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greg valentino = DICKHEAD


New member
Jun 23, 2002
yo , i just went to a show last night and greg valentino was there. he was one of the trophy presenters, and some of the crowd was yelling " wheres valentino" so the MC called him over and someone yelled, " take it off" the mc was like how bout it greg? he was hiding behind the podium wispering in the MC's ear, and finally walks to the mic and says" UH maybe next year, when i ,uh uh, up my supplementation" then he said he kinda has that UNCLE FESTER ON STEROIDS LOOK! what a dick , why bring something up like that to a crowd of families children and spectators, its no secret indeed that most bodybuilders have some kind of "supplementation", but why bring it up and out in a setting like that with such a big audience. just kinda pissed me off.

ok my rant is over.

That is because he is an idiot,and a sick, sick man.
Theres pics somewhere on the net, i have the link somewhere...

Anyway if finally injected enough and tore his arms up, requiring surgery. Thats why he wasnt taking any shits off. He's all scar'd up.
hey brooklyn you can find the pictures here
if you want. www.bicepmania.net
the pictures of were they cut him open are in the scrapbook section. later,
what a moron that man is, he's mad short too?
rAJJIN said:
hey brooklyn you can find the pictures here
if you want. www.bicepmania.net
the pictures of were they cut him open are in the scrapbook section. later,

Ok, be honest bro, how many "Ramblin Freak" T-Shirts do you have :confused: ;) :D

Just checked it out.. had surgery for hematoma. Is that when blood fills up in an area?

Or maybe in his case synthol build up.

Also why is he covering up with a towel while taking pics? Does he suffer from dysmorphia and feels to fat or skinny to reveal himself? Who cares we are checking out his arms not his body.

Oh well...
slide said:

Ok, be honest bro, how many "Ramblin Freak" T-Shirts do you have :confused: ;) :D


:cool: Ill never tell,:)
Oh yea
I dont have the video either:p
He is an ass, just like i posted before. He also talks alot if shit. If I see him I'll knock his little ass the fuck out. He is not the person Bodybuilding needs in the limelight.
True, but you must admit he tells it the way it is in his rambling page. However I hate reading the caps.
Derek said:
True, but you must admit he tells it the way it is in his rambling page. However I hate reading the caps.

Tells it the way it is? I don't know what columns you have read from him, but I bought MD at the airport coming back from vegas when my plane was delayed because of the cali fires, and I read that jackoff's cloumn. All it sounded like to me was him dropping names of pro and amateur bodybuilders trying to make himself sound like he's some kind of icon in the industry. He even bragged HEAVILY about being in the fucking enquirer for God's sake. The enquirer? Oh boy, you have really made it when you hit the big time like that. He is a fucking ebarrassment and needs to be exiled from the bodybuilding world. MD is such a piece of shit mag that I wouldn't even wipe my ass with it. All they do is bitch about flex magazine and Peter McGough through the whole damn magazine.
I honestly have to say MD is a lot better then they were in the past. They are the only Mag that I read now. Ive only read the last 3 issues but so far they seem to be the best out there.

As for Greg. He straight talks, he may have issues, however you cant deny that from being a non known gym guy he is now everywhere! I dont even think he ever won a contest. Now everyone knows this guy because of his arms and attitude, ever think that was his goal? To stand out from everyone else? He is now known worldwide as a freak!
Here i found this, its a website dedicated to Greg Valentino. As if someone is supposed to admire this moron??? It claims that he blew out his bicep rather than having an abcess formed and drained. Oh well check it out for yourselves http://www.geocities.com/gregvalentinofanclub/
jesus christ, look at the pic where he's doing inclines with 135, his rear delts look like giant zits about to burst cuz of the pressure. thats just plain weird.

and holy shit read this "Comparing the 23.5" and 28" pictures, I'd estimate Greg could pack another 6" to 8" on his arms."

another 6-8 inches? wtf?????

Thats guy is a complete fucking moron. He's seriously a bad image for bodybuilding. I wish him the best of luck with pulling his head out of his ass and taking a breath of reality. He looks like shit.
good luck and be safe...

the answer to that is easy the bastard wants attention, and he sure did get it, weather it be negitive or positive he wants it, I realized this when he post on his own website pics of him with captions saying "pic of me being arrested on commedy central".
guys just a fool, he wouldnt ever take his shirt off anyway thier isnt one shirtless pic of him existent before his synthol days, its just arms, I bet it would be a challenge for him to just take his shirt off anyway he wears them tight and i dbout he has much range of motion with those bowling balls in his sleeves.
quote from micheal jackson, "its better to be a freak, then a nobody."

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