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Got the results from my fertility test...I'm sterile

Jake LaMotta

New member
Jun 20, 2006
Earlier this week I got the results from my fertility test and it's official...I'm sterile.

I've been on TRT since February of 2009 with dosages ranging from 125 mg to 200 mg of test cyp weekly. For the last few months I've been on 200 mg weekly. I was told by my doctor that less than a 20 million sperm count is considered subfertile. You know what my sperm count was? ZERO. That's right. ZERO. My doctor said HCG is an option and he will prescribe it to me if I want to have a kid at this time. But seeing I'm a single 30 year old promiscuous male, my doctor thinks I should leave things as they are. I asked him to run another test just to be sure. He said we will do another test this week but said he 100% guaruntees that the test will come back the same.

Anyone ever go through this situation?
Last edited:
Earlier this week I got the results from my fertility test and it's official...I'm sterile.

I've been on TRT since February of 2009 with dosages ranging from 125 mg to 200 mg of test cyp weekly. For the last few months I've been on 200 mg weekly. I was told by my doctor that less than a 20 million sperm count is considered subfertile. You know what my sperm count was? ZERO. That's right. ZERO. My doctor said HCG is an option and he will prescribe it to me if I want to have a kid at this time. But seeing I'm a single 30 year old promiscuous male, my doctor thinks I should leave things as they are. I asked him to run another test just to be sure. He said we will do another test this week but said he 100% guaruntees that the test will come back the same.

Anyone ever go through this situation?
continuous test usage will shut down your nads and yes you will be sterile...i have two kids...both times i had to use hcg between cycles to knock up the wife when it was time...then back to trt and dont have to worry about accidental pregnancy!:)
My doctor said if I ever wanted to have a kid he would prescribe HCG at 500 IU weekly (250 IU 2 days before my test cyp injection and 250 IU 1 day before my test cyp injection).
My doctor said if I ever wanted to have a kid he would prescribe HCG at 500 IU weekly (250 IU 2 days before my test cyp injection and 250 IU 1 day before my test cyp injection).

yeah you dont even have to get too technical about when etc...just bombard yourself with about 1000iu 3 times a week for 70days(it takes that long for sperm to mature enough to impregnate) and you will be fertile...my doc is a top doc in male fertility got me two kids both on first try
i was zero also...its because there is really no in between when it comes to your balls...they are either producing or not producing...you have introduced enough mgs of exogenous test to shut them down
What I am curious about; Have you ever done a check before the use of AAS. I've been cycling for about 8 years at least 35 weaks on/year. Stopped use for 4 months and when my girlfriend stopped using the pill she was pregnant immediatelly.

What I'm trying to say is I think guys who have fertility problems already have low sperm count before their AAS (ab)use. After 4 months to 1 year your axis should be recovered to normal even after long/heavy use
I have a friend who had this problem, while his sperm count was not
zero the doc told him that his soldiers did not swim good enough.
What I am curious about; Have you ever done a check before the use of AAS. I've been cycling for about 8 years at least 35 weaks on/year. Stopped use for 4 months and when my girlfriend stopped using the pill she was pregnant immediatelly.

What I'm trying to say is I think guys who have fertility problems already have low sperm count before their AAS (ab)use. After 4 months to 1 year your axis should be recovered to normal even after long/heavy use

No, I never had a test before I went on TRT. My doctor suspects I've always had fertility problems.
Earlier this week I got the results from my fertility test and it's official...I'm sterile.

I've been on TRT since February of 2009 with dosages ranging from 125 mg to 200 mg of test cyp weekly. For the last few months I've been on 200 mg weekly. I was told by my doctor that less than a 20 million sperm count is considered subfertile. You know what my sperm count was? ZERO. That's right. ZERO. My doctor said HCG is an option and he will prescribe it to me if I want to have a kid at this time. But seeing I'm a single 30 year old promiscuous male, my doctor thinks I should leave things as they are. I asked him to run another test just to be sure. He said we will do another test this week but said he 100% guaruntees that the test will come back the same.

Anyone ever go through this situation?

200 mg of test per week is not enough to completely shut down sperm production, in my opinion. I would look to other causes.
So if i have been on atleast 4-500mgs of test a week for the past 10-12 months then most likely I'm infertile also...

what do u guys think...
I started taking HCG about a month ago...Around 1000ius a week...

My girl would like another kid down the road a bit so i'm getting off everything after summers over...
200 mg of test per week is not enough to completely shut down sperm production, in my opinion. I would look to other causes.

Yes it is, it depends on the ester as it builds up:)
So if i have been on atleast 4-500mgs of test a week for the past 10-12 months then most likely I'm infertile also...

what do u guys think...

NO don't believe that. i got my wife pregnant shortly after a show. i had been on (over 500mg) for over a year and go her pregnant FIRST try.
it is NOT birth control! not for me anyway
yeah you dont even have to get too technical about when etc...just bombard yourself with about 1000iu 3 times a week for 70days(it takes that long for sperm to mature enough to impregnate) and you will be fertile...my doc is a top doc in male fertility got me two kids both on first try

Do this! I was in the exact same situation about 2 years ago...my count was under 1 million (if you do searches there should be a bunch of threads on here about treatment) but after staying clean and using HCG/Clomid my count went up to something like 160-180million (it was very high) and the motility was good too. And that was after a couple of years of steady cycling and competing.
I started taking HCG about a month ago...Around 1000ius a week...

My girl would like another kid down the road a bit so i'm getting off everything after summers over...

I'm in the same boat but this will be my first! I said... Sure, After summer lol
Do this! I was in the exact same situation about 2 years ago...my count was under 1 million (if you do searches there should be a bunch of threads on here about treatment) but after staying clean and using HCG/Clomid my count went up to something like 160-180million (it was very high) and the motility was good too. And that was after a couple of years of steady cycling and competing.

i agree, my endo has me on 50/mg a day clomid, till the wife is pregnant. then on to trt.
had a bud in a similar situation, he loved the tren. After 6 months of hcg/hmg, his wife is 3 months preggo.

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