for laughs, what do you pay for cyp + hcg and whatever AI you use? i pay $110 for 10ml of 200mg/ml cyp, and $110 for 11,000 iu hcg, and $3 each for .5mg arimidex
Oh and unless your current IGF levels are 0, no he won't prescribe that much. you may get lucky and get as much as 2iu which for longevity, general health and also leanness will work fine.
Quad Testosterone 250mg/ml (Sustanon) 10ml (NEW)
Testosterone Decano/Cyp/Isocaproate/Prop 100/60/60/30mg/ml 10ml
Testosterone Cyp/Enan/Prop 100/100/50mg/ml 10ml (Ultra-Test)
Testosterone Decanoate/Cyp/Prop 100/100/50mg/ml 10ml
Testosterone Cyp/Enan/Decano/Prop 73/73/73/31mg/ml 10ml (Peak-Test)
Testosterone Decanoate 250mg/ml 10ml
Delatestryl 200mg/ml 5ml vial (Enanthate) (Brand)
Testeosterone Enanthate 200mg/ml 10ml vial
Testeosterone Enanthate 300mg/ml 10ml vial
Depo Test 100 mg/ml 10ml vial (Brand)
Depo Test 200 mg/ml 10ml vial (Brand)
Testosterone Cypionate 200mg/ml 10ml
Testosterone Cyp/Prop 200/50mg/ml 10ml
Testosterone Cyp-Prop-DHEA 75-25-20mg 10ml
Test Aqueous 100mg/ml 10ml vial (Suspension)
Testosterone Prop 100mg/ml 10ml vial
Testosterone Enanthate/Cypionate/Prop 100/100/50mg/ml
Stanozolol 50mg/ml 10ml
Stanozolo/Oxandrolone 50/50mg/ml 10ml (NEW)
Stanozolol/Testosterone 50/50mg/ml 10ml (NEW)
Oxandrolone 50mg/ml 10ml (NEW)
HCG 10,000 USP (Brand)
HCG 5,000 USP Compound
Nandrolone Dec 200mg/ml compound
Nandrolone Dec 300mg/ml compound
Nandrolone/Propionate 200/50mg/ml 10ml
Nandrolone/Cypionate 100/100mg/ml 10ml
Cyanacobalamin 1000mcg/ml 30ml (B-12)
Methylcobalamin 1000mcg/ml 30ml
L-Carnitine 250mg/ml 30ml
B-Complex 206mg/ml 30ml
L-Glutamine 25mg/ml 30ml - water based - sub q inj (NEW)
L-Arginine 100mg/ml 30ml - water based - sub q inj (NEW)
L-Carnitine 250mg/ml 30ml - water based - sub q inj (NEW)
Lipo-Injection 30ml (NEW)
These prices make me yak. They will sometimes give you a discount, but only for things they compound themselves. You have to have a legit reason for getting any of these, too. This is just their aas section for injection therapies...