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Free & Total Testesterone Lab Results


New member
Sep 24, 2004
Testosterone, Free and Total

1.) Testosterone, Serum = 214 L ng/dL Limits 241 - 827

2.) Free Testosterone, (Direct) = 8.7 pg/mL 8-25.1


Thanks I hate when I f up the title...
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Both are VERY Low...

I could not believe how i would feel with a Level of Total Test of 200..

I would probaly murder myself...

Do another check up


Free T3
Free T4
MY doc had me low 200s and put me on 100mg wk.
your low for sure. closer to 800 feel pretty good or normal anyway.
like one asked is this after pct or no pct. may not be fully recovered.
I'm curious to know your cycle/PCT history prior to this test. Like the others said this is extremely low. It may be smart to look into TRT with your doctor.
I call bullshit on these replies. There is a misconception that 600-1000 is "normal" but this is not true. I have seen hundreds of bloodworks working at an HRT clinic and I have never, ever seen a natural Testosterone Serum level over 600. I have seen a BW of a 27 year old w/ a Test value of 117. I have also seen a 34 year old with a value of 72..Total Test!! I asked him how he hadnt slit his wrist yet!? Granted a chunk of the patients are calling because they're experiencing low testosterone-like symptoms. With that being said, they're were also was a number of prospective patients inquiring that were young, and probably did not need HRT but still had their blood drawn. In my experience, your values are typical of that of a 40 year old male.
Testosterone, Free and Total

1.) Testosterone, Serum = 214 L ng/dL Limits 241 - 827

2.) Free Testosterone, (Direct) = 8.7 pg/mL 8-25.1


Thanks I hate when I f up the title...

I remember when I first tried to get TRT from a doctor. I dinged a 242 on the serum with no manipulation and I said, " see, I knew I was low" He said I was fine and well within the normal range. I asked him if he was serious, it's 1 point. He said I was normal. I wanted to slap him.
I call bullshit on these replies. There is a misconception that 600-1000 is "normal" but this is not true. I have seen hundreds of bloodworks working at an HRT clinic and I have never, ever seen a natural Testosterone Serum level over 600. I have seen a BW of a 27 year old w/ a Test value of 117. I have also seen a 34 year old with a value of 72..Total Test!! I asked him how he hadnt slit his wrist yet!? Granted a chunk of the patients are calling because they're experiencing low testosterone-like symptoms. With that being said, they're were also was a number of prospective patients inquiring that were young, and probably did not need HRT but still had their blood drawn. In my experience, your values are typical of that of a 40 year old male.

Well i have my test results right here in black and white!!! Yes i got tested on cycle!!! Too funny doc was like your blood work looks good some things like creatinine, bun levels and alt ast on the high side, but your test levels are the highest he's ever seen, he said he felt sorry for my girl friend...
I call bullshit on these replies. There is a misconception that 600-1000 is "normal" but this is not true. I have seen hundreds of bloodworks working at an HRT clinic and I have never, ever seen a natural Testosterone Serum level over 600. I have seen a BW of a 27 year old w/ a Test value of 117. I have also seen a 34 year old with a value of 72..Total Test!! I asked him how he hadnt slit his wrist yet!? Granted a chunk of the patients are calling because they're experiencing low testosterone-like symptoms. With that being said, they're were also was a number of prospective patients inquiring that were young, and probably did not need HRT but still had their blood drawn. In my experience, your values are typical of that of a 40 year old male.

don't know what to tell you bro, I first had my levels checked at 27 y/o..hadn't touched a thing and my total T was 675....maybe you're not seeing high levels at an Hrt clinic because......you're at a HRT clinic...people with high levels probably aren't coming there
I remember when I first tried to get TRT from a doctor. I dinged a 242 on the serum with no manipulation and I said, " see, I knew I was low" He said I was fine and well within the normal range. I asked him if he was serious, it's 1 point. He said I was normal. I wanted to slap him.

Fire that doctor and hire another. That's what I did when I asked my old doctor to check my T levels. He never checked it so I went to another and it was a staggering 165 total T. Now I'm dosing with 200 mg of Test CYP every 2 weeks and my levels are in the 1000 range. My doctor told me that below 300 was considered low and he started me on TRT. Another doctor I see starts TRT if you're below 500.
Ask your Dr. if "normal" blood work is always healthy? If so why is "normal" cholesterol which for men is 150-240, not considered OK. As they want your total cholesterol to be under 200. "Normal" weight for americans is considered to be over weight, so that is not acceptable either. And sk what a healthy range is for test, since studies show that men are healthier at the top or the normal range. And if he has no good answers, move along to the next Dr.
These were taken a few years ago, maybe 2008. I am going to get them redone very soon to see where they are.

