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Getting fed up with nutritional fact sites - need some help


Registered User
Sep 4, 2007
I have been looking for some nutrution info and WOW the differences you get.

For instance one site said 4oz salmon had 29g fat, another 5g and another say 14g. Chicken was the same thing...

Most important, does anyone know a site that is reliable?

Does anyone know what is in (prot/fat) 6oz salmon?

I am going to do a quick 2 week run on keto to tighten up
I think it depends from meat to meat, to be honest.

I've been tracking everything day by day for the past 14, 15 weeks, and I've stumbled along similar problems. Some cuts are beef are more lean than others, same applies to Salmon. I'd gauge how much "fat"(aka the gray scales on the bottom of the salmon) is and try to guesstimate. If it's rather oily, too, then it's on the high side. If it's more dry, then it's on the lower side.
I use fitday.com Its a free site that allows you to track your meals.

The website allows you to either use the information provided by the website or you can create your own food by using the food label.

I have found that the food labels differ from the boiler plate stats the website offers. It just depends how exact you want to be.
Depends on the type of salmon (coho, sockeye, etc.)
I think it depends from meat to meat, to be honest.

I've been tracking everything day by day for the past 14, 15 weeks, and I've stumbled along similar problems. Some cuts are beef are more lean than others, same applies to Salmon. I'd gauge how much "fat"(aka the gray scales on the bottom of the salmon) is and try to guesstimate. If it's rather oily, too, then it's on the high side. If it's more dry, then it's on the lower side.

What I have has zero grey scales. I understand a range but 5g to 29g jeez. I mean if its a gram or two fine but I want to do keto so I need to kep the protein down and the fat up just for a week or two. I am almost done with my cut and 200p 150-180f aka true keto will finish me off nicely from past experience.
Depends on the type of salmon (coho, sockeye, etc.)

I got it from a restaurant supply store, pre-cut and shrink wrapped 6oz lean fillets.

Says "wild atlantic salmon"

Tastes great and was VERY cheap.
What I have has zero grey scales. I understand a range but 5g to 29g jeez. I mean if its a gram or two fine but I want to do keto so I need to kep the protein down and the fat up just for a week or two. I am almost done with my cut and 200p 150-180f aka true keto will finish me off nicely from past experience.

I'm on keto too. Salmon is a real good source there. Healthy fats and tastes good, especially if you make it so it's real soft.

As for scales...really none? That's the most fat-enriched part of it.
I'm on keto too. Salmon is a real good source there. Healthy fats and tastes good, especially if you make it so it's real soft.

As for scales...really none? That's the most fat-enriched part of it.

yeah it has nothing at all it is restaurant packs so I guess it is really clean for mass consumption. Technically they should have left some for profit margin and they cut it too close with no gray at all (family owns a fish distributor, learn stuff like that ha)
Just go ahead and try to figure out nutrition facts on grass fed beef...ughhhh. :banghead:
i just started using nutritiondata.com its been working well so far. it can pretty much be as general or as specific as you want.
i just started using nutritiondata.com its been working well so far. it can pretty much be as general or as specific as you want.

That site looks like it answers somewhere in the middle. I think the numbers look decent. It is funny how much different wild and farmed atlantic salmon are wow.
That site looks like it answers somewhere in the middle. I think the numbers look decent. It is funny how much different wild and farmed atlantic salmon are wow.

Yes... wild salmon is leaner.. farmed raised has a higher omega 6 content due to the feed.. When i lived at home and my MOM cooked the farm raised salmon it used to sizzle up with fat and stink up the whole house.. Now i cook my wild salmon in a similar fashion and no fat flare ups and no stink..
Yes... wild salmon is leaner.. farmed raised has a higher omega 6 content due to the feed.. When i lived at home and my MOM cooked the farm raised salmon it used to sizzle up with fat and stink up the whole house.. Now i cook my wild salmon in a similar fashion and no fat flare ups and no stink..

Yeah the one I have has almost no fat come out of it that I notice, then again I cook it in lemon juice or oil so it would be hard to notice I guess.

Really it is just insane how different site list stuff, even grilled chicken.
I have my clients use nutritiondata.com, as well. If I have a question about something I will use it, myself.

I use fitday.com the information is the same as nutritiondata.com's information for identical foods, but it is much easier and more practical to use IMO.
Also, don't forget to choose the correct method of preparation, if you boil your salmon/chicken/beef your nutrition info will be far from fried salmon/chicken/beef.

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