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Growth Hormone the Natural way?

animal eater

Active member
May 20, 2008
When after an increase in growth hormone naturally, are there any natural and legal products that you have had success with?

Yes, I know and am an advocate of proper lifting, adequate rest, meal timing and macros etc. The question here is have any of you actually seen any increase via labs from taking any natural products such as a L-Dopa, melatonin, glutamine, arginine/ornithine etc. My feeling is if any of these supplements can make even a reasonable change, then they might be worth it.

And while I can here the keys from the readers typing peptides, it isn't what I am asking and also I live in Australia so the likelyhood or importation is slim to none.

Look forward to hearing your thoughts.

animal eater
I use Somatomax nightly. Sketchy positivr research- but i'm growin and sleepin deep. Check it out made by Hi-tech Pharm in Norcross Ga here in my hometown. I wake recovered no matter how hard I train.
I'm not aware of any natural stuff that really makes a difference. Training legs or stretching out your hamstrings does increase your natural level of gh.
Always hit legs as hard as possible. I do know a few people who even have had some success with the USP Powerfull which is a L-Dopa based product despite the over the top marketing.

Any other thoughts or experiences?
Question is how old are you? GH declines significantly after about 25 in males I believe, numbers could be off a bit but if you are over 40 forget about it!
have you tried gaba? i dont know by how much it raises gh levels but sure does make me feel nice.
Question is how old are you? GH declines significantly after about 25 in males I believe, numbers could be off a bit but if you are over 40 forget about it!

41 oldfella - not that old but not that young;)
have you tried gaba? i dont know by how much it raises gh levels but sure does make me feel nice.

I did some time ago. Big question was whether it crosses blood brain barrier? I did sleep pretty heavy on it and would wake with a semi hangover feeling. Not sure how people could train on it as I have read from time to time.

I think I would need a nap between sets.
41 oldfella - not that old but not that young;)
Well your natural GH is in the gutter Like mine. If you are growing it will not likely be GH! If your diet and training are on point and you are in the high range for test levels then this will be the key. And yes I too am not TOO OLD.......hahahahahahaha, but not so young either! Keep pumpin bro!:D
The last time I had a full hormone panel done, the two things that stood out that I would want to improve were GH being higher and cortisol being lower. Test/ free test were quite high for a 40 year old esp. seeing as the number wasn't enhanced.

Couldn't help but think if I could boost GH levels up it would be a good thing for recovery, fat loss and and anti aging. Cortisol seems to be a lot easier to manipulate naturally.
Mucuna Pruriens standardized 40% L-Dopa works good at naturally releasing GH

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Always hit legs as hard as possible. I do know a few people who even have had some success with the USP Powerfull which is a L-Dopa based product despite the over the top marketing.

Any other thoughts or experiences?

USP and most of it's products is just crap with fantastic marketing. I once did the cycle of Powerfull, Prime and Anabolic Pump and used over double the recommended dose (which is what they actually hint to do in the marketing) and felt/observed absolutely nothing. The only decent product they have is Jack3d.

I was light on leg workouts for some time, and then recently got back in hard and I noticed an increase in overall well being, sleep very well at night, strength in other body parts increasing nicely, and a few other positives so I'm pretty certain my natural GH has been higher than normal levels.
I tried a porduct called GH up which had a large dose of L dopa. I saw absolutely no results off of it. Peptied are real GH are the only way to go for results.
41 oldfella - not that old but not that young;)

And why aren't you wanting to try any peptides or rhGH? Much less, test (perhaps the cream types) or insulin?

These are all natural per se, as your body at least makes these, GH, testosterone and insulin.

I mean you're 41! While your tests may have suggested you're levels aren't too far off for some one at your age, still, your test and GH must be at a trickle in comparison to **youthful** levels.
USP and most of it's products is just crap with fantastic marketing. I once did the cycle of Powerfull, Prime and Anabolic Pump and used over double the recommended dose (which is what they actually hint to do in the marketing) and felt/observed absolutely nothing. The only decent product they have is Jack3d.

I was light on leg workouts for some time, and then recently got back in hard and I noticed an increase in overall well being, sleep very well at night, strength in other body parts increasing nicely, and a few other positives so I'm pretty certain my natural GH has been higher than normal levels.

Diggs, I'm not gonna lie, I literally just spent 5 minutes trying to figure out how a bug got between my screen and the protective glass and how I was going to get it out....
And why aren't you wanting to try any peptides or rhGH? Much less, test (perhaps the cream types) or insulin?

These are all natural per se, as your body at least makes these, GH, testosterone and insulin.

I mean you're 41! While your tests may have suggested you're levels aren't too far off for some one at your age, still, your test and GH must be at a trickle in comparison to **youthful** levels.

123cctv, As far as the test, yes I could supplement to get them into high levels but seeing how they are now naturally where most 20-30 year olds sit, I highly doubt that any Dr. is going to say go boost an already healthy level.

Peptides do have some appeal, though the idea of multiple injections everyday despite being sq does seem a bit of a chore. I figured if there is a way to get even half the result without that then great. Maybe that is just one big pipe dream. As far as insulin, that shit just straight scares me.

My outlook on BB has changed in the sense that I still train my nuts off, eat intelligently but am looking at the long term picture, At just under 6 ft and 210 around 10% BF, I realize that I will never be a champion more do to genetics than anything else. What is important is being healthy, keeping my strength and still looking good. (Well we all have a little narcasit in us anyway).

So while I admire the freaks, I shall never be one. I still believe that training and food are still the numero uno's and dos of the equation.

All that said, I still want better growth hormone output!
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This is more for the mature lifters here (old fucks) LOL. While heavy training in general and not just legs will ramp up GH levels due to demands placed on your endocrine system GH levels will not increase noticably from this because our output is already low if nearly non existant. However, heavy training and especially legs will raise test production providing your body is doing this also. This is especially true for you younger pups too. So the increase in well being etc could most likely be from increased test levels from training as long as you are natty. If you are enhanced then your test levels will not change if anything they may go down, hence the need for additional supplementation. There are a host of mechanisms at work here. The body is complex and still much research needs to be done. Your best bet is to supplement your GH levels from outside sources.
123cctv, As far as the test, yes I could supplement to get them into high levels but seeing how they are now naturally where most 20-30 year olds sit, I highly doubt that any Dr. is going to say go boost an already healthy level. Agreed

Peptides do have some appeal, though the idea of multiple injections everyday despite being sq does seem a bit of a chore. I figured if there is a way to get even half the result without that then great. Maybe that is just one big pipe dream. As far as insulin, that shit just straight scares me. Agree again!

My outlook on BB has changed in the sense that I still train my nuts off, eat intelligently but am looking at the long term picture, At just under 6 ft and 210 around 10% BF, I realize that I will never be a champion more do to genetics than anything else. What is important is being healthy, keeping my strength and still looking good. (Well we all have a little narcasit in us anyway).

So while I admire the freaks, I shall never be one. I still believe that training and food are still the numero uno's and dos of the equation.Absolutly agree!!

All that said, I still want better growth hormone output!
3-4iu's per day!! Should work nicely!
3-4iu's per day!! Should work nicely!

I take it oldfella that you are more in favor of GH over the peptides then. Again as I live in Australia getting GH here legally would be a fortune and most likely impossible.:(

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