I was 30 when they were taken...

I would say it was a few years after the last run of "stuff" and havent touched anything since then. So, maybe 5 years or more ago.

My Dr. offered to put me on a patch but we decided to treat the patient and not the labs.

We went off well being and stuff like that. I do seem to get emotional or semi depressed sometimes, but I just adjust my mind no biggie.

What kind of concerns me is maybe I don't remember how good it feels to be in a higher range? As well as the threads Dante had on here about low Test maybe being worse than high test. (dont quote that) but something like that.

Is there a chance that if I run some clomid it could rebound me? After all this time?

If I get tested again should I go on hrt/trt?
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Well i have my test results right here in black and white!!! Yes i got tested on cycle!!! Too funny doc was like your blood work looks good some things like creatinine, bun levels and alt ast on the high side, but your test levels are the highest he's ever seen, he said he felt sorry for my girl friend...

That is hilarious bro. No I actually wasn't referring to you when I said I call BS. I was referring to the 800 test values is "normal" comments. However, I don't think I took your post seriously otherwise I probably would have been referring to you too! ;) That is outrageous you must have gotten your blood drawn in the heart of a heavy test cycle? Probably a day or two after your last shot..Highest levels I've ever seen and I've seen quite a few in the 2000-4000 range!
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Hey bro I don't think the clomid would hurt. It all depends if those levels are where you would be, both genetically and naturally or if the levels are low because of aas use/abuse. You'll probably get a lot of yes's on your HRT question but if you were a close friend or family member of mine I would tell you no. There's a # of questions you have to ask yourself..ie Are you prepared to be on HRT the rest of your life? Vacations, cruises, weekend getaways, etc Also are you done having kids? Because it is possible for one of your little swimmers to come thru for you but your chances are reduced significantly.

These were taken a few years ago, maybe 2008. I am going to get them redone very soon to see where they are.

I was 30 when they were taken...

I would say it was a few years after the last run of "stuff" and havent touched anything since then. So, maybe 5 years or more ago.

My Dr. offered to put me on a patch but we decided to treat the patient and not the labs.

We went off well being and stuff like that. I do seem to get emotional or semi depressed sometimes, but I just adjust my mind no biggie.

What kind of concerns me is maybe I don't remember how good it feels to be in a higher range? As well as the threads Dante had on here about low Test maybe being worse than high test. (dont quote that) but something like that.

Is there a chance that if I run some clomid it could rebound me? After all this time?

If I get tested again should I go on hrt/trt?
Going to try for a kid this year ... I don't know how I would feel on hrt forever. But, if I need to be I won't le tmy mind get in the way.

Is it possible that I never recovered and now I can? Or has too much time passed?

I feel very lethargic lately ...
Test levels

Testosterone, Free and Total

1.) Testosterone, Serum 214 L ng/dL Limits 241 - 827

2.) Free Testosterone, (Direct)8.7 pg/mL 8-25.1 Thoughts?

Thanks I hate when I f up the title...[/QUOTE]

My testosterone levels as of 12-09 were:

1] Tot. Test. 1270 H ng/dl 250 - 1100 Ref. range
2] Free Test. 66.9 pg/nl 35.0 - 155.0 Ref. range
3] % Free Test. 0.53 L % 1.5 - 2.2 Ref. range
4] Estr/BL: 42 H pg/ml not clear on ref. range

Then there is another similar test on the bottom of the page that says:
4] Testost: 775.86 ng/dl 270- 1070 Ref. range

Not to sure what the #4 test represents?

The 1st Tot. test is elevated due to transdermal application of DHEA, Preg., chrysin, T-Rez.

But the % of free test. is very low, which I feel is what is most important and what indicates your true biologically active and available testosterone to the body.

Then again I am 63, so I presume I have a lot more binding proteins than would a 20, 30, 40 year old. I also have Hep-C which doesn't help matters any. I feel tired most of the time and get fatigued quicker. My age and the Hep-C are one-two factors contributing to my fatigue issues.

I'm sure my GH/IGF levels are low as well, especially having liver disease.
Sure wish I could afford a anti-aging doctor/clinic.
That is hilarious bro. No I actually wasn't referring to you when I said I call BS. I was referring to the 800 test values is "normal" comments. However, I don't think I took your post seriously otherwise I probably would have been referring to you too! ;) That is outrageous you must have gotten your blood drawn in the heart of a heavy test cycle? Probably a day or two after your last shot..Highest levels I've ever seen and I've seen quite a few in the 2000-4000 range!

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Always a pissn match, back to the subject, shawwwtey.
What are the proven ways to raise test and especially free test?

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