm not sure exactly what it was, he hasn't reached out to me much when I message him. He moved to Ohio after he and Claudia split up, then they got back together. We were pretty close, but he drifted away. When he left Jersey/Pa area, he also left all his lifting crew as well, even though he found a new group in Ohio. They had a really good group of guys that trained together. Iron God and Heather Lee moved down to Florida. She has 2 sons and is great mother to them. IG is the type of guy who you only run across once, lol. He is pretty unique. I never met him in person, but we helped each other out some. His brother is a crazy ass fooker, but he may still live up in Jersey.
BigDamRay passed away a few years back from an aggressive cancer to the kidneys IIRC...I posted it here a little while back. He was a really good guy. He trained with Branch Warren and all those guys in Texas.
Fukkenshredded was a unique guy. He got paid well doing infomercials and other modeling type work, amongst other things. He was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. I have no idea if he is still alive or not. He went through some really hard times. He was homeless a few times, and then he would always bring himself back up and do well. He'd find himself stranded in the middle of nowhere when he'd go through a bout of Schizo. It didn't help that he was also addicted to rec drugs. That said, he was super smart, and a super nice guy. He was living down in Los Angeles, and we were going to meetup at some point, but never got around to it. He was super lean, but he was only like 170'ish pounds in those pictures he posted, so he was pretty small....and I think he was close to 6ft. If he popped up and needed help, i'd be right there for him. I think about him from time to time and pray that he is safe and well
GymRatSD was another good guy, who i did meet in person. He was a biochemist, but i'm not sure if he worked in the field or not. He had some family issues with his parents and was kicked out unjustly, of which I will not go into detail about. He lived in Michigan, then San Diego, and last I knew he was up in San Fran many years back. I met him about 15 years ago when Sassy won the SF NPC. We all hung out together, it was super fun. He hung out with Killer every now and then as well. Killer is another guy who is like a brother to me. He is going through a rough last couple of years as well. He and his wife from Brazil split up about 10 years ago, and then he moved from San Jose area back to Indiana. He lost everything and has had multiple injuries, a major health scare, and then recently did 6 months for a second offense DUI

He and Sassy both moved, as has most everybody who lived out here in Comifornia, lol.
I've had the privilege of being a Mod/Admin with some really great people.
I think I remember the guy you are speaking of, but he was not a mod at WCBB. You should have stuck around, it would have all worked itself out dude.