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For the old timers 40+... walk down old internet memory lane

Jesus, he got busted? Proline was definitely a POS, he was my first ugl...good gear then started putting out bunk then scammed... Bradley groh up in Brooklyn. Anyone know of any scammers who actually got a visit? I've seen personal info posted back in the day but don't recall anyone actually doing anything... or at least taking credit for it...which is probably smart lol
Proline was my first UGL as well.
I remember buying TNE in oil.
He was one of the first on the boards selling that.
I remember everyone asking .. this is not suspension ?
My first encounter with a guiacol preparation.
Think this was circa 2004
Then after that I mainly used morning star out of Oakland. He shipped express.
Have your order in by noon PST and you have your pack next day.
I srarted back in the days of Strength and Health Magazine and when sunshine was great for you. And bodybuilding was thought of as healthy.
I was looking thru some of my old S&H mags Sunday. I started my collection in '72, but have my dad's collection from the 50's.
I was looking thru some of my old S&H mags Sunday. I started my collection in '72, but have my dad's collection from the 50's.
Prior to the internet . . .

The original Iron Man magazine when Perry and Mabel Rader were running the show.

I had, at one point in time, every back issue (available) plus the current ones from ~ 1972.

The days passed like years waiting for the next issue. And I consumed every article, front back, again and again, lost in my desire, my fantasy to look like any of the bodybuilders pictured in each issue.

I kept most of the real old ones (collectible?) and still have them. Priceless.

FYI, Arthur Jones started advertising / writing articles in Iron Man (not exclusive) in the very late 60’s. And many would argue that his articles were in fact advertising in a round about way. But they were incredible articles to this day even if they were thinly veiled advertisements.

My karate instructor (bodybuilder) had a bunch of back issues that I did not have so I used to borrow and devour them until I got my own subscription.

Arthur was the first to be offered to purchase the magazine (I have the offer letter to Arthur from Perry). He turned it down. Then John Balik bought it and under his direct leadership turned it into a shit magazine (my opinion) and ran it into the ground.

Other magazines at the time were Muscle Training Illustrated (Dan Laurie) Strength and Health / Muscular Development (Bob Hoffman), Peak, a British muscle mag, (I had all those issues too) and a magazine published by Bob Kennedy . . . can’t remember the name of it but I read and collected all of those too.

How is that for a trip down memory lane?
Prior to the internet . . .

The original Iron Man magazine when Perry and Mabel Rader were running the show.

I had, at one point in time, every back issue (available) plus the current ones from ~ 1972.

The days passed like years waiting for the next issue. And I consumed every article, front back, again and again, lost in my desire, my fantasy to look like any of the bodybuilders pictured in each issue.

I kept most of the real old ones (collectible?) and still have them. Priceless.

FYI, Arthur Jones started advertising / writing articles in Iron Man (not exclusive) in the very late 60’s. And many would argue that his articles were in fact advertising in a round about way. But they were incredible articles to this day even if they were thinly veiled advertisements.

My karate instructor (bodybuilder) had a bunch of back issues that I did not have so I used to borrow and devour them until I got my own subscription.

Arthur was the first to be offered to purchase the magazine (I have the offer letter to Arthur from Perry). He turned it down. Then John Balik bought it and under his direct leadership turned it into a shit magazine (my opinion) and ran it into the ground.

Other magazines at the time were Muscle Training Illustrated (Dan Laurie) Strength and Health / Muscular Development (Bob Hoffman), Peak, a British muscle mag, (I had all those issues too) and a magazine published by Bob Kennedy . . . can’t remember the name of it but I read and collected all of those too.

How is that for a trip down memory lane?
Love your appreciation for old school Iron Game. That's some great history. I've often considered picking some up on ebay. I started late 80s/early 90s but love the 60s and before. Golden Era and legit holistic healthy vibe.
Love your appreciation for old school Iron Game. That's some great history. I've often considered picking some up on ebay. I started late 80s/early 90s but love the 60s and before. Golden Era and legit holistic healthy vibe.

