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Jun 6, 2002
my offseason will begin in a few weeks and i would like some clarity on these issues.

1. i have always heard gh and igf-1 long work waaaay better together so i will be using both for the nest10-12 months. is it ok to take both around the same time? in the past ive used igf-1 at 75mcg per day which i feel may be too low. what should i increase this dose to as i am 260lbs in the offseason??

2. i know its best to shoot igf-1 sub q and gh used sub-q really burns fat but what about during the offseason where im trying to put on as much lean weight as possible. should i still use gh sub-q or intra M? i dont want to waste the gh using it sub-q if intra M will yeild better lean mass gains...this is my dilema.

3. should i still run low t3 with the above stack along with my anabolics or will t3 not be necessary?

4. should slin be utilized in the above stack also for best results or not needed?

keep in mind i've have experience with all of thes items separately. just wondering the best way to stack them.
If you look at the research gh and igf are the same thing. What does gh really do, it makes the liver convert it into IGF. So to me all the people that say run them both together are really up on the info. It would be like running gh with more gh. I think the whole IGF thing has not blown up yet is because many people have not used it. I have and really liked it, to me it was getting the same results as gh but in half the time.
i used to think that way but after reading the info put out by aurthor L. Rea (Building the perfect beast) im giving that whole area another look.
I hear they are great together. But combined I dont know what the final resulting insulin sentivity would be. gh decreases, IGF1 increases. Id add with gh alone, together is a question mark-maybe someone could answer.
Id NEVER do T3 without anabolic androgens. Personally Id never do T3 at all-it makes it impossible for me to gain even with gh and slin. Thats an individdual thing.
If you are going to run both together you could drop the IGF-1 to around 20-30 mcg daily( if it is legit) and depending on how much GH you can afford between 5-10 ius daily and make sure to throw some slin along with it. Doses will vary from person to person but start with low doses and if you have to work your way up. I have used both IGF-1 and GH seperately and the GH may take longer to kick in but it wins hands down in my opinion. I know GH turns into IGF-1 in the liver but I think the GH over a longer time frame gives a more quality look. I have used t-3 on and off for the 5 months and I really did not notice a difference when on compared to being off but I felt like shit while using. I have been using 5 ius daily for the past 5 months and I am at 264 and leaner than when I was 250. GB27 good luck with your contest
thanks for your insight on this matter gorilla and thank you for the good luck!!!
gorilla2015 said:
If you are going to run both together you could drop the IGF-1 to around 20-30 mcg daily( if it is legit) and depending on how much GH you can afford between 5-10 ius daily and make sure to throw some slin along with it. Doses will vary from person to person but start with low doses and if you have to work your way up. I have used both IGF-1 and GH seperately and the GH may take longer to kick in but it wins hands down in my opinion. I know GH turns into IGF-1 in the liver but I think the GH over a longer time frame gives a more quality look. I have used t-3 on and off for the 5 months and I really did not notice a difference when on compared to being off but I felt like shit while using. I have been using 5 ius daily for the past 5 months and I am at 264 and leaner than when I was 250. GB27 good luck with your contest

You say run less igf, but why? To me it makes more sense to run less gh and more igf only becaues of the cost. Igf is gh and gh is Igf. I just think gh has been around for so long people tend to lean more to it, also because it is more exclusive due to price.

It is a fact that Igf is the end result of gh, so why not just use straight igf. It is like taking pro horomones to raise natural test when you can just take straight test, so why use gh to raise your bodies natural level of Igf when you can take straight Igf.

You make a valid point and the only way to truly get an answer to find out what will work for you is to try both at seperate times. My concern is how legit is the IGF-1 you are receiving and you can throw that premade crap ( reconstituted )out the window unless it is comming right fron genpro or whatever the name of the company that holds the patent. Now the GH( jintropin) that I have came right from genescience in china so odds are that it is legit and the results that I have gotten over the past 5 months I am very pleased with. I have run IGF-1 twice and the first time my results were good but the 2nd time I got zero results from it. Another point is everything that I have read says to run IGF-1 for 4-6 weeks then results stop ,but why ? Where GH you can run as long as you want and the results get better and better the longer you go or till the money runs out. LOL Big A I remember stated in a post to always have a good base of anabolics first and foremost and then add GH next and if you still had some funds get IGF-1. The only way to get an answer is to try them both and see what works best for you. IGF-1 is a little cheaper but as I stated earlier who knows how legit it is unless it is comming right from the manufactuer. W77 good luck with your rehab on the tear.

You say run less igf, but why? To me it makes more sense to run less gh and more igf only becaues of the cost. Igf is gh and gh is Igf. I just think gh has been around for so long people tend to lean more to it, also because it is more exclusive due to price.

It is a fact that Igf is the end result of gh, so why not just use straight igf. It is like taking pro horomones to raise natural test when you can just take straight test, so why use gh to raise your bodies natural level of Igf when you can take straight Igf. [/B][/QUOTE]

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