Kind of an old thread, but it's something I just started a thread about and seem to be getting conflicting answers, so I thought I'd bump this one. I've talked to people who say they've heard of people storing quantities long term in the freezer and that it's ok but maybe makes it a little less effective. On the other hand, I've heard people saying that freezing the unreconstituted powders renders them useless. This seems to be a hard question to get a definitive answer on.
I know the companies that sell pharmaceutical GH say not to freeze, but it's possible that they warn you of this because it can damage it, not completely ruin it.
My main question is if someone where to store some for 6 or so months in the freezer, would it be permanently damaged, partially, not at all??? I just want to know if having kits that were stored that long would still be worth using.
I got a few replies to my thread but any further info or opinions would be seriously appreciated.