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GBS Guillain-Barré syndrome

Fuck man we didn’t get the vax, then my wife got pregnant (finally) and our doc insisted we get it, being scared of losing the baby we did and I got pretty fucking sick including being bedridden for about 10 days after the second shot and vowed no more. But these poor fucks dying and getting shit like this GBS holy fuck trached and paralyzed over a disease that is less lethal than the flu. I mean in 2018 woukd anyone have believed this shit.
Less deadly than the flu? So so wrong bro… wow. Look at the numbers. And anecdotally I don’t know anyone that has even ended up in the hospital with the flu. I do know multiple that died of Covid or ended up in the hospital. The studies coming out on brain damage from Covid are also scary as shit. I’m glad your wife got vaccinated, holding your baby after an emergency C-section while your wife is unconscious on a ventilator is a hell I never want to visit.
Less deadly than the flu? So so wrong bro… wow. Look at the numbers. And anecdotally I don’t know anyone that has even ended up in the hospital with the flu. I do know multiple that died of Covid or ended up in the hospital. The studies coming out on brain damage from Covid are also scary as shit. I’m glad your wife got vaccinated, holding your baby after an emergency C-section while your wife is unconscious on a ventilator is a hell I never want to visit.
I respect your opinion I won’t argue but I gotta point out that the flu kills a shit ton of people.
I was going to mention a coworker had GBS from the vaccine and still does. Another’s cousin as well, still has it. Bell’s Palsy hit a few guys also, but I think all of them are 90% back to normal. One of the many reasons I never got the shot and retired early rather then get fired. Best decision I ever made for a variety of reasons 😎
I am not anti-vax all the way, just anti "the crap they put in the vax"! The adjuvant, they call it. Aluminum, mercury, etc. injected, these can cross the blood brain barrier (permeability varies from individual to individual). When this happens it destroys the calcium gated channels and can cause MAJOR central nervous system problems. Post vax GBS and other neurological sequelae have been dismissed (covered up), by the mainstream forever.
But yes, one can recover from GBS, but it's course is variable and can be terrible.
I am not anti-vax all the way, just anti "the crap they put in the vax"! The adjuvant, they call it. Aluminum, mercury, etc. injected, these can cross the blood brain barrier (permeability varies from individual to individual). When this happens it destroys the calcium gated channels and can cause MAJOR central nervous system problems. Post vax GBS and other neurological sequelae have been dismissed (covered up), by the mainstream forever.
But yes, one can recover from GBS, but it's course is variable and can be terrible.
Yea I won’t even use regular deodorant bc of the aluminum and we shave so a lot of us shave then put aluminum right next to a major artery near the heart, lungs and breasts ever wonder why breast cancer is sooo much more common in the modern era.

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