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For those that have a good eye for judging physiques...


Verified Customer
Verified Customer
Jan 15, 2012
The last time Nick was on stage I thought he had one of the best back double biceps in the sport, so I'm not hating here. But something about his physique in this photo just looks unathletic. What is it that he is missing? I can't point my finger on it, but I know it's not just simply conditioning.


  • Screenshot_20220615-132122-343.png
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The last time Nick was on stage I thought he had one of the best back double biceps in the sport, so I'm not hating here. But something about his physique in this photo just looks unathletic. What is it that he is missing? I can't point my finger on it, but I know it's not just simply conditioning.
I feel like his arms are canted forward a bit too much
a lot of things can alter how you look

1. Light
2. Angel
3. How you preform a pose
4. Body fat
5. Standing alone until another pro stands next to you
a lot of things can alter how you look

1. Light
2. Angel
3. How you preform a pose
4. Body fat
5. Standing alone until another pro stands next to you

This. He hasn't started prep yet. He isn't doing any shows until the Olympia so I believe prep doesn't start until next month. He's such a big fucker and even though he is still relatively lean (for offseason) he obviously isn't close to stage ready which I think will satisfy your concerns.
How about his physique just isn't very pleasing. Sure he is freakishly big and will probably do good coming next Olympia, plus he somehow seems like a good guy as far as I can judge via YouTube and Instagram. I just think it's an ugly physique.
I don't know what "unathletic" is supposed to mean when referring to a bodybuilders physique? I don't see anything glaringly obvious that he's lacking, not the best shot of his calves, but the full picture will take time to reveal as he gets closer to a show.
He said the other day that his foot is off the gas, to a degree of course, and food was pulled back and the offseason push is over and after a month they will switch back into it.

I took away they have pulled back a little compared to pics from a month of 5-6 weeks ago that looks to be the case.
I am very interested in the match up between Nick and Hunter.
Each took a completely opposite approach to their super long off season.
Nick focused on his strength “mass” and has clearly made progress. While his weakness “blocky waist” appears to have gotten worse.
Hunter focused on his weak points and appears to have made improvement. While maintaining his strength “small waist”.

I for one am very interested to see what they bring to the Olympia stage.
so I'm not hating here. .
i dont think there is anything wrong even if you were. let me be the first to hate- wtf with the skin. cant believe the shirt would come off and shorts pulled up with all of that. and it was fucking posted for public consumption. Im sure a lot of time goes into many things in his day. spend some time taking care of your largest organ. What must be happening inside. again wtf, i just dont understand this sport sometimes, or maybe Im just getting too olold
i dont think there is anything wrong even if you were. let me be the first to hate- wtf with the skin. cant believe the shirt would come off and shorts pulled up with all of that. and it was fucking posted for public consumption. Im sure a lot of time goes into many things in his day. spend some time taking care of your largest organ. What must be happening inside. again wtf, i just dont understand this sport sometimes, or maybe Im just getting too olold

boy needs accutane

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