I think I have the first issue, if not damn close. I’m thinking off the top of my head, thinking 1940’s! Would have to look.
I have the old Iron Man too. I quit buying them when they got rid of the olympic lifting articles.
Remember when all the mags went 'hardcore' and started featuring articles on gear ?
Basically following the MM2K model.
Then ironically MM2K(now MM) went 180• left and became a overall fitness mag.
Remember when all the mags went 'hardcore' and started featuring articles on gear ?
Basically following the MM2K model.
Then ironically MM2K(now MM) went 180• left and became a overall fitness mag.
Yea I had a stash of mmk2 magazines for along time. I switched to Muscular Development after MM2k went to shit, they didn't last long after their switch i think maybe 2 years. I remember how pissed I was when MM2k switched and went soft. I don't think Bill Phillips owned EAS or MM anymore shortly after the switch but I could be wrong, I know he sold EAS at some point. ive heard for 30 mil and 300 mil I don't know which one(or if one) is accurate. I for some reason cant remember the name of the first source I ordered from but he had

t-50 $10
t-200 $20
Nxxxxn $20
50ml EQ 50mgs $70 (it turned out to be fake)
Sten $1 an amp
Durateston $4 or $5 an amp
Zambon Winny amps $7
Also remember he had 20ml 50mg/ml winny but can't remnember the name or price but it came in a green box.
Redijects Sustonon cant remember price

and I think like 10 more things that at the time that was absurdly cheap but I can't remember the whole list. I also know if you ordered a lot of shit you got another bonus box.

I also know a guy around this time who I didn't know at the time but he said he would just fly to mexico fill up a duffle bag and fly back the same day. He did it every couple of weeks. He was a guy that everyone wanted to know.
Yea I had a stash of mmk2 magazines for along time. I switched to Muscular Development after MM2k went to shit, they didn't last long after their switch i think maybe 2 years. I remember how pissed I was when MM2k switched and went soft. I don't think Bill Phillips owned EAS or MM anymore shortly after the switch but I could be wrong, I know he sold EAS at some point. ive heard for 30 mil and 300 mil I don't know which one(or if one) is accurate. I for some reason cant remember the name of the first source I ordered from but he had

t-50 $10
t-200 $20
Nxxxxn $20
50ml EQ 50mgs $70 (it turned out to be fake)
Sten $1 an amp
Durateston $4 or $5 an amp
Zambon Winny amps $7
Also remember he had 20ml 50mg/ml winny but can't remnember the name or price but it came in a green box.
Redijects Sustonon cant remember price

and I think like 10 more things that at the time that was absurdly cheap but I can't remember the whole list. I also know if you ordered a lot of shit you got another bonus box.

I also know a guy around this time who I didn't know at the time but he said he would just fly to mexico fill up a duffle bag and fly back the same day. He did it every couple of weeks. He was a guy that everyone wanted to know.
Yeah. In 1997 i paid gym prices for my first couple bottles of brovel test and deca.
After that Id just go down to encinada, tj, or rosarito. Id spend about 100 then transfer contents to a 'sterile' bottle. Disguised as essential oil or something like that.
Took a couple years break from gear, started back in 2003 or so with the internet forum era.
And here we are..
Proline was my first UGL as well.
I remember buying TNE in oil.
He was one of the first on the boards selling that.
I remember everyone asking .. this is not suspension ?
My first encounter with a guiacol preparation.
Think this was circa 2004
Then after that I mainly used morning star out of Oakland. He shipped express.
Have your order in by noon PST and you have your pack next day.
proline ROLLED along with alot of other cats on SSB, a few of us made it out alive and kept it tru blue
Prior to the internet . . .

The original Iron Man magazine when Perry and Mabel Rader were running the show.

I had, at one point in time, every back issue (available) plus the current ones from ~ 1972.

The days passed like years waiting for the next issue. And I consumed every article, front back, again and again, lost in my desire, my fantasy to look like any of the bodybuilders pictured in each issue.

