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got fool that is your baby


New member
Jul 13, 2007
:confused: you go out of the country and meet your fiancee to marry her cuz you got her pregnant.then you come to find out she was three weeks pregnant already with someone else.but she hide it from you till you comeback to her country to be there thru pregnancy and she told you that the baby is not yours.then she wants you to be there for her and the baby even if it not yours.what would you do.would you leave or stay?
I assume that she was pregnant before you got together with her , and that she didn't get pregnant during an affair?

Did she know she was pregnant and led you to believe that the child was your just to get you to marry her?

If you love her then their is no reason that you can't love her with a child thats not yours. Like wise their is no reason that you can't love the child as if it were yours.

If you truely love this woman then accept her child as part of the family and as your own.
she was three weeks pregnant already with someone else.but she hide it from you till you comeback to her country

This is the way you want to start life w/ this woman & child...? Based on lies & deception... Run & dont look back.
This is the way you want to start life w/ this woman & child...? Based on lies & deception... Run & dont look back.


Obviously this woman has no shame about how low she can stoop. Sounds like she can stoop even lower if you give her a chance. If I were you I wouldn't be around when she goes lower then she already did. She suckered you into believing she loved you all along. Then when the real babies daddy told her ass to take a hike she figured you would step up to the plate! Tell her to go and find the babies real daddy and dump her like a bad habbitt!
i'd kill that bitch

well i miss to say that she works in the club and she said she got drunk in a half glass of jack.she thinks the guy put something in her drink and her whole body was numb.then the guy raped her and she kept telling him to stop,but she dont have strenght to fight him off.then what would you do now.
its a sad situation for all involved BUT personally i don't have the time nor inclination to deal with this type of drama. I would honestly head out the door and not look back. Regardless of whether what happened to her was consensual or not, she didn't tell you up front and you were going to 'pick up your fiance', i believe is how you put it. To me that was deceitful. Its all personal choice though man, best of luck!
ohhhhh, what a tangled web we weave

sorry man

not buying it

and she kept telling him to stop,but she dont have strenght to fight him off.then what would you do now.

that's called an orgasm.
well i miss to say that she works in the club and she said she got drunk in a half glass of jack.she thinks the guy put something in her drink and her whole body was numb.then the guy raped her and she kept telling him to stop,but she dont have strenght to fight him off.then what would you do now.

So she works in a club where she sees people all the time getting shit faced drunk and doing stupid things while they're drunk. And she herself gets drunk, "supposedly" gets raped. And figures she's to fuckin embarressed to tell you she got drunk, raped, and pregant. But rather goes on to tell you, I love you, want to marry you, Oh and the baby - it's not really yours, so will you still marry me honey?


sorry, I crack myself up.

If you want to be with her, then forget about anything anybody here says. Go marry her and be happy.
that's called an orgasm.

LOL , damn that was funny !!

Well again i'm not clear on the exact details here. Did she get pregnat before you got together or while you were together?
, if she got pregnant from sombody else while you were with her then give her the boot.
If she was raped , did she file any charges with the police?? , does she know who the guys was??
Doesn't sound like your in the US but I know here their is no staute of limitations on rape.
:confused: then you come to find out she was three weeks pregnant already with someone else.

Well again i'm not clear on the exact details here. Did she get pregnat before you got together or while you were together?
, if she got pregnant from sombody else while you were with her then give her the boot.

before........then told him it was his baby
Well it is clear that the child isnt yours...because you obviously have no balls...

If you had ANY ounce of man in you, you would tell that scandalous tramp to hit the fucking road...

Bro... seriously... think this through... marriage and children are a life long commitment... do you want to go down this road with a woman that has a PROVEN track record of being deceitful?

I wouldn't...
Maury that shit with a DNA and lie detector test
If you value lies and deception in your relationships, by all means marry this one. She's a keeper...
I'd get my purse and go

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