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getting prescribed HGH


New member
Dec 20, 2007
when getting prescibed HGH how much is the limit to ask for daily?? if i asked my doc for 6iu daily you think thats reasonable im finally gonna be getting it legally aswell as my testosterone so I would like to know, the test was decided to be at 150mg EW hcg 250iu e3d, HGH can i get away with asking for 6iu?.... or more :D:D
No way! He's only willing to give you 150mg of test weekly and you're thinking of asking for 6iu's...I don't think any doctor would prescribe 6iu's daily.
No way! He's only willing to give you 150mg of test weekly and you're thinking of asking for 6iu's...I don't think any doctor would prescribe 6iu's daily.

Not if he wanted to keep his license. It's really surprising he's getting HCG, actually.
all I want to know is how you're going to afford HRT prices w/ 6 units per day. I hope you have a bankroll. Here's prices from my HRT, and I'm not saying which one.

Sermorelin 3mg
Tev-Tropin 5mg 15 ius
Omnitropin 5.8mg 17.4 ius
Genotropin 0.2mg MiniQuick 0.6 ius
Genotropin 0.4mg MiniQuick 1.2 ius
Genotropin 0.6mg MiniQuick 1.8 ius
Genotropin 0.8mg MiniQuick 2.4 ius
Genotropin 1.0mg MiniQuick 3.0 ius
Genotropin 1.2mg MiniQuick 3.6 ius
Genotropin 1.4mg MiniQuick 4.2 ius
Genotropin 1.6mg MiniQuick 4.8 ius
Genotropin 1.8mg MiniQuick 5.4 ius
Genotropin 5.8mg PFS 17.4 ius
Genotropin 13.8mg PFS 41.4 ius
Saizen 5mg vial 15 ius
Saizen 8.8mg vial 26.4 ius
Humatrope 6mg 18 ius
Norditropin5mgPen15iusNorditin 5m Pen ius
Norditropin 10mg Pen 30 ius
Norditropin Pen Tips (100)
all I want to know is how you're going to afford HRT prices w/ 6 units per day. I hope you have a bankroll. Here's prices from my HRT, and I'm not saying which one.

for laughs, what do you pay for cyp + hcg and whatever AI you use? i pay $110 for 10ml of 200mg/ml cyp, and $110 for 11,000 iu hcg, and $3 each for .5mg arimidex

Oh and unless your current IGF levels are 0, no he won't prescribe that much. you may get lucky and get as much as 2iu which for longevity, general health and also leanness will work fine.
for laughs, what do you pay for cyp + hcg and whatever AI you use? i pay $110 for 10ml of 200mg/ml cyp, and $110 for 11,000 iu hcg, and $3 each for .5mg arimidex

Oh and unless your current IGF levels are 0, no he won't prescribe that much. you may get lucky and get as much as 2iu which for longevity, general health and also leanness will work fine.

Quad Testosterone 250mg/ml (Sustanon) 10ml (NEW)
Testosterone Decano/Cyp/Isocaproate/Prop 100/60/60/30mg/ml 10ml
Testosterone Cyp/Enan/Prop 100/100/50mg/ml 10ml (Ultra-Test)
Testosterone Decanoate/Cyp/Prop 100/100/50mg/ml 10ml
Testosterone Cyp/Enan/Decano/Prop 73/73/73/31mg/ml 10ml (Peak-Test)
Testosterone Decanoate 250mg/ml 10ml
Delatestryl 200mg/ml 5ml vial (Enanthate) (Brand)
Testeosterone Enanthate 200mg/ml 10ml vial
Testeosterone Enanthate 300mg/ml 10ml vial
Depo Test 100 mg/ml 10ml vial (Brand)
Depo Test 200 mg/ml 10ml vial (Brand)
Testosterone Cypionate 200mg/ml 10ml
Testosterone Cyp/Prop 200/50mg/ml 10ml
Testosterone Cyp-Prop-DHEA 75-25-20mg 10ml
Test Aqueous 100mg/ml 10ml vial (Suspension)
Testosterone Prop 100mg/ml 10ml vial
Testosterone Enanthate/Cypionate/Prop 100/100/50mg/ml
Stanozolol 50mg/ml 10ml
Stanozolo/Oxandrolone 50/50mg/ml 10ml (NEW)
Stanozolol/Testosterone 50/50mg/ml 10ml (NEW)
Oxandrolone 50mg/ml 10ml (NEW)
HCG 10,000 USP (Brand)
HCG 5,000 USP Compound
Nandrolone Dec 200mg/ml compound
Nandrolone Dec 300mg/ml compound
Nandrolone/Propionate 200/50mg/ml 10ml
Nandrolone/Cypionate 100/100mg/ml 10ml
Cyanacobalamin 1000mcg/ml 30ml (B-12)
Methylcobalamin 1000mcg/ml 30ml
L-Carnitine 250mg/ml 30ml
B-Complex 206mg/ml 30ml
L-Glutamine 25mg/ml 30ml - water based - sub q inj (NEW)
L-Arginine 100mg/ml 30ml - water based - sub q inj (NEW)
L-Carnitine 250mg/ml 30ml - water based - sub q inj (NEW)
Lipo-Injection 30ml (NEW)

These prices make me yak. They will sometimes give you a discount, but only for things they compound themselves. You have to have a legit reason for getting any of these, too. This is just their aas section for injection therapies...
not bad, some prices worse than mine, most a few dollars better. a few items a lot better, like the 300mg/ml deca is $75 cheaper for you.

I dunno, i'm fine with prices like that knowing its pharmaceutical grade 100% and I have recourse if there are issues.

Whats in the lipo-injection? :)
not bad, some prices worse than mine, most a few dollars better. a few items a lot better, like the 300mg/ml deca is $75 cheaper for you.

I dunno, i'm fine with prices like that knowing its pharmaceutical grade 100% and I have recourse if there are issues.

Whats in the lipo-injection? :)

I actually just called and asked about that before your post, believe it or not. He told me it's a blend of amino acids and vitamins. I don't buy it. lol
wishing for

I'd Ike to get a hold of some L-Glutamine 25mg/ml 30ml. Its legal wish a sponsor would make it.

Hint hint
when getting prescibed HGH how much is the limit to ask for daily?? if i asked my doc for 6iu daily you think thats reasonable im finally gonna be getting it legally aswell as my testosterone so I would like to know, the test was decided to be at 150mg EW hcg 250iu e3d, HGH can i get away with asking for 6iu?.... or more :D:D

Sounds like you have a very generous doctor. I'm betting though 1-2 iu daily will be the best he/she will prescribe. If I'm wrong,,let me know;)
when getting prescibed HGH how much is the limit to ask for daily?? if i asked my doc for 6iu daily you think thats reasonable im finally gonna be getting it legally aswell as my testosterone so I would like to know, the test was decided to be at 150mg EW hcg 250iu e3d, HGH can i get away with asking for 6iu?.... or more :D:D

No doc in his right mind will prescribe you 6ius a day. He'd lose his license. You'd be lucky to get even 2ius a day. Most docs prescribe 1-1.5ius a day for gh unless your an AIDS patient. My dad was prescribed jins back in the day and he could only get 1.5ius a day max. They prescribe gh for anti-aging purposes not for bbing purposes.
Quad Testosterone 250mg/ml (Sustanon) 10ml (NEW)
Testosterone Decano/Cyp/Isocaproate/Prop 100/60/60/30mg/ml 10ml
Testosterone Cyp/Enan/Prop 100/100/50mg/ml 10ml (Ultra-Test)
Testosterone Decanoate/Cyp/Prop 100/100/50mg/ml 10ml
Testosterone Cyp/Enan/Decano/Prop 73/73/73/31mg/ml 10ml (Peak-Test)
Testosterone Decanoate 250mg/ml 10ml
Delatestryl 200mg/ml 5ml vial (Enanthate) (Brand)
Testeosterone Enanthate 200mg/ml 10ml vial
Testeosterone Enanthate 300mg/ml 10ml vial
Depo Test 100 mg/ml 10ml vial (Brand)
Depo Test 200 mg/ml 10ml vial (Brand)
Testosterone Cypionate 200mg/ml 10ml
Testosterone Cyp/Prop 200/50mg/ml 10ml
Testosterone Cyp-Prop-DHEA 75-25-20mg 10ml
Test Aqueous 100mg/ml 10ml vial (Suspension)
Testosterone Prop 100mg/ml 10ml vial
Testosterone Enanthate/Cypionate/Prop 100/100/50mg/ml
Stanozolol 50mg/ml 10ml
Stanozolo/Oxandrolone 50/50mg/ml 10ml (NEW)
Stanozolol/Testosterone 50/50mg/ml 10ml (NEW)
Oxandrolone 50mg/ml 10ml (NEW)
HCG 10,000 USP (Brand)
HCG 5,000 USP Compound
Nandrolone Dec 200mg/ml compound
Nandrolone Dec 300mg/ml compound
Nandrolone/Propionate 200/50mg/ml 10ml
Nandrolone/Cypionate 100/100mg/ml 10ml
Cyanacobalamin 1000mcg/ml 30ml (B-12)
Methylcobalamin 1000mcg/ml 30ml
L-Carnitine 250mg/ml 30ml
B-Complex 206mg/ml 30ml
L-Glutamine 25mg/ml 30ml - water based - sub q inj (NEW)
L-Arginine 100mg/ml 30ml - water based - sub q inj (NEW)
L-Carnitine 250mg/ml 30ml - water based - sub q inj (NEW)
Lipo-Injection 30ml (NEW)

These prices make me yak. They will sometimes give you a discount, but only for things they compound themselves. You have to have a legit reason for getting any of these, too. This is just their aas section for injection therapies...

I use the same hrt company. I recognize the prices. I have an off topic question . What do regular md's prescribe with test . can you get hcg , arimidexetc.
If that list is from an American hrt company those prices will need to be that high so they can afford the attorney fees once the feds get done with them.
The latest prescribing patterns in HGH have been 1 iu per day.I know a pharmacist at a compounding pharmacy that works with anti-aging clinics.i asked what the docs have been writing.
Last edited:
my doc prescribed me 200mg test c EW and started me at 2iu Nordi-pin. i asked if i could use more and he said that he would give me 30mg(3iu ed) Nordi every month. i was all for it till i realized it was gonna run $2480 every month just for the GH. and $300 for 10ml test C. after that conversation i called his nurse and said i needed a refill on the test(got my 1st bottle 3wks prior) and they sent it so me. i then realized that these docs are only licensed drug dealers just wanting a cut. now i have a legal script for test:D.
Aren't you only 20 years old?
Good luck with it. If it were me, I wouldn't even ask...
Aren't you only 20 years old?
Good luck with it. If it were me, I wouldn't even ask...

LOL. He's only 20 years old and he wants to ask his doc if he can go on hrt? Wow. Not going to ever happen.

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