I kept most of the real old ones (collectible?) and still have them. Priceless.

FYI, Arthur Jones started advertising / writing articles in Iron Man (not exclusive) in the very late 60’s. And many would argue that his articles were in fact advertising in a round about way. But they were incredible articles to this day even if they were thinly veiled advertisements.

My karate instructor (bodybuilder) had a bunch of back issues that I did not have so I used to borrow and devour them until I got my own subscription.

Arthur was the first to be offered to purchase the magazine (I have the offer letter to Arthur from Perry). He turned it down. Then John Balik bought it and under his direct leadership turned it into a shit magazine (my opinion) and ran it into the ground.

Other magazines at the time were Muscle Training Illustrated (Dan Laurie) Strength and Health / Muscular Development (Bob Hoffman), Peak, a British muscle mag, (I had all those issues too) and a magazine published by Bob Kennedy . . . can’t remember the name of it but I read and collected all of those too.

How is that for a trip down memory lane?
I love these stories bro, encouraging you to write a memoir sometime, I would be the first to purchase and recommend to clients and friends.
You may already know this, but he was a Mod here and good friends with Big A and the staff. I agree though, I knew him a little, as he would drop in to AF, and was always a top-notch guy to talk to.

I started at EF, made friends with you, ulter, E2….we moved to AF board. Man….AF was fun. Fuckenshredded….that guy….I remember a cut log of his….it was literally chicken and lettuce….and he would incline walk on a treadmill with 25lb dumbbells in his hands…for HOURS on HOuRs throughout the week. His pictures matched his name.

And good god the amount of AIFM spray I bought…..I loved the citrus scent lol.

Got yohimburn on my balls….also that was the time 16/8 “lean gains” got popular….and me and another guy….i can’t remember his handle but we are Facebook and IG buddies now….we would see who could take 16/8 to the most extreme bulking lol.

Hulk1550, bigdamray, gah….good times.

EF….what was that fuckers name who had a supersayian avatar that sold all that bullshit supplements?

WCBB….moved there too. A few personalities didn’t mix well with me. There was a Mod there that didn’t like me because he thought I was someone from the past that owed a source a lot of money or some shit lol
proline ROLLED along with alot of other cats on SSB, a few of us made it out alive and kept it tru blue

I love these stories bro, encouraging you to write a memoir sometime, I would be the first to purchase and recommend to clients and friends.
I was on SSB when it all went down. That board was wild. I remember getting thousands of thai pinks and green monsters in actual dvd cases. Didn’t they give away a motorcycle?

OSBB was my first board and evil george was my first source. Good ol days for me.
I started at EF, made friends with you, ulter, E2….we moved to AF board. Man….AF was fun. Fuckenshredded….that guy….I remember a cut log of his….it was literally chicken and lettuce….and he would incline walk on a treadmill with 25lb dumbbells in his hands…for HOURS on HOuRs throughout the week. His pictures matched his name.

And good god the amount of AIFM spray I bought…..I loved the citrus scent lol.

Got yohimburn on my balls….also that was the time 16/8 “lean gains” got popular….and me and another guy….i can’t remember his handle but we are Facebook and IG buddies now….we would see who could take 16/8 to the most extreme bulking lol.

Hulk1550, bigdamray, gah….good times.

EF….what was that fuckers name who had a supersayian avatar that sold all that bullshit supplements?

WCBB….moved there too. A few personalities didn’t mix well with me. There was a Mod there that didn’t like me because he thought I was someone from the past that owed a source a lot of money or some shit lol
I was holy ghost on there, i remember wacko need2getass that's about it and ulter rings a bell

ROSS sounds like the guy who sold those bs supps lmao
I started at EF, made friends with you, ulter, E2….we moved to AF board. Man….AF was fun. Fuckenshredded….that guy….I remember a cut log of his….it was literally chicken and lettuce….and he would incline walk on a treadmill with 25lb dumbbells in his hands…for HOURS on HOuRs throughout the week. His pictures matched his name.

And good god the amount of AIFM spray I bought…..I loved the citrus scent lol.

Got yohimburn on my balls….also that was the time 16/8 “lean gains” got popular….and me and another guy….i can’t remember his handle but we are Facebook and IG buddies now….we would see who could take 16/8 to the most extreme bulking lol.

Hulk1550, bigdamray, gah….good times.

EF….what was that fuckers name who had a supersayian avatar that sold all that bullshit supplements?

WCBB….moved there too. A few personalities didn’t mix well with me. There was a Mod there that didn’t like me because he thought I was someone from the past that owed a source a lot of money or some shit lol
Are you thinking of Omega?

Hulk had something happen to him, but i'm not sure exactly what it was, he hasn't reached out to me much when I message him. He moved to Ohio after he and Claudia split up, then they got back together. We were pretty close, but he drifted away. When he left Jersey/Pa area, he also left all his lifting crew as well, even though he found a new group in Ohio. They had a really good group of guys that trained together. Iron God and Heather Lee moved down to Florida. She has 2 sons and is great mother to them. IG is the type of guy who you only run across once, lol. He is pretty unique. I never met him in person, but we helped each other out some. His brother is a crazy ass fooker, but he may still live up in Jersey.

BigDamRay passed away a few years back from an aggressive cancer to the kidneys IIRC...I posted it here a little while back. He was a really good guy. He trained with Branch Warren and all those guys in Texas.

Fukkenshredded was a unique guy. He got paid well doing infomercials and other modeling type work, amongst other things. He was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. I have no idea if he is still alive or not. He went through some really hard times. He was homeless a few times, and then he would always bring himself back up and do well. He'd find himself stranded in the middle of nowhere when he'd go through a bout of Schizo. It didn't help that he was also addicted to rec drugs. That said, he was super smart, and a super nice guy. He was living down in Los Angeles, and we were going to meetup at some point, but never got around to it. He was super lean, but he was only like 170'ish pounds in those pictures he posted, so he was pretty small....and I think he was close to 6ft. If he popped up and needed help, i'd be right there for him. I think about him from time to time and pray that he is safe and well:(

GymRatSD was another good guy, who i did meet in person. He was a biochemist, but i'm not sure if he worked in the field or not. He had some family issues with his parents and was kicked out unjustly, of which I will not go into detail about. He lived in Michigan, then San Diego, and last I knew he was up in San Fran many years back. I met him about 15 years ago when Sassy won the SF NPC. We all hung out together, it was super fun. He hung out with Killer every now and then as well. Killer is another guy who is like a brother to me. He is going through a rough last couple of years as well. He and his wife from Brazil split up about 10 years ago, and then he moved from San Jose area back to Indiana. He lost everything and has had multiple injuries, a major health scare, and then recently did 6 months for a second offense DUI:( He and Sassy both moved, as has most everybody who lived out here in Comifornia, lol.

I've had the privilege of being a Mod/Admin with some really great people.

I think I remember the guy you are speaking of, but he was not a mod at WCBB. You should have stuck around, it would have all worked itself out dude.
Are you thinking of Omega?

Hulk had something happen to him, but i'm not sure exactly what it was, he hasn't reached out to me much when I message him. He moved to Ohio after he and Claudia split up, then they got back together. We were pretty close, but he drifted away. When he left Jersey/Pa area, he also left all his lifting crew as well, even though he found a new group in Ohio. They had a really good group of guys that trained together. Iron God and Heather Lee moved down to Florida. She has 2 sons and is great mother to them. IG is the type of guy who you only run across once, lol. He is pretty unique. I never met him in person, but we helped each other out some. His brother is a crazy ass fooker, but he may still live up in Jersey.

BigDamRay passed away a few years back from an aggressive cancer to the kidneys IIRC...I posted it here a little while back. He was a really good guy. He trained with Branch Warren and all those guys in Texas.

Fukkenshredded was a unique guy. He got paid well doing infomercials and other modeling type work, amongst other things. He was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. I have no idea if he is still alive or not. He went through some really hard times. He was homeless a few times, and then he would always bring himself back up and do well. He'd find himself stranded in the middle of nowhere when he'd go through a bout of Schizo. It didn't help that he was also addicted to rec drugs. That said, he was super smart, and a super nice guy. He was living down in Los Angeles, and we were going to meetup at some point, but never got around to it. He was super lean, but he was only like 170'ish pounds in those pictures he posted, so he was pretty small....and I think he was close to 6ft. If he popped up and needed help, i'd be right there for him. I think about him from time to time and pray that he is safe and well:(

GymRatSD was another good guy, who i did meet in person. He was a biochemist, but i'm not sure if he worked in the field or not. He had some family issues with his parents and was kicked out unjustly, of which I will not go into detail about. He lived in Michigan, then San Diego, and last I knew he was up in San Fran many years back. I met him about 15 years ago when Sassy won the SF NPC. We all hung out together, it was super fun. He hung out with Killer every now and then as well. Killer is another guy who is like a brother to me. He is going through a rough last couple of years as well. He and his wife from Brazil split up about 10 years ago, and then he moved from San Jose area back to Indiana. He lost everything and has had multiple injuries, a major health scare, and then recently did 6 months for a second offense DUI:( He and Sassy both moved, as has most everybody who lived out here in Comifornia, lol.

I've had the privilege of being a Mod/Admin with some really great people.

I think I remember the guy you are speaking of, but he was not a mod at WCBB. You should have stuck around, it would have all worked itself out dude.

Ahh yes it was Omega. Yea I lost touch with Hulk, we talked quite a bit, he was the first one to get me to 240lbs and not look like a slob. He loved his NPP. Lol

@Muay Thai Ross was a douche too lol
Prior to the internet . . .

The original Iron Man magazine when Perry and Mabel Rader were running the show.

I had, at one point in time, every back issue (available) plus the current ones from ~ 1972.

The days passed like years waiting for the next issue. And I consumed every article, front back, again and again, lost in my desire, my fantasy to look like any of the bodybuilders pictured in each issue.

I kept most of the real old ones (collectible?) and still have them. Priceless.

FYI, Arthur Jones started advertising / writing articles in Iron Man (not exclusive) in the very late 60’s. And many would argue that his articles were in fact advertising in a round about way. But they were incredible articles to this day even if they were thinly veiled advertisements.

My karate instructor (bodybuilder) had a bunch of back issues that I did not have so I used to borrow and devour them until I got my own subscription.

Arthur was the first to be offered to purchase the magazine (I have the offer letter to Arthur from Perry). He turned it down. Then John Balik bought it and under his direct leadership turned it into a shit magazine (my opinion) and ran it into the ground.

Other magazines at the time were Muscle Training Illustrated (Dan Laurie) Strength and Health / Muscular Development (Bob Hoffman), Peak, a British muscle mag, (I had all those issues too) and a magazine published by Bob Kennedy . . . can’t remember the name of it but I read and collected all of those too.

How is that for a trip down memory lane?
Robert Kennedy published Muscle Mag International out of Canada.
Definitely remember Redicat and paperbolics

There was a guy huge on the Anabolex board called Ironmike.

He was a good guy. Sadly he ended up killing himself.
I remember Hamish well, he took his life via a large insulin overdose.
Many of us from the old Aussie Corner of Anabolex attended his funeral.
“Mike” was a Mod here and at Bolex.
RIP mate.
Iceman92 (MrAust92 from Bolex).
I remember Hamish well, he took his life via a large insulin overdose.
Many of us from the old Aussie Corner of Anabolex attended his funeral.
“Mike” was a Mod here and at Bolex.
RIP mate.
Iceman92 (MrAust92 from Bolex).

Yep I was on Aussie Corner of Bolex. It was really the only Aussie BB forum at the time.

Good times